Vienna Venice distance. Closest airports to Venice

The distance Vienna - Venice along the highway is 593 km, in a straight line - 434 km. In English countries, the length of this route is 369 miles by road and 270 miles as the crow flies. The trip from Vienna to Venice by car will last approximately 8 hours 28 minutes.

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and passes near 39 settlements. To plot the route Vienna - Venice for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

To find out what traffic jams are like on the Vienna – Venice road now, check the “Traffic” box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Vienna to Venice by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a map diagram of the road route in a convenient format, click.

To plot the route and calculate the distance, precise satellite coordinates of roads and settlements. We do not guarantee 100% accuracy and are not responsible for the route constructed.

Using our website, you can plot the route Vienna - Venice both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed based on maps from Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from Vienna (Austria) to Venice (Italy).

Distance between Vienna and Venice

If you travel by road by car, the distance between Vienna and Venice, Veneto is 576.1 km.

  • Travel time

    7 hours, 1 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    with a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight line distance

    distance between centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Distance by road

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

  • tell friends
Start of the route
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
Vein, Austria Less than 1 minute 0 km
9 minutes - 2.8 km
Heidfeldsiedlung, 9 minutes 2.8 km
6 minutes - 4.1 km
Rosegger-Siedlung, Mödling, Lower Austria, Austria 16 minutes 6.9 km
2 minutes - 2.5 km
Guntrams, 18 minutes 9.4 km
33 minutes - 52.5 km
Loipersbach, Neunkirchen, Lower Austria, Austria 52 minutes 61.9 km
Less than 1 minute - 1.1 km
St. Michael in Obersteiermark, Leoben, Styria, Austria 53 minutes 62.9 km
1 hours, 8 minutes - 103.1 km
Rotenturm, Murthal, Styria, Austria 2 hours, 1 minutes 166 km
25 minutes - 37.8 km
Gunzenberg, 2 hours, 27 minutes 203.8 km
56 minutes – 58.7 km
Perlinghof, St. Veit, Carinthia, Austria 3 hours, 23 minutes 262.5 km
8 minutes - 11.5 km
Emmersdorf, 3 hours, 32 minutes 274 km
13 minutes - 18 km
Lehndorff, Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria 3 hours, 46 minutes 291.9 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.4 km
Görchakh, Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria 3 hours, 46 minutes 292.3 km
21 minutes - 32.1 km
Törl-Maglern-Groit, Villach, Carinthia, Austria 4 hours, 7 minutes 324.4 km
17 minutes - 26.1 km
Flambruzzo, 4 hours, 24 minutes 350.5 km
1 hours, 17 minutes - 119.1 km
Ontagnano, Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy 5 hours, 42 minutes 469.6 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.7 km
Fornace, Venice, Veneto, Italy 5 hours, 42 minutes 470.3 km
23 minutes - 37.2 km
San Michele Vecchio, Venice, Veneto, Italy 6 hours, 6 minutes 507.5 km
28 minutes - 44.9 km
Crete, Venice, Veneto, Italy 6 hours, 35 minutes 552.4 km
1 minute – 1.3 km
Gaggio, Venice, Veneto, Italy 6 hours, 36 minutes 553.6 km
Less than 1 minute - 1.1 km
Mazzocco-Vecchio, Treviso, Veneto, Italy 6 hours, 37 minutes 554.7 km
3 minutes - 4.5 km
Pancrazio, Treviso, Veneto, Italy 6 hours, 40 minutes 559.2 km
2 minutes - 3.4 km
Mestre, Venice, Veneto, Italy 6 hours, 43 minutes 562.6 km
6 minutes - 6.1 km
Campalto, Venice, Veneto, Italy 6 hours, 49 minutes 568.7 km
3 minutes - 2.4 km
Moranzani, Venice, Veneto, Italy 6 hours, 53 minutes 571.1 km
8 minutes - 5 km
Venice, Veneto, Italy 7 hours, 1 minutes 576 km

Fuel consumption calculator:


We have selected several air ticket options for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account price and departure time. If you want to buy an inexpensive air ticket Vienna - Venice or on another route, then follow the link. Tickets for intercity buses.

Closest airports to Venice

  • Mogliano Veneto, Treviso, Veneto, Italy.
  • Tombelle, Veneto, Italy.
  • Tombelle, Veneto, Italy.
  • Verona, Veneto, Italy.

Closest airports to Vienna

  • Vienna, Austria.
  • Bratislava, Bratislava region, Slovakia.
  • Brno, Brno-mesto, South Moravian region, Czech Republic.
  • Graz, Styria, Austria.


Need to select and book inexpensive hotel in Venice or Vienna? There is a convenient resource on our website online booking hotels. Just follow the link.

You set out to overcome the distance from Vienna to Venice. Who among the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost? One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the starting point and the final destination of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between Vienna and Venice. With a known average speed vehicle You can calculate travel time with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question how many km are between Vienna and Venice - 0 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 0 hours 0 minutes. Working with the map is very simple. The system itself will find the shortest distance and offer the OPTIMAL route. The route from Vienna to Venice is shown in the diagram with a bold line. On the diagram you will see all the settlements that you will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list of settlements along the Vienna - Venice highway at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you can quickly navigate unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to go, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from Vienna to Venice and knowing how to get through difficult junctions, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from Vienna to Venice.

Panorama of Vienna and Venice

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for all complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having planned your route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and use the "People's Map" mode. Perhaps you will find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. Preliminary calculation of time and a constructed travel route will help you stay on schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. This way, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication while driving. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error when measuring blood alcohol levels is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.
Good luck on the roads!