Where to change money in Vietnam and what currency to take with you. How to withdraw money from a card in Vietnam with minimal losses - My geography Are there Sberbank ATMs in Nha Trang

Before traveling to Vietnam, several questions “pop up”, the answers to which are better to find out before arriving at the place. Some of the problematic Vietnamese questions are: What money should I take with me on a trip? Where can I change currency? Our next page about Vietnam is devoted to answers to these and other questions related to money.

What monetary units do we bring into the country for payments? You should forget about native rubles and impressive euros in Vietnam. We take dollars to exchange them for local Vietnamese dongs. Moreover, “green” bills should mainly be in denominations of 50 and 100 dollars, since the exchange rate for small American banknotes is somewhat lower. And such dollars will be useful for you to pay with traders in markets, in souvenir shops, for taxi drivers, guides, etc.

Currency exchange places

Tourists prefer banks and exchange offices when exchanging currency. In these places, the official exchange rate is set, and the likelihood of fraud is reduced to zero. The only negative is the commission for financial transactions: about 2-3%.

Many people rush to exchange money immediately at the airport. You can, of course, exchange 50 dollars for dongs while still at the airport. It’s no longer worth it, because the exchange rate here is undervalued, but in the cities it will be better.

You can also start exchanging currency at the hotel where you will be staying. The exchange rate for banknotes in restaurants and travel agencies, even in pharmacies, will be much higher than in banks. The most acceptable and profitable exchange of money will be in jewelry stores. Local residents often do this.

Please pay attention to the fact that the Vietnamese currency exchange rate, as in many other countries, depends on the time of day at which funds are withdrawn, on the location of the bank (the farther from the main streets, the higher the rate), on the characteristics of the bank (with what it works in currency). See the official rate below and look for a bank or exchanger with more favorable conditions.

Official Vietnamese dong exchange rate

There are quite a few ATMs dotted on the streets in Vietnam. They can withdraw cash from a plastic card. Vietnamese ATMs issue money only in local dongs.

Currency exchange at ATMs is carried out with limits on the amount: up to 2-3 million dong. There is also a fee for withdrawing cash: it can be 50,000-60,000 dong. Plus, your bank will withdraw a certain amount for the transaction. The exchange rate for such operations will be official and not always profitable.

Opening hours of banking institutions in Vietnam

Banking institutions are open 6 days a week; they are closed on Sunday. They do not serve clients on state or some religious holidays. As for opening hours, they may vary somewhat in different cities.

From Monday to Friday their doors are open from 7:30 to 15:00 with a lunch break from 11:30 to 13 or 14 hours. On Saturdays, banks open at 8 a.m. and close at noon. In some cities, banks open at 7 am and are open until 5 pm (for example, in Nha Trang). On Saturdays, many banks are closed by 10 am.

How to withdraw money from a card in Vietnam, in particular from a Sberbank ruble card? It's possible. It’s easier and more profitable to do this at an ATM. But withdrawing money from a bank in Vientam is the most unprofitable way. There will be a withdrawal fee no matter what. At an ATM it is about 100 rubles and plus the ATM commission (20-50 thousand dong). Money can only be withdrawn in Vietnamese dong.

ATMs in Vientame are designated ATM. There is a limit on issuance - usually 2-3 million dong (for “ours” $100-150). They write that there are those that give out up to 5 million dong, but I can’t tell you where they are. But if you need more cash, you can make two or three trips to the ATM. For example, if you need to withdraw 8 million dong, you will have to withdraw 2 times 3 million and 1 time withdraw 2 million.

Almost all ATMs in Vientame, except MB bank, charge some commission for any transaction. The commission ranges from $1-2 in dong terms depending on the bank. Usually the commission amount is written on the ATM monitor before dispensing money. Also, do not forget about the Sberbank commission for issuing money in another country and converting ruble-dollar-dong. It is better to check the size of Sberbank’s commission in advance through bank branches or through a call center before leaving Russia. But taking into account the Sberbank commission, I think it’s better not to withdraw money in small amounts, it’s better less often, more often.

In Nha Trang, tourists from Russia most often withdraw cash from MB bank or Agribank. It also makes sense to look for VRB Bank ATMs - this is a joint bank (Russia-Vietnam). In MB bank and VRB Bank there is no ATM commission; in Agribank the commission is 22 thousand dong for each withdrawal. The limit for issuing money is 3 million (approximately $150). There is information on Vietcombank ATMs - commission 20 thousand for withdrawal, limit 2 million.

If you went to the island Phu Quoc, then withdraw money only to Agribank. In Fukuoka, this is the only ATM where a fixed commission is set at 22 thousand bongs, all other ATMs are a percentage of the withdrawal amount.

Verified in 2017 - MB Bank (Military bank) ATMs do not charge a commission. The limit for one withdrawal from a Sberbank ruble card is exactly 3 million dong. There are several ATMs of this bank in Nha Trang

Here is the position of two MB Bank ATMs in Nha Trang without commission.

  • Check that there is nothing foreign in the card reader and on the keyboard
  • Insert card
  • Language must be selected ENGLISH
  • Enter the PIN code (but it is better to cover the keyboard with your hand from the surveillance camera)
  • Operation type: CASH WITHDRAW
  • Select account - DEFAULT
  • The amount is indicated in dong
  • Press ENTER or OK
  • Then the ATM will ask about printing a receipt - YES
  • Then the commission amount will be indicated (20-50 thousand dong), click YES
  • We take the card, then the money, then the check
  • If you need to remove more, repeat all steps from the beginning

What needs to be done to prevent your card from being blocked in Vietnam

Before flying to Vietnam, or at least while already there, but before attempting to withdraw money in Vietnam, you need to notify the bank. If you have a Sberbank card, then call +7-495-500-00-05 and ask to enable “Special mode” for the country Vietnam. If it’s another bank, then call there, of course. Your bank's phone number is usually listed on the back of the card. You will be asked for your passport number and registration address, as well as a code word. After this, the card will definitely not be blocked and you will be able to withdraw money from an ATM in Vietnam or pay with the card in a supermarket.

To call from Vietnam to Russia, purchase a local SIM card, since roaming in Vietnam is very expensive, and local calls are cheap.

As stated above, in Vietnam you can withdraw money through a bank teller. Unlike Thailand, this is the most unprofitable method. The bank commission will then be 2% of the amount. This is not counting the Sberbank commission. You will need to present your passport at the bank.

Thus, when going to Vietnam you do not need to open a foreign currency account. You can pay in stores or withdraw money from a ruble card. You can withdraw money from a card in Vietnam at an ATM from any debit ruble card Mastercard, Sberbank Visa or any other bank.

Many tourists are interested in the question of withdrawing cash from Vietnamese ATMs. In this article I will talk about ATMs in Vietnam in Nha Trang and cash withdrawal in Vietnam.

How to withdraw money from an ATM in Vietnam

In order to withdraw money from an ATM, you need to:

  • insert the card and select the language, in our case English ( English);
  • click on a word Cash Withdrawal;
  • select the amount you want to withdraw and press ( Credit).

After that, you receive your card, and later the money. It is more profitable to withdraw a large amount at once from ATMs in Vietnam, because... the commission is always the same for the very fact of withdrawal. The commission amount ranges from 0 to 60,000 VND.

ATM fees in Vietnam

99% of local bank ATMs in Vietnam charge a fee for cash withdrawals. The commission varies from 20,000 VND and above. On average, this is 4-5% . Don’t forget about the commission of your bank (for example, in Russia or another country), which may also charge a commission for withdrawing cash from a third-party bank and conducting a transaction.

What is important to know about ATMs and cash withdrawals in Vietnam in Nha Trang

Before withdrawing cash from any ATM in Vietnam, it will be useful for you to know:

  • Some ATMs charge cash withdrawal limit. For example, this could be an amount from 50 to 100 dollars.
  • Commission, charged by an ATM, is not immediately detected. Often after withdrawing cash.
  • It is important not to forget about the question exchange your native currency to dong during an ATM transaction. This also imposes additional costs.
  • Visa and traveler's checks— the most optimal options for storing money while traveling in Vietnam.
  • Cash, of course, are convenient, but the issue of financial security always remains relevant. Therefore, keep your money in different “baskets”.

How to profitably withdraw money from ATMs in Vietnam

MB Bank ATMs in Vietnam

As we have already said, almost all Vietnamese ATMs charge a commission. For example, the military bank MB Bank, where the cash withdrawal fee is 5,000 VND and the one-time withdrawal amount is up to 5,000,000 VND. And please note that if you request a balance, a fee for this service will also be charged.

Cash withdrawal from VRB Bank ATMs in Vietnam

VRB Bank is a Russian-Vietnamese bank. There is also no interest on cash withdrawals from this bank. But the ATM does not accept Master Card.

Tours to Nha Trang and Phu Quoc

Buy tours to Vietnam with promotional codes . With them you will receive an additional discount of 300 and 500 rubles. in all directions, 1500 rub. for tours to Thailand.

      • - discount 300 rub. for any tour, costing from 20,000 rubles.
      • - discount 500 rub. for any tour, costing from 40,000 rubles.
      • - 600 ₽ discount on all tours from 50,000 rubles. in the mobile application
ATM without commission for cash withdrawal.

Instructions for dummies on using MB bank ATMs in Vietnam:

1 Insert the card, select the language "English".
3 Enter the PIN code and click "OK".
4 Click “Rut Tien” (“withdraw money”).

5. Click "current account";
6. Select the amount (maximum for one transaction is 3 million dong);
7. Click “No” on the question “Print a check?”;
8. We receive the money and count it;
9. This is what the MB bank ATM looks like (opposite the Stella Maris hotel).

Why MB bank?
MB bank is the only bank that issues money from cards of foreign banks without commission. Only your bank charges a commission for each transaction. At Sberbank, the commission for the operation is 150 rubles.

Is it possible to pay with a card in a restaurant or cafe?
Not everywhere. Ask the waiter in advance to clarify the conditions. This will also be beneficial.

Be sure to inform your bank that you are going to use their card in another country. It is best to contact the operator and explain everything to him.

Take with you on vacation approximately half the amount on your card and cash. Cash will be useful when paying for excursions and meals (when exchanged for local currency - Vietnamese dong). The higher the denomination of banknotes, the more favorable the exchange rate.

In this article I will tell you in which Fukuoka ATMs can you withdraw money without commission or with a minimum commission. Updated data on banks in March 2019. In addition, from the article you will learn where it is better to change dollars and euros, and whether it is even worth taking them with you to Vietnam. And also about stability and exchange rates

Let's move directly to banks, ATMs and commissions. I’ll start with the most positive banks that don’t charge commissions.

Phu Quoc ATMs, where to withdraw money without commission in Vietnam

You need to understand that commissions are different:

  • Commission of another bank for issuing cash from your card
  • Your bank's commission for withdrawing cash from someone else's ATM
  • Conversion fees, cross-border payment, payment system fees

This article is about the first commission - commissions of a foreign (Vietnamese) bank. That is, about the amounts that local ATMs in Fukuoka will or will not charge you. What commission your bank will require is another story. For example, the one I use helps me withdraw cash without commission.

ATMs in Fukuoka with a small commission

Unfortunately, all three banks that I wrote about above are not located in the tourist area. It is not very cost-effective to specifically get to them by taxi at a cost of 30,000 dong, in order to save 20,000 - 30,000 dong in commission. A , even if you have a category A license, so it’s worth considering more affordable ATMs:

Withdrawing cash from an ATM in Vietnam

When withdrawing money from an ATM in Fukuoka and just in Asia, you need to remember a few nuances and foreign words. The sequence may vary slightly, but, as a rule, all points are present. So:

ATMs with high fees for withdrawals from foreign cards

It was not possible to make friends with these ATMs, despite the fact that they are quite popular among the Vietnamese. The same Vietcombank allows you to make a local payment or transfer without commission, almost every local resident has this,

Important point! For multi-currency card holders with a dong account, most Vietnamese banks do not charge fees. A multi-currency account can be created, for example, on a Tinkoff Black card. In this case, the loss will only occur when converting rubles into dongs at the bank rate.

I’ll probably stop here about ATMs. It's time to move on to other equally interesting topics, for example, the choice between bank cards and cash.

Bank card with you to Phu Quoc island

In my opinion, it is better to keep the bulk of your vacation money on your bank card or account. But it is important to remember the following points:

  • Abroad, it is better to have cards from different payment systems: Master Card and Visa.. For example, I haven’t worked with Visa cards at all, and in March they don’t always accept MasterCard from me
  • Your bank may charge a fee for withdrawing cash abroad. On this commission you can lose from 100 rubles to several percent of the withdrawal amount. Now many banks allow starting from a certain amount, for example from 3000 rubles.
  • Be sure to notify your bank about your upcoming trip, calling there while still in Russia. This is necessary so that your bank’s security system does not block the card, doubting the integrity of the foreign transaction. It will be unpleasant to find out at the time of payment that the card is blocked, and that you need to call, spend money from your phone in roaming, or even return to Russia to prove your involvement with your own money.
  • The phone number associated with the card must always be accessible. Put money there for emergencies on the card, so that if necessary, the bank can reach you by phone or simply check your withdrawals or payments via messages.
  • When withdrawing foreign currency, for example dongs, from a bank ruble card, you will most likely lose 1.5-3% of money on conversion. Dongs to dollars at the rate of the payment system. Dollars to rubles at your bank's rate
  • Don’t forget that in Vietnam, when you withdraw cash from your card the local bank can also charge its commission it varies from 1.5% to 5%.

Cash in Vietnam on the island of Phu Quoc - whether to take dollars or euros

In Vietnam, as throughout Asia, dollars are widely used. Although you can’t buy anything with them, it’s very easy to exchange them for local currency at a good rate. Such a story will not work with rubles. Therefore, either bring currency (dollars and euros) or rubles on a bank card. At the same time, you should always proceed from the fact that not everywhere in Asia you can find an ATM to withdraw money from your card. There are ATMs everywhere on Phu Quoc Island. There are quite a few of them, but not all of them issue money without commission. Well, don’t forget about the risks of using bank cards:

  • the bank will not issue money
  • the ATM will swallow your card
  • your bank will block the card
  • you'll just lose it

Therefore, many people prefer to take cash. The easiest way to change dollars is on the island: shops, pharmacies, travel agencies, jewelry stores and of course Phu Quoc banks will easily exchange your dollars for Vietnamese dong. That's just the hotel guide will lie to you that the best rate on the island is 2,250,000 VND for $100. In any other place, even in your hotel, the rate will be 2,300,000 VND, and in banks the total is higher.

Euros on the island are also exchanged at a good rate, but mainly in banks. In general, if you live not far from a bank, it is better to exchange your currency there.

About the currency exchange rate in Fukouka

When bringing dollars, do not forget that this is only beneficial if you receive your salary in dollars. Otherwise, there is a big loss on conversion: first, buy dollars with rubles in your country, and then sell dollars in Vietnam. In both cases there is a small loss of money. By the way, if you receive euros, then you can safely bring them too, the exchange rate on the island is quite normal. So we remember:

  • There is always a good course here on the island. For 1$ they will give 23,000 - 23,100 dong. You can change them not only at the bank, but also in local jewelry stores and hotels without fear of being deceived or slipped into counterfeits, no matter how much the hotel guide scares you. Sometimes jewelry stores have better currency exchange offers
  • If the bank card is in place and you still have bucks, then it’s better to hide them in a secluded place for a rainy day, and pay or withdraw money from the bank card
  • Please note that a good course is offered in Ho Chi Minh City, although we did not know about it. Out of habit, they did not trust the airport. Therefore, before arriving, look at the current exchange rate of the Vietnamese dong to the dollar, and you will get your bearings on the spot.

In my opinion, the easiest way to change money is at the bank.