High birth rate. Countries with the highest birth rates

The European statistical agency Eurostat has released data from a demographic study. As it turned out, French women give birth the most in Europe, and Portuguese women give birth the least. In general, the fertility rate in the EU is insufficient to maintain the population size.

“In 2014, 5.132 million children were born in the European Union, compared to 5.063 million in 2001,” notes Eurostat. The largest number of babies were born in France (819,300), followed by the UK (775,900), followed by Germany (714,900), Italy (502,600), Spain (426,100) and Poland (375,200).

The average age of European women giving birth has increased: in 2014, women gave birth to their first child on average at 29 years old. Moreover, residents of Bulgaria became mothers at a very young age (on average 25.8 years), but Italians, Spaniards, ladies from Luxembourg, Greece prefer to become mothers at the age of over 30.

“Overall, the EU fertility rate increased from 1.46 in 2001 to 1.58 in 2014. This figure varied depending on the member states - from 1.23 in Portugal to 2.01 in France,” it says in the study. The most significant increases since 2001 were recorded in Latvia (+0.43), Czech Republic (+0.38), Slovenia (+0.37), Lithuania (+0.34), Bulgaria (+0.32) and Sweden ( +0.31). But the most significant decline was noted in Cyprus (-0.26), Portugal (-0.22) and Luxembourg (-0.16).

At the same time, European researchers clarify that the given data on fertility rates in the European Union are insufficient to maintain the population size (if we do not take into account the influx of migrants), since in developed countries at least 2.1 successful births per woman are considered to be a sufficient indicator.

So, the highest birth rate was in France. For every woman in this country there are just over two children. Demographers note that in developed countries this is a sufficient indicator that allows maintaining the required population size.


As of 2016, China's traditional "One Family, One Child" policy, which has been officially in place since the 1970s, is set to become a thing of the past. In terms of economic and social development of the PRC for the next five years, the government allows all families to have two children.

Meanwhile, the policy of restriction has led to gender imbalance. Chinese women prefer to terminate a pregnancy if they find out that the unborn child is a girl.

There are currently 33 million more men than women living in China. According to 2015 statistics, for every 100 girls there are 116 boys. At the end of 2014, China's population was 1.367 billion people. Of these, 51.2% are men, 48.8% are women. Moreover, 15.5% are over 60 years old.

Average age is an indicator that divides the country's population into two equal categories, characterizing that half of the people living in a given state are younger than the specified average age, and half are older.

The average age of the world's population is calculated by a weighted arithmetic average. This indicator indicates how many young and elderly people will live in a particular country.

The average age of the population is a very important indicator, because if the country is “young”, then the state will need to invest more funds in the development of the educational sector and the provision of employment.

If the majority of the population is elderly, then the country directs resources to social security and the organization of pension payments (this occurs at different times in different countries).

The age structure of the world's population is often used to prepare forecasts on political issues related to various areas. For example, if in a country the majority of the population is young people, but the state has problems with unemployment, then having predicted this situation, this problem can be solved by organizing new jobs for the younger generation.

This means that almost half of the population (46.3%) is under 15 years of age.

This situation is due to the high birth rate. In Rwanda, each woman has 6-7 children. This demographic situation is also affected by the high mortality rate among the adult population, which is 20.26 people per 1000 inhabitants.

Second place belongs to the country. In that state, the average age of the population is 15.5 years. In recent years, this country has experienced a demographic explosion, which provoked a “rejuvenation” of the population.

It is also worth noting that Uganda has a poorly developed healthcare system, so many residents die from numerous diseases after 40 years of age.

It ranks third in the ranking of countries in the world in terms of the average age of the population with an indicator of 16 years. The constant decrease in age is influenced by high birth rates and deaths from malaria, intestinal infections, leprosy and tuberculosis. Also, more than 15,000 HIV-infected citizens die in this country every year.

In fourth place is the Republic of Malawi with an average age of the population of 16.3 years. This African country is characterized by a population growth of 2.8% per year, due to which it ranks 13th in terms of fertility on the entire African continent.

Seventh place belongs to the country. The average age of the population is 16.9 years. Population growth dynamics – 2.442%. In this country, an urgent problem is the large number of HIV-infected citizens who do not have access to qualified medical treatment due to a lack of funds in the state budget.

Burundi is in eighth place with an indicator of 17 years. The annual population growth is 2.4%. A decrease in the number of middle-aged residents occurred between 1972 and 1993, when confrontations between two ethnic groups began in the country: Tutsi and Hutus.

Because of this man-made genocide, millions of Burundians died at the hands of enemy groups.

Ninth place is occupied by a state called Burkina Faso. The average age in the cities of this republic is 17 years. The country also has a high birth rate.

But this is not the main problem with the predominance of a young population. The state has a low level of urbanization and lacks municipal and educational institutions.

Most of Chad's people are starving. The country is also experiencing an outflow of middle-aged residents to more developed republics.

Rating of countries with the oldest populations

The higher the average age of the population, the higher the level of development of the country. A high rate indicates prosperity, a good healthcare system and a well-functioning social security system.

Table: top 10 countries with the highest average age of the population

Fertility is of great importance for every country. If this indicator is low in a state, then a threat is created to the territorial integrity of the country. High and low birth rates improve and guarantee the preservation of the nation. Fertility statistics allow you to track the necessary indicators.

Fertility is also an indicator of a country's level. In poor countries, where people earn a low income, usually a high level, few children are born. In developed countries, where living conditions are good, the population is not afraid to give birth to several babies.

Population dynamics in the Russian Federation

The table shows birth rate statistics in Russia by year. It can be used to judge how natural population growth has changed:

Year Number of children born Total population
1927 4 688 000 94 596 000
1939 4 329 000 108 785 000
1950 2 859 000 102 833 000
1960 2 782 353 119 906 000
1970 1 903 713 130 252 000
1980 2 202 779 138 483 00
1990 1 988 858 148 273 746
2000 1 266 800 146 303 611
2010 1 788 948 142 865 433
2015 1 940 579 146 544 710
2016 1 888 729 146 804 372

To find out which gender of children are born more, there are statistics on the birth rate of boys and girls. Let's look at the indicators for the city of Novopolotsk. In 2014, about five hundred female children and almost six hundred male children were born. 2015 was marked by the birth of 595 boys and 537 girls. In other settlements the situation is approximately the same.

Girls Fertility Statistics and boys means that more male babies are being born.

  1. Chechen Republic.
  2. Ingushetia.
  3. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The worst indicators are:

  1. Tyumen region
  2. Pskov region
  3. Tula region

The total number continues to decrease, despite the fact that mortality did not exceed the birth statistics in Russia in 2016. At the same time, the state has reached a higher level. Fertility statistics for 10 years show that Russia ranked 63rd in the world (data for 2016) in terms of natural population growth. The table shows the main reasons why Russians died (from January to August 2016):

Number of people (in thousands)

Fertility statistics for 2016 show that the population density in the Russian Federation is 8.6 people per 1 km². This is one of the lowest rates in the world. Huge areas are simply empty. Villages and small towns have died out over the past 20 years, and some areas have never been inhabited.

The situation in the world at the beginning of 2017

According to statistics for the first quarter of 2017, the world birth rate increased by almost 50 million people. Every day several hundred thousand babies are born in the world. E this fact can be checked using the earth's population counter in mode.

Fertility and mortality rates for 2017 in Russia

Russia has always been the largest territorial state in the world. However, the population here is inexorably declining. The country is experiencing a demographic crisis. According to fertility statistics in Russia, at the beginning of 2017, fewer children were born compared to the previous year.

Population growth in Belarus and Ukraine

Fertility statistics by year in Ukraine:

Year Number of children born Total population
2000 no data48 663 600
2005 426 100 47 100 462
2010 497 700 45 782 592
2015 411 800 42 759 300

Below is a diagram with fertility statistics in Ukraine, as well as mortality by year (over the last 25 years). It clearly shows in which years the country's population grew and in which it decreased.

Fertility statistics in Belarus by year:

Year Number of children born Total population
2000 93 691 9 988 000
2005 90 508 9 664 000
2010 108 050 9 491 000
2015 119 509 9 481 000

Boy Birth Statistics in the Republic of Belarus is given in numbers in the graph below. Slightly more male babies are born than female babies. But recently the number of boys born has decreased slightly. As for the size of the male and female population, judging by the table, there are more men than women in Belarus.

In recent years, the population in the Russian Federation and Ukraine has decreased, while in Belarus it has increased; birth and death statistics in Russia confirm this fact.

Moscow, January 26 - “News. Economy". The greatest decline in population is observed in Eastern European countries, experts say. This is due to a number of factors, including migration of the population to richer and more prosperous countries, as well as a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in mortality. The top ten countries in terms of population decline include Eastern European countries. Below we will tell you more about them. 1. Bulgaria

Population in 2017: 7.08 million Forecast for 2050: 5.42 million Dynamics: -23% The average annual rate of population decline is about 0.7%. 19.6% of the country's residents have higher education, 43.4% have secondary education, 23.1% have basic education, 7.8% have primary education, 4.8% have incomplete primary education, and 1.2% have never attended school. 54.1% of houses in cities and 18.1% in villages have personal computers, and, respectively, 51.4% and 16.4% have Internet access. 2. Latvia

Population in 2017: 1.95 million Forecast for 2050: 1.52 million Dynamics: -22% As a result of natural population decline, when the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate, the total number of residents decreased by 7.1 thousand people, and as a result of migration the number decreased by another 2.5 thousand people. The country's population continues to decline, despite the increase in the birth rate. The largest number of Latvian citizens who emigrated are from Ireland and the UK. 3. Moldova

Population in 2017: 4.05 million Forecast for 2050: 3.29 million Dynamics: -19% In the post-Soviet period, the demographic situation in Moldova is worsening. The main reason for this is the difficult socio-economic situation. In recent years, natural population growth has decreased, emigration abroad of the most efficient and professionally trained part of the country's population has increased, and mortality has increased. 4. Ukraine

Population in 2017: 44.22 million Forecast for 2050: 36.42 million Dynamics: -18% The birth rate in Ukraine is the lowest in Europe, and the lowest birth rate is in the most urbanized regions (Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk regions, city ​​of Kyiv). The natural population decline amounted to 183.0 thousand people. Natural population growth was observed only in the Transcarpathian (+1239) and Rivne (+1442) regions and the city of Kyiv (+5133 people). 5. Croatia

Population in 2017: 4.19 million Forecast for 2050: 3.46 million Dynamics: -17% More than 90% of the country's population are Croats, national minorities include Serbs, Bosnians, Hungarians, Albanians, Italians, Slovenes, Germans, Czechs , gypsies and others. The largest national minority are Serbs (186,633 people), living mainly in Slavonia, Lika, Gorski Kotar. Some of the national minorities are concentrated in one region (Italians in Istria, Hungarians along the Hungarian border, Czechs near the city of Daruvar), others are scattered throughout the country (Bosnians, Roma, etc.) 6. Lithuania

Population in 2017: 2.89 million Forecast for 2050: 2.41 million Dynamics: -17% Lithuania is on the list of countries in the world that are disappearing the fastest. The loss of population - 28,366 (1%) was encouraged by the rapid emigration of residents, increased mortality, and decreasing birth rates. According to various sources, about a million residents have left Lithuania since gaining independence and joining the EU in 2004. Most of them went to work in Western European countries. 7. Romania

Population in 2017: 19.68 million Forecast for 2050: 16.40 million Dynamics: -17% Like other countries in the Eastern European region, Romania is experiencing a population decline. The birth rate is 10.5 per 1000 people, the mortality rate is 12.0 per 1000 people. 8. Serbia

Population in 2017: 8.79 million Forecast for 2050: 7.45 million Dynamics: -15% Serbia has one of the most negative population growth rates in the world, ranking 225 out of 233 countries. The total fertility rate is 1.44 children per mother, one of the lowest in the world. 9. Poland

Population in 2017: 38.17 million Forecast for 2050: 32.39 million Dynamics: -15% In recent years, the population of Poland has been gradually decreasing due to increased emigration and falling birth rates. After the country joined the European Union, a large number of Poles emigrated to Western European countries in search of work. Polish diasporas are represented in neighboring countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, as well as in other countries. 10. Hungary

Population in 2017: 9.72 million Forecast for 2050: 8.28 million Dynamics: -15% The population of Hungary is monoethnic. The majority of residents are Hungarians (92.3%). The decline in the birth rate plays a significant role in the character and lifestyle of modern Hungarians, including the form of cohabitation, time of study and work experience. Among 20-year-old Hungarians, the desire to have children has sharply decreased.