Eiffel Tower project on the surrounding world. LA TOUR EIFFEL

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Alexandre Gustave Eiffel

Slide 3

  • the first place of work is connected with the railway;
  • soon opens his own business;
  • built many train stations throughout Europe;
  • worked on the metal frame for the Statue of Liberty;
  • worked on the rotating dome of the observatory in Nice...
  • Slide 4

    But the main work of his life was the iron tower in the center of Paris

  • Slide 5


    In 1888, a world exhibition was to be held in Barcelona. G. Eiffel wanted to build a 300-meter iron tower in the city. However, he was refused.

    Slide 6

    But the next year the same fair was supposed to take place in Paris. In addition, 1889 was a milestone year for the French - it marked 100 years since the Great French Revolution. Therefore, the authorities organized a competition among architects and engineers. And Gustave Eiffel won it!

    Slide 7


    And on January 28, 1887, construction work began. For just over two years, 300 workers erected a steel beauty on the Champ de Mars opposite the Jena Bridge.

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    At first, the Eiffel Tower was met with undisguised negativity, but almost instantly the tower became a success.

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    • Height (with antenna) - 320.75m
    • Weight - 10,100 t
    • Number of metal elements - 15,000
    • Number of welded rivets - 2.5 million
  • Slide 11

    • Number of steps - 1792
    • Service personnel - 350 people
    • Average number of visitors per year - 6 million people
    • The number of visitors throughout its existence is about 250 million people
    • 10,400 people can be on the tower at the same time
  • Slide 12

    • The first platform is at an altitude of 58 meters
    • Second platform - 115 meters
    • Intermediate sites at an altitude of 196 and 276 meters
    • Third platform - at an altitude of 300.65 meters
  • Slide 13

    The purpose of platforms before

    • On the first platform there is a restaurant
    • On the second platform there are water tanks for elevators
    • On the third platform there are astronomical and meteorological observatories and a physics room.
  • Slide 14


    Slide 15

    • There are also observation decks with telescopes, souvenir shops and the Tour Eiffel Museum.
    • The tower is used for radio and television broadcasting, as well as a weather service station
    • There is a lighthouse on the topmost platform
  • Slide 16

    Under the first balcony, on all four sides of the parapet, the names of 72 French scientists, engineers and everyone who contributed to the creation of G. Eiffel are engraved. These inscriptions appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were restored in 1986-1987.

    Slide 17

    At the foot of the tower stands a golden bust of its architect A.G. Eiffel

  • Slide 18

    Cosmetic repairs are carried out every 7 years. 60 tons of paint in three shades are applied.

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    In 1964, on the 75th anniversary of the tower, 10 climbers climbed the Eiffel Tower

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    The steel beauty welcomed the year 2000 wearing a necklace of 20 thousand light bulbs. At the end of the holiday, the authorities did not turn off the illumination. Two years later, the garland burned out, and two years later it was lit again, and now every day at nightfall for 10 minutes at the beginning of each hour, the famous openwork arrow shines in the rays of electric light.

    For 100 years, the undisputed symbol of Paris, and, perhaps, of the whole of France, has been the Eiffel Tower. When in Paris, anyone strives to see this “triumph of technical thought of the 19th century.”

    In horizontal projection, the Eiffel Tower rests on a square of 1.6 hectares. Together with the antenna, its height is 320.75 meters and it weighs 8,600 tons. According to experts, 2.5 million rivets were used during its construction to create a smooth curve. 12,000 parts for the tower were made according to precise drawings. In addition, the tallest tower in the world at that time was assembled by 250 workers in an amazingly short time.

    Location of the Eiffel Tower

    The main attraction of Paris is located on the Champ de Mars - a former military parade ground, which was later transformed into a beautiful park. Currently, the park, the layout of which was changed by the architect Formige in 1908-1928, is divided into wide alleys decorated with flower beds and small ponds.

    The Eiffel Tower is located next to the central embankment of the Seine, near the Pont de Jena bridge. The tower is visible from many points in Paris. Now it is considered a decoration of the city. Although it is worth recognizing that the tower was not specially decorated during construction. Eiffel initially had the idea of ​​placing decorative statues at the corners of each platform, but then he abandoned this idea, leaving only openwork arches, since they fit into the strict image of the structure.

    The acceleration of technological progress in the 19th century led to revolutionary changes in architecture. Projects of grandiose high-rise buildings are emerging in various places. At this time, radical changes took place in architecture: glass and steel became a new building material, most suitable for the task of making any building light, dynamic, and modern. Figuratively speaking, the engineer finally replaced the architect.

    The government of the Third Republic decided to capture the imagination of its contemporaries by building a structure the like of which the world had never seen. The exhibition was supposed to demonstrate the achievements of technological progress. In 1886, a competition was announced in Paris for the best architectural design for the 1889 World Exhibition, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The plan for the Eiffel Tower was designed by Maurice Koeschlin in 1884. Gustave Eiffel (he is also known for building the frame for the famous one) was interested in this project, and he decided to bring it to life. The plan for the future tower was significantly supplemented and adopted by the commission in June 1886. True, an unrealistically short period of time was allocated for the construction of the structure - only 2 years, and the tower was supposed to rise 1000 feet (304.8 meters). But this did not stop Eiffel. By this time he was quite a strong professional in his field. He built a large number of railway bridges, and the peculiarity of his style was that he was able to find extraordinary engineering solutions to complex technical problems. In November 1886, funds were allocated for the construction of this miracle of modern times.

    On January 28, 1887, construction began on the left bank of the Seine. A year and a half was spent on laying the foundation, and the installation of the tower took just over eight months.

    During the laying of the foundation, a depth of up to 5 meters below the level of the Seine was carried out; blocks 10 meters thick were laid in the pits, because nothing could be neglected to unconditionally guarantee stability. Hydraulic presses with a lifting capacity of up to 800 tons were built into each of the four foundations for the tower legs. The 16 supports on which the tower rests (four in each of the four “legs”) were equipped with hydraulic lifting devices in order to ensure an absolutely precise horizontal level of the first platform.

    Elevators were installed immediately during construction. Four elevators inside the tower's legs go up to the second platform, and a fifth goes from the second to the third platform. Initially, the elevators were hydraulic, but already at the beginning of the 20th century they were electrified. Only once, during 1940, was the tower completely closed because all its elevators failed. Due to the fact that the Germans entered the city at that time, no one cared about repairing the tower. The elevators were repaired only after 4 years.

    On March 31, 1889, the grand opening of the Eiffel Tower took place. To the patriotic strains of the Marseillaise, Gustav Eiffel climbed the 1,792 steps and hoisted the flag. The Eiffel Tower was erected on time, in 26 months. Moreover, the accuracy of its design was simply amazing; everything was measured down to the smallest detail. Until 1931 (the date of construction of the Empire State Building), the tower was even considered the tallest structure on our planet.

    Of course, the project was grandiose, but at one time it met with a lot of sarcasm and reproach. The Eiffel Tower was called the “monster with nuts.” Many believed that it would not last long and would soon collapse. Back in the 19th century, Parisians terribly disliked the tower; Hugo and Verlaine were indignant. Great cultural figures wrote long angry letters demanding the immediate removal of this “lightning rod” from the streets of Paris.

    Maupassant dined regularly at the restaurant at the very top of the tower. When asked why he was doing this if he terribly did not like the tower, Maupassant replied: “This is the only place in all of vast Paris from where it is not visible.” Prominent artists were indignant: “In the name of genuine taste, in the name of art, in the name of the history of France, which is now under threat, we - writers, artists, sculptors, architects, passionate admirers of the hitherto impeccable beauty of Paris, protest with deep indignation against the building in the heart of our capital, the useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower.”

    Even some members of the commission, who gave the go-ahead for the construction of the tower, said that this building would not stand for more than 20 years, after this period it would have to be demolished, otherwise the tower would simply collapse on the city. It is worth noting that even today, despite the fact that the Eiffel Tower has long been recognized as a symbol of France, some people disdain this achievement of modern construction.

    Many times in history, the issue of demolishing the tower was discussed for various reasons (including the fact that some ministers believed that it was an unnecessary investment of money). A serious threat to the tower existed in 1903, when money was even allocated for dismantling. The tower was saved only by the appearance of the radio. It became the mainstay of antennas for, then television and radar services.

    Now, of course, there is no doubt about the need for the Eiffel Tower. On the tower there is a unique one, where daily fluctuations in electricity, the degree of pollution and the level of atmospheric radiation are being studied. From here the Parisian broadcasts its programs. It has a transmitter installed on it that provides communication between police and firefighters. The uppermost platform has a diameter of 1.7 meters. There is a lighthouse on it. The light of its spotlights is visible at a distance of 70 kilometers.

    Eiffel Tower today

    The base of the Eiffel Tower is a square with sides of 123 meters. Its lower tier, which looks like a truncated pyramid, consists of four powerful supports, the lattice structures of which, connecting with each other, form huge arches.

    The tower has three floors. The first is at a height of 57 m, the second at 115 m and the third at 276 m. In addition to the fact that it is noticeable due to its considerable height, the tower also stands out due to its intense lighting. In 1986, the tower's external night lighting was replaced by an internal lighting system, so that after dark it looks simply magical.

    The Eiffel Tower is very stable: a strong one tilts its top by only 10 - 12 centimeters. In hot weather, due to uneven heating by the sun's rays, it can deviate by 18 centimeters. 1910, which flooded the pylons of the tower, did not damage it at all.

    Initially, the tower was a symbol of the Revolution. It was supposed to show the technical achievements of France over the past 10 years. The tower was never just a decoration. So, immediately after the opening of the Eiffel Tower, a restaurant began operating here, which had unprecedented success. 10 years later, another restaurant was opened. On the second, at an altitude of 116 meters, the Figaro newspaper equipped its editorial office. During the Empire and the Revolution, numerous and crowded celebrations were held at the Eiffel Tower. The tower has observation decks that are extremely popular among tourists. When particularly clear, the gaze can cover a distance of up to 70 km in radius. And in 2004, an ice skating rink opened here. It was installed at the 57-meter height of the first floor of the tower within a week and a half. On an area of ​​200 square meters, 80 guests of the tower can ride simultaneously.

    More than 6 million people visit the Eiffel Tower every year. Modern elevators take them to observation platforms with telescopes, restaurants, souvenir shops and the Tour Eiffel museum. Many people on the planet still dream of seeing this miracle with their own eyes.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    Gustave Eiffel Alexandre Gustave Eiffel is a French engineer, specialist in the design of metal structures. He gained unprecedented popularity after the construction in Paris for the 1889 exhibition of a metal tower, one of the most remarkable technical structures of the 19th century and named in his honor.

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    The Eiffel Tower (la tour Eiffel) is the most recognizable architectural landmark of Paris, world famous as a symbol of France, named after its designer Gustave Eiffel. Eiffel himself simply called it a 300-meter tower (tour de 300 mètres).

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    In 2006, 6,719,200 people visited the tower, and in its entire history until December 31, 2007 - 236,445,812 people. That is, the tower is the most visited and most photographed landmark in the world. This symbol of Paris was intended as a temporary structure - the tower served as the entrance arch to the Paris World Exhibition of 1889. The tower was saved from planned demolition (20 years after the exhibition) by radio antennas installed at the very top - this was the era of the introduction of radio.

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    Location The tower was erected on the Champ de Mars opposite the Jena Bridge over the Seine River, Quai Branly.

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    Height The Eiffel Tower originally stood 300.65 m above ground level. The height together with the new antenna is 324 meters (2010). For more than 40 years, the Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure in the world, almost 2 times taller than the tallest buildings in the world at that time - the Cheops Pyramid (146.6 m), Cologne (156 m) and Ulm Cathedral (161 m) - until In 1930, it was not surpassed by the Chrysler Building in New York.

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    Color Throughout its history, the tower has repeatedly changed the color of its painting - from yellow to red-brown. In recent decades, the Eiffel Tower has been invariably painted in the so-called “Eiffel brown” - an officially patented color close to the natural shade of bronze. The Iron Lady resists the ravages of time thanks to 57 tons of paint, which must be renewed every 7 years.

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    Dimensions of the Eiffel Tower Weight of the metal structure - 7,300 tons (total weight 10,100 tons). Today, three towers could be built from this metal at once. The foundation is made of concrete masses. The vibrations of the tower during storms do not exceed 15 cm. The lower floor is a pyramid (129.2 m each side at the base), formed by 4 columns connected at a height of 57.63 m by an arched vault; on the vault is the first platform of the Eiffel Tower. The platform is a square (65 m across). On this platform rises a second pyramid-tower, also formed by 4 columns connected by a vault, on which there is (at a height of 115.73 m) a second platform (a square 35 m in diameter).

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    Four columns rising on the second platform, pyramidally approaching and gradually intertwining, form a colossal pyramidal column (190 m), carrying a third platform (at a height of 276.13 m), also square in shape (16.5 m in diameter); there is a lighthouse with a dome on it, above which at an altitude of 300 m there is a platform (1.4 m in diameter). There are stairs (1792 steps) and elevators leading to the tower. Restaurant halls were erected on the first platform; on the second platform there were tanks with machine oil for the hydraulic lifting machine (elevator) and a restaurant in a glass gallery. The third platform housed the astronomical and meteorological observatories and the physics room. The light of the lighthouse was visible at a distance of 10 km.

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    The huge iron tower does not suffer much from the wind. Even the strongest wind that happened in Paris (approximately 180 km/h) deflected the top of the tower by only 12 cm. The Sun affects it significantly more. The side facing the sun expands from the heat so that the top deviates to the side by 18 cm.

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    Shape The erected tower was stunning with its daring design. Eiffel was severely criticized for the project and simultaneously accused of trying to create something artistic and non-artistic. Together with his engineers - specialists in bridge construction, Eiffel was engaged in calculations of wind force, well aware that if they were building the tallest structure in the world, they must first of all make sure that it was resistant to wind loads.

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    Inscriptions Under the first balcony, on all four sides of the parapet, the names of 72 French scientists and engineers, as well as those who made a special contribution to the creation of Gustave Eiffel, are engraved. These inscriptions appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were restored in 1986-1987 by the Société Nouvelle d’exploitation de la Tour Eiffel company, hired by the mayor’s office to operate the Eiffel Tower. The tower itself is the property of the city of Paris.

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    Lighting The lighting on the Eiffel Tower was first turned on on its opening day in 1889. Then it consisted of 10 thousand gas lamps, two searchlights and a lighthouse installed on the top, the light of which was colored blue, white and red - the colors of the national flag of France. In 1900, electric lamps appeared on the Iron Lady's designs. The current golden lighting was first turned on on December 31, 1985.

    The Eiffel Tower (construction completed on October 25, 1889) is the most recognizable architectural landmark of Paris, world famous as a symbol of France, named after its designer Gustav Eiffel. October 25, 1889 Paris France Gustav Eiffel General information:

    The tower is 322 meters high, including the television antenna at the top. The total weight of the metal structure is more than 10 thousand tons. The Eiffel Tower consists of 3 platforms, which are squares formed by 4 columns. On platform 3 there is a lighthouse with a dome, above which there is an observation deck at an altitude of 274 meters. You can climb the tower in two ways: by stairs, overcoming 1792 steps, or by using an elevator. General information:

    History of creation: The French authorities decided to organize a world exhibition in memory of the centenary of the French Revolution (1789). The Paris city administration asked the famous engineer Gustav Eiffel to make a corresponding proposal. At first, Eiffel was a little puzzled, but then, rummaging through his papers, he submitted drawings of a 300-meter iron tower, to which he had previously paid almost no attention. On September 18, 1884, Gustav Eiffel received a joint patent for the project with his employees, and subsequently bought from them the exclusive right. World Exhibition of the French Revolution (1789)

    On May 1, 1886, a nationwide competition of architectural and engineering projects opens, which will determine the architectural appearance of the future World Exhibition. There are 107 applicants participating in the competition, most of whom, to one degree or another, repeat the tower design proposed by Eiffel. Various extravagant ideas were also under consideration, including, for example, a giant guillotine, which was supposed to be reminiscent of the French Revolution (1789).guillotine of the French Revolution (1789)

    Another proposal was a stone tower, but calculations and past experience showed that it would be very difficult to build a stone structure that would be even taller than the 169-meter Washington Monument, the construction of which had cost the United States enormous efforts several years earlier. Eiffel's design becomes one of the four winners, and then the engineer makes final changes to it, finding a compromise between the original purely engineering design scheme and the decorative version. Washington Monument

    In January 1887, Eiffel, the state and the municipality of Paris signed an agreement according to which Eiffel was provided with an operating lease of the tower for his personal use for a period of 25 years, and also provided for the payment of a cash subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million gold francs, amounting to 25% of all expenses for construction of a tower. On December 31, 1888, in order to attract the missing funds, a joint-stock company was created with an authorized capital of 5 million francs. Half of this amount was contributed by three banks, the other half was Eiffel’s own personal funds. The final construction budget was 7.8 million francs. The tower paid for itself during the exhibition period, and its subsequent operation turned out to be a very profitable business.

    Lighting: The lighting on the Eiffel Tower was first turned on on its opening day in 1889. Then it consisted of 10 thousand gas lamps, two searchlights and a lighthouse installed on the top, the light of which was painted in the blue, white and red colors of the national flag of France. In 1900, electric lamps appeared on the Iron Lady's designs. The current golden lighting was first turned on on December 31, 1985. In 1925, Andre Citroen placed an advertisement on the tower that he called “Eiffel Tower on Fire.” About 125 thousand electric light bulbs were installed on the tower. One after another, ten images flashed on the tower: the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower, star rain, the flight of comets, the signs of the Zodiac, the year the tower was created, the current year and, finally, the name Citroen. This promotion lasted until 1934, and the tower was the tallest advertising location in the world. 1889 gas lamps spotlights lighthouse electric light bulbs star rain comets zodiac signs 1934

    In the summer of 2003, the tower was “dressed” in a new lighting robe. Over the course of several months, a team of thirty climbers entangled the tower structures with 40 kilometers of wires and installed 20 thousand light bulbs, manufactured to a special order from one of the French companies. The new illumination, which cost 4.6 million euros, was reminiscent of the one that first turned on on the tower on the night of New Year 2000, when the tower, usually illuminated by golden-yellow lanterns, in a matter of seconds was dressed in a fabulous glow, winking with silver lights.

    Interesting facts: On February 4, 1912, the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt jumped from a 60-meter height on the first level of the Eiffel Tower, wearing a parachute cape of his own design on his back. The parachute did not open, and the inventor fell to his death. 1912 Austrian Franz Reichelt parachute In 1925, the fraudster Victor Lustig managed to “sell” the tower twice for scrap metal. to host the 2012 Summer Olympics2012 Olympics

    Interesting facts: The Iron Lady resists the ravages of time thanks to 57 tons of paint, which must be renewed every 7 years. The huge iron tower does not suffer much from the wind. Even the strongest wind that happened in Paris (approximately 180 km/h) deflected the top of the tower by only 12 cm. The Sun affects it significantly more. The side facing the sun expands from the heat so that the top tilts to the side by 18 cm. In January 1956, a sudden fire broke out and damaged the upper part of the structure. 1956 In 2002, the number of visitors to the tower exceeded 200 million.

    The Eiffel Tower is the most
    recognizable architectural
    landmark of Paris,
    world famous as a symbol
    France, named after
    its designer Gustav
    Eiffel. This symbol of Paris
    intended to be temporary
    structure - the tower served
    Parisian entrance arch
    World Exhibition of 1889.

    Before construction
    Initial sketch of the tower.
    Eiffel was a little puzzled at first, but
    then, rummaging through his papers, he deposited
    review of drawings of a 300-meter
    iron tower, which he had before
    paid almost no attention. September 18
    1884 Gustave Eiffel receives
    joint patent with its employees
    for the project, and subsequently buys it from them
    as well as an exclusive right. For that,
    so that the tower is more aesthetically pleasing
    to the tastes of the demanding Parisian public,
    architect Stephane Sauvestre was
    assigned to work on it
    artistic appearance. He offered
    cover the base supports of the tower with stone,
    connect its supports and the ground floor platform
    with the help of majestic arches that
    would simultaneously become the main entrance to
    exhibition, placed on the floors of the tower
    spacious glazed halls, give
    the top of the tower has a rounded shape and
    use a variety of decorative
    elements for its decoration.

    Construction work during
    two years, two months and five
    days (from January 28, 1887 to 31
    March 1889) performed 300
    workers. Record time
    construction was facilitated by drawings
    extremely high quality with
    indicating exact dimensions more
    18,038 metal parts, for
    assemblies of which used 2.5
    million rivets. To finish
    tower at the appointed time,
    Eiffel used, more
    partly, pre-fabricated
    parts. Holes for rivets
    were drilled on
    already planned places
    in advance, and two thirds of 2.5 million
    there were rivets in advance
    secured. None of them
    the prepared beams did not weigh
    more than 3 tons, which is very
    made it easier to lift
    metal parts on
    provided places.

    One of the most difficult problems
    This was the first platform for Eiffel.
    Solid wood fittings
    should have held 4
    inclined supports and huge beams
    first platform. Four
    inclined supports rested on
    sand-filled metal
    cylinders Sand could have been
    gradually release and thus
    way, install supports under
    correct tilt.
    Additional hydraulic
    lifts in support foundations
    gave an opportunity
    final adjustment
    positions of 4 inclined supports,
    which can thus be
    was exactly matched to the iron
    fittings of the first platform.

    "Federation Tower" is a skyscraper built in
    Moscow. In November 2014 it became the highest
    skyscraper in Europe and remained so for 3 years,
    until October 2017, after which it was surpassed
    the still unfinished St. Petersburg “Lakhta Center”
    The complex consists of two towers,
    erected on one stylobate.
    The Vostok Tower is a 97-story structure.
    The top mark of the Vostok tower under construction
    the Federation complex reached 343 meters.
    Construction of the monolithic frame was completed 9
    December 2014. Completed at the end of 2015
    engineering works and glazing. Construction
    was fully completed on November 15, 2017.
    The height is 374 meters.
    Tower "West" is a 63-story structure.
    Construction is completely completed. Height
    The skyscraper is 242.4 meters.
    Total area of ​​the Federation Tower premises
    totals 442,915.2 sq.m. total area
    land plot - 10,730 sq.m.
    The Federation Tower complex houses
    offices and apartments. Stylobate - 6-storey
    atrium - occupied by offices and a shopping gallery.

    Unique technical features[edit |
    edit wiki text]
    The basis for the Federation Tower complex
    is the foundation, which is based on
    massive concrete slab. It was time to fill it
    14 thousand cubic meters of concrete were spent,
    this achievement was even recorded in
    Guinness Book of Records. Sustainability of both
    buildings is provided by powerful
    concrete core having 1.4 walls at the base
    meters, as well as 25 perimeter columns,
    piercing both towers from the foundation to
    top floor. Each column at the base
    is 2 m x 1.4 m. Every 25-30
    floors in the skyscrapers of the Tower complex
    Federation" there are outrigger floors,
    which are made of high-strength steel
    designs. Outrigger floors give
    additional stability for buildings.
    The latest glazing systems were used,
    which are designed specifically for the Tower
    Federation" by German and Chinese
    specialists. The glass surface reflects
    solar radiation while maintaining
    optimal temperature in the building. By
    glass density is close to the parameters
    heat resistance of a brick wall. On that moment,
    when did they start using this in the Tower?
    technology, it has not been used in any
    skyscraper of the world.
    The Federation Tower complex has 67 elevators.

    June 28, 2007
    September 28, 2010

    The Shard (The Shard London
    Bridge, translated into Russian
    "Shard of Glass" or simply
    "The Shard") - a skyscraper in
    London (310 m, 87 floors),
    erected on the Southwark site
    Towers, a 25-story office building
    center built in 1975
    year. March 30, 2012 building
    reached its highest point
    at 310 meters, becoming the most
    tall building not only in
    London, but also in Europe, and to
    at the moment is
    fourth tallest
    European skyscraper.
    The opening ceremony took place on 5
    July 2012.

    The shape of the building was
    designed as
    irregular pyramid,
    lined with glass.
    Skyscraper includes
    72 floors with offices,
    apartments, front gardens
    and technical
    premises. Tourists on
    built mainly on
    means Qatar pyramid
    started launching in February
    premises: Italian
    architect Renzo Piano
    names his creation
    "vertical city".
    On the top floor of the building
    the highest
    viewing in the UK
    I am a platform and a gallery.
    The skyscraper is named "Shard"
    what does it mean in translation
    "shard", and lined
    thousands of glass
    panels that shine on

    Commerzbank Tower
    Commerzbank Tower is a skyscraper in
    center of Frankfurt am Main.
    Skyscraper built in 1997
    259 m high, and together with the antenna
    - almost 300 m, overtook the 257-meter skyscraper “Messeturm”,
    becoming the tallest building
    Europe. But in 2003 he gave
    its title to the Triumph Palace buildings, and then to the Tower on
    embankment in Moscow.
    According to the draft adopted in
    June 1991, the building stands at 111
    piles that went to a depth of 48.5 m,
    is 65 floors (45 of
    of which - offices) with a total area
    120 thousand m² and total volume
    premises 538,000 m³. Building
    weighs 200,000 tons, of which the weight
    steel structures - 18,800
    tons, which is twice the weight
    Eiffel Tower in Paris. Project
    skyscraper created by English
    architect Norman Foster.

    In plan the building is
    equilateral triangle with rounded ends
    corners and slightly convex 60-meter
    side facades surrounding
    internal atrium 160 m high (43 floors).
    The atrium is divided into nine thematic
    gardens, each with an area of ​​450 m² and a height of 15
    m, arranged in a spiral. Every garden
    represents a certain flora with its
    typical representatives. Eastern
    side: semi-desert, western side:
    mountains, south side: tropical forest.
    The roof of the building is made asymmetrically.
    The floor area is 1700 m². On the roof
    (53rd floor) there is a small observation room
    area that can accommodate up to 40 people. Get there
    You can get to it using the fire elevator only by
    special permission. In building 16
    elevators with a lifting capacity of 1600 kg. In every
    each compartment has two glass elevators with
    view outside.
    Almost all external walls are made of
    glass The double façade provides
    fresh air entering the system
    conditioning. The building was built with
    taking into account environmental standards and requirements
    energy saving, for example in toilets
    There is no hot water supply.
    On the six lower floors there are
    lobby, security services and
    technical services.
    In the lower part of the building on an area of ​​1060 m²
    there is a complex of catering establishments
    "Plaza", also used for
    holding various events. But
    There is no access to the tower itself, nor is there an observation deck
    sites for those interested. Owner
    building is Commerzbank, in which
    its offices and services are located.

    Messeturm (German: Messeturm -
    "Fair Tower") - a skyscraper in
    Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
    located next to Frankfurt
    fair, although directly to it
    has no relation. Tower
    is the third tallest building in
    Germany and the European Union.
    Architect - German American
    origin Helmut Jan.
    Messeturm is an office building,
    its height is 256 meters.
    The building consists of 55 floors.
    Pyramid roof of a high rise
    the building is a distinctive feature
    Messeturm. The height of this part of the building
    is 36.3 meters.
    Messeturm after its construction in
    1990 became the tallest building
    in Europe, overtaking the Main Building of Moscow State University.
    It retained its status until 1997,
    when was construction completed
    Commerzbank Tower (also in
    Frankfurt), and later, in 2007, -
    Towers on the embankment in Moscow.

    The structure is supported by
    cubic base, from it
    a parallelepiped rises from
    cut corners. On
    parallelepiped installed
    cylinder, and per cylinder -
    pyramid. cylinder figure,
    mounted on a parallelepiped
    in the upper section of the building,
    repeats at all levels
    towers starting with glass
    atrium lobby at its base.
    The structure is made of
    reinforced concrete and covered with a facade,
    lined with steel, glass and
    red granite. Panels from
    red granite inserted into
    steel structure, form
    separate cladding element. These
    elements are attached to
    steel support posts,
    embedded in concrete.

    Glass Tower (Spanish: Torre de Cristal)
    - office skyscraper, Madrid,
    Spain. With a height of 249 meters,
    ranks second on the list
    the tallest buildings in the city and
    throughout the country (after Torre Cepsa),
    fourth place in the list of the most
    tall buildings in the EU and 15th place
    in a similar list for Europe
    (including Russia). Construction: from
    2004 to 2008 or to December 4, 2009
    of the year
    Height: 250 m (by antenna), 249 m
    (architectural), 210.6 (upper
    Length and width: 51 x 33 m
    Floors: according to various sources
    45, 50 or 53 aboveground and 6 underground
    Elevators: 27
    Premises area: 59,827 m²
    Parking spaces: 1200
    Construction cost: eq. 339 590

    Glass Tower" - one of four
    skyscrapers of the Four Towers complex,
    the other three: Torre Cepsa (250 m), Torre PwC
    (236 m) and Torre Espacio (230 m). When digging
    90,000 m³ of soil was removed from the pit, 40
    000 m³ of concrete, and in total it took 4.5
    million bricks-tiles (excluding underground
    floors) and 6000 tons of steel. Hall "Glass"
    tower" has a ceiling height of 10 meters.
    The skyscraper is equipped with the latest fire protection
    system, for example, fans that will
    extinguish flames, can withstand temperatures in
    400°C for an hour. Difference between temperature
    air at the foot of the skyscraper and at its top
    can reach 10 degrees; maximum
    wind speed recorded at the top
    The tower was 132 km/h. Skyscraper, justifying
    its name, is completely covered with glass and has
    4600 windows with a total area of ​​44,000 m² and weight
    about one hundred tons. Length of electrical cables in
    skyscraper is about 250 kilometers.
    The operation of the building's 27 elevators is arranged in such a way that
    that even at rush hour you won’t have to wait for him
    more than half a minute. Broken on the roof of a skyscraper
    vertical winter garden with an area of ​​600 m²
    (approx. 24,000 plants), illuminated in the dark
    Times of Day; its creator was the French
    botanist Patrick Blanc.