Big Buddha on Samui is the favorite fat man of Buddhists. What to see on Samui: Big Buddha Sculptural composition next to the Big Buddha

When visiting Koh Samui, we got acquainted with the culture, customs and religion of the Thai people. Thais are very religious. Respect and commitment to Buddhism is passed down from generation to generation. Buddhism is the main religion in Thailand. At the same time, no one forbids you to adhere to a different religion. Buddhists, Catholics, Muslims and Orthodox Christians live here in peace and harmony.

Walking around the island we even saw a small Orthodox church. We wanted to go in, but it was closed.

Thais are very friendly and hospitable people. What we were told about the calm and tranquility reigning in Thailand turned out to be absolutely true. Life here is more relaxed, everyone smiles at each other and wishes each other a good day - all these are the consequences of Buddhism.

The most important shrine in Thailand is Buddha and his images are everywhere here.

Upon arrival, we began to plan when and where we wanted to go. We immediately purchased a “jeep tour” through the tour operator Sayama Travel.

We didn't put it off and decided to go the day after our arrival. During this excursion we visited some of the most significant sights of the island.

This beauty in reality looks majestic, it’s amazing how such a thing is possible for a person

Early in the morning an open sports jeep came to pick us up at the hotel. We were the first tourists and needed to stop at several more hotels. It took a little time and we headed towards our goal.

The first point on our journey was a visit to the Big Buddha Temple - this is one of the central and most significant religious attractions of Koh Samui. This sacred place was built in 1972. However, in essence this is not a standard temple.

Big Buddha Temple- that’s what everyone is used to calling it, although in fact this temple has a different name Wat Phra Yai.

How to get there

This temple-observation deck is the hallmark of the island and the most visited place by tourists. The height of this majestic statue is 12 meters.

It will be easy to get here from anywhere on the island, regardless of where you are staying.

These are the jeeps that carry tourists here.

Absolutely all travel agencies provide this excursion. It's also very easy to visit on your own.

During the trip, our first acquaintance with the island took place. We saw how the locals live, various shops and cafes. And of course, the most impressive and beautiful sight was the surrounding nature. The journey took about 40 minutes.

You need to go north to Bo Phut beach, there are several options:

  • Buy a tour and they will take you there.
  • Taking a taxi from Chaweng will cost 200-300 baht.
  • Get there by bike.

Having passed through the fabulously beautiful gates, we found ourselves on the territory of the temple.

Open to visitors at any time, the entrance is free.

When we got out of the jeep, we saw a huge Buddha statue towering over all the buildings. Through the treetops it seemed as if Buddha was floating in the air. They say it is covered with a layer of gold leaf. Located on top of a hill on the neighboring island of Fan. It is connected to Koh Samui by a causeway bridge. To be honest, I didn’t even realize that we were on a neighboring island.

We were not the first and not the last tourists who arrived in a jeep and wanted to see the shrine. There were 6 such cars here. I expected to see a large crowd of people inside the temple.

Coordinates on the map

Coordinates: 9.570944, 100.059885

Statues in front of the temple

Before we went to explore the Big Buddha Temple, we saw another interesting place.

There is a small lake nearby. It partially dried out and the sandy bottom was exposed. Going down we saw unusual statues of quite impressive size.

Thai statues are very interesting and unusual

  • A naked mermaid sitting on a stone.
  • A horseman riding a green dragon.
  • An elderly traveler.
  • Guy playing the flute.

The strangest and most incomprehensible for us was the statue depicting a standing woman in a skirt with a naked torso and a man’s face. It turns out, as we were later told, this is “The Woman who Eats Enemies.” It is to her that the Thais come with their complaints and ask to punish their enemies. I don't know how true this is. Most likely a bike for tourists.

The traveler welcomes you!

Sometimes it seems that Thais do not create with a clear mind

It was very interesting to watch the plane fly by and land. There is an airport nearby and planes fly quite low in this place.


Then we went upstairs and went to get acquainted with the attraction.

The first place your gaze falls when approaching the temple is a large, high staircase consisting of 60 steps. On both sides there are mythical dragons and guards, they guard the entrance to the temple. And there are also two seated bronze Buddhas. The staircase is divided into three parts, the two side ones are lined with white tiles, for everyone who wants to visit the temple, the central one is brown, for ministers and visiting monks.

Remember to take off your shoes when visiting - this is a sign of respect for the Thai people

The peaked roofs made of bright brown tiles, decorated with small figurines of Buddha and mythical birds painted with gilded paint, look very beautiful.

To the left of the stairs is located Wat Phra Yai Temple. There is also a school where anyone can take a meditation course and learn the basics of Buddhism.

You can buy incense sticks for offerings from the monk sitting below for a nominal fee. And if you wish, the monk will tie a braided thread on your wrist to attract good luck and prosperity.

Our guide told us that it was forbidden to climb in the center, but we saw other tourists climbing wherever they wanted.

Mandatory visiting rule of all temples in Thailand are:

  • Removing shoes.
  • Closed knees and shoulders.

Otherwise, this is disrespect for religious shrines.

The exception is the time from 10.00 to 16.00 - in hot weather the steps become heated and therefore it is allowed to wear shoes.

We were warned about this, and we dressed accordingly. There is also a sign at the entrance showing what kind of clothing you are allowed to wear when visiting the temple.

I was very surprised when I saw tourists in short shorts and skirts and at the same time walking up in shoes. I consider this inappropriate and unacceptable behavior. Still, when you are in a foreign country, be kind enough to follow the rules and traditions.

To the left of the temple is a gong. Here you can check your karma. It is believed that if a person with pure thoughts and soul rubs his palm in the middle, there will be a light sound, if on the contrary, then complete silence.

Check your karma and draw conclusions!

When we climbed the stairs we were greeted by a huge statue of a bronze Buddha sitting in the lotus position. I was amazed by its size. His gaze is always directed down at the newcomers and it seems that he is looking specifically at you. At his feet is a small statue of Buddha, decorated with flowers, on the sides are two bowls for donation and a special place where you can put candles.

The statue looks very powerful. Local residents believe that she is the protector of the island from all cadastres and misfortunes. For them this place has great religious significance. On weekends, Thais come here to pray.

Along the entire circumference of the lotus there are several more Buddha figurines 2.5-3 meters high. The Buddha is shown standing, sitting, lying, praying and collecting donations.

In general, no matter where you look, you will meet Buddha. It is also a very beautiful observation deck.

At the top, along the entire perimeter, there is a neat white fence and a long gazebo in the shape of a p. Inside there are bronze bells.

It is believed that if you take a wooden stick and hit each of them once, it will bring good luck and deliverance from sins.

From here you have a gorgeous view of the azure sea and green hills. You can even see the neighboring island of Koh Phangan. The nature here is amazingly beautiful. I raised my head and saw clouds floating above the Buddha.

Despite the many tourists, I still managed to feel the energy of the place. Standing next to this huge Buddha you really feel some kind of security and calm.

Final review

  • This is the largest Buda statue on the entire island.
  • There are wonderful views here.
  • It’s worth coming here and admiring all this beauty with your own eyes.
  • This is a magical place with clean energy and a positive atmosphere.
  • There is something to be surprised here, and you can just dream.

You can buy yourself some cool stuff, but it’s not cheap

Nearby there are many small open shops where you can buy souvenirs and even clothes. But the prices here are just crazy. What I remember most is the store with 3-meter-high iron monsters at the entrance, reminiscent of the movie “Alien.” They are assembled from various pieces of iron and look very creative. In the store you can buy some small piece of iron as a souvenir.

Do you feel the scale of creativity?

We took a few memorable photos and moved on to explore the amazing island of Koh Samui.

Address: Bo Phut, Ko Samui, Thailand Entrance fee: no. How to get there: the easiest way to get to the monument is from Maenam beach; it is 15 minutes away, on the small island of Fan.

There is no resort anywhere that does not have some important attraction located next to it. The island of Koh Samui, so beloved by tourists coming from all over the world, was no exception to the rule. Already on approach to the local airport, from the airplane window you can see the local symbol - the Big Buddha statue, erected in 1972.

Excursion to the Big Buddha

Despite the fact that Big Buddha appeared relatively recently, his fame has spread throughout the world. A tourist who has visited Samui at least once always has a photo with it in the background. We must remember that a visit to a landmark will not be limited to just a walk and a photo shoot: it promises a lot of interesting, new sensations and contact with the local culture. In the vicinity of the monument you can buy souvenirs - both traditional Thai and very unexpected ones, in no way connected with Thailand and its customs.
To climb to the twelve-meter sculpture, located on a small platform, you will have to overcome as many as 60 steps lined with tiles. On both sides of them writhe stone snakes, reminiscent of Chinese dragons. It all looks incredibly impressive and beautiful! It is not possible to walk up the stairs in shoes - this is not accepted here and is considered blasphemy, so tourists will have to take off their shoes and go on the pilgrimage barefoot.
Buddha, appearing before the eyes of travelers, sits in his most favorite position - lotus. Next to him you can see a table where a mountain of wooden sticks is piled up; you need to take one of them. Then the guests must go around in a circle, tapping the bells hanging around with a stick. You can't miss a single one! You should go from left to right, in the process you need to make a wish - it will definitely come true in the near future.
While making the roundabout, tourists need to pay attention to the amazing landscapes that lie around. From the site where the sculpture is installed, you can see the Gulf of Thailand. Numerous travelers are lucky enough to even see planes land: the airport is very close to the attraction.
Next to the Buddha is a temple called Wat Phra Yai. You can also look into it. In the school adjacent to it, everyone will receive parting words and learn humility from the monk. By the way, a meeting with a monk is guaranteed to absolutely all guests - regardless of whether they decide to visit the temple and school. He sits at the bottom of the stairs and, for paper baht, ties special strings of amulets onto the guests’ hands. They cannot be removed so as not to destroy the protection. If a person is subsequently in danger, and the amulet works and the rope donated at the temple breaks or simply falls, then there is no point in putting it on again.

On the opposite side of the monk with the ropes, there is a golden Hotei. And at the base of the stairs, travelers will see offering boxes - after using them for their intended purpose, you can take a piece of tile to write good wishes to your family. The roofs of the temple complex are covered with these tiles, where the monks will sing their chants and wishes will begin to come true. At the end of the excursion, each tourist will be struck by a huge gong: guests can make the “boom” themselves. Usually this action makes an unforgettable impression and causes a storm of delight among the guests!

Since the Big Buddha statue appeared on Koh Samui, a time of prosperity has come to the island. Local residents attribute the unexpected luck to the religious landmark that glorified their native place. It’s definitely worth taking an excursion to the island symbol: even if the blessing does not descend on the traveler’s head, he will have a lot of fun!

Hello friends! When I wrote the previous post, in which I publicly announced my goals for the near future, I forgot to clarify one nuance, without which all my tasks go down the drain.

In order to implement your plans, you need Health. It wouldn’t hurt to work a little on this point. You need to take care of yourself, and not like me - as soon as I felt better, I immediately started moving mountains.

The body cannot stand it and becomes capricious again. I went to Thai again. In general, you need to slow down until you fully recover, even if this means not all goals will be achieved on time.

Yesterday a simply fantastic event happened: my friends and I went on a real trip around the island together for the first time in all the time I’ve been on the island. Of course, we meet every day, we constantly go somewhere, but for the whole day, and even in such a wilderness - this has never happened in my memory.

If we visited beautiful places, it was either as part of training, or to record a video and work, and not like today - just to relax and recharge with energy. True, the other day we took a joint trip to the clubs of Chaweng for the whole night, but that’s a completely different story that we’ll omit :)

We set out in search of adventure, far from being in full force, and completely spontaneously. In the morning I was woken up by a call from Marina, who asked if I would go to the waterfalls and the Standing Buddha. I had a lot of things planned, but I never refuse offers to travel and get into the next hole.

Many people know that on Samui there is a Big Buddha in the Bang Rak area in the northwest, but few people know about the existence of several more huge statues hidden in the center of the island (Google coordinates 9.501839,100.005986 ).

It was there that we went in a company of four people. All photos in this post are kindly provided by Alexey Zorkin and Alexander Kharkov. Guys, thank you very much for the photo and for the trip!

Video about a trip to the standing Big Buddha, Koh Samui, Thailand:

The video materials were provided by my friend Alexey Zorkin, he also shot the video.

Since Samui is mainly focused on tourism, most of life is in close proximity to the sea, and there is a good ring road along the coast. But when you have to go to the mountains deep into the island, you realize that everything is not so sugary in our beautiful paradise.

Most mountain roads are simply disgusting. Even worse than the roads in the east.

The first destination was the Secret Waterfall (that's what it's called - Secret Waterfall). It is located in the middle of nowhere; I won’t even look for it on a map, because the trip there was nothing remarkable. There has been no rain for a long time, so there is no water in the waterfall at all.

We left the bikes on the side of the road and cheerfully walked about a kilometer uphill only to find wet stones instead of seething streams of foaming liquid. Lesha said that a month ago the waterfall was quite full and very beautiful, but now it has dried up.

Well, the waterfall disappeared, but Buddha could not leave, so with hope in our hearts we went to an even greater well... further. The sun was getting hotter and hotter, the roads were narrowing and getting worse, but we did not lose heart and confidently moved forward on our red bikes.

Along the way we saw several observation platforms, at one of which we decided to stop to take a photo and look at our dear island of Koh Samui from the top of the mountain.

Afterwards they discovered an abandoned, dilapidated park. They certainly don’t take tourists there, so it can also safely be called secret :)

Meanwhile, the situation on the roads worsened. There is no asphalt there, never was and most likely never will be. More and more often I had to walk up the mountain while Lesha pulled the bike up.

We discussed the endurance of this cyclist, who was rolling downhill on his own and didn’t seem to be sweating, took a photo of him, and half an hour later the guy caught up with us on one of the climbs and even helped us push the bike.

Tourists still take tourists to see the standing Big Buddha, but not en masse and not very actively. A trip there is included in the jeep safari excursion. Of course, an SUV will get to the center of the island without any difficulties, but bike drivers will have to work hard.

I still don’t believe that the boys managed to take us to the standing Buddha safe and sound, but the fact is clear - by lunchtime we reached our destination!

The entrance to the temple is decorated with two Naga snakes - this is a characteristic feature of most Buddhist temples.

There are two statues on the territory of the complex. One large Buddha lies in a separate room, and the second huge Buddha statue stands outdoors on a pedestal, supported by three elephants.

The construction of the Big Buddha in the mountains of Koh Samui began just three years ago with donations from people. The construction is not finished yet; work is currently underway to improve the territory. You must take off your shoes before entering the temple. The floor is paved with tiles; during the day it gets very hot in the sun, so walking barefoot is problematic. It’s better to take socks with you on the trip, otherwise you’ll have to admire the Buddha from afar, sitting on the parapet:

Around the Buddha statue there are animal figures, symbolizing the signs of the eastern horoscope.

On the territory of the Big Buddha Temple there are many different figurines:

Strange animal with a red butt
Marina approaches the photography process very responsibly

Almost all the time we were completely alone on Big Buddha. Literally for 5 minutes a group of tourists from Israel arrived. The guys quickly took pictures and moved on, leaving us alone again.

From the Big Buddha observation deck you can see the beaches of Lamai, Chaweng and Bang Rak. There is a very strong energy in that place.

There are bells hanging around the perimeter, which can be knocked with a special mallet.

On the way back, the guys picked about a dozen young coconuts. Some of them were picked open with a knife and drunk right there in the jungle. The rest were brought home and quickly emptied as well. You know, sometimes you walk through the forest at home in the summer, and there are blueberries, then strawberries. There are no berries on Samui, but here you can freely pick coconuts, bananas and other fruits from palm trees.

On the way home, Marina and Sasha’s brakes failed, and the guys had to roll down the mountain, holding the bike with their feet and praying not to whistle into the abyss. Fortunately, I managed to find someone’s house (who built it there?) and asked the owner for a key so I could make a little adjustment where necessary. The road is very dangerous even for a bike with good brakes.

At some moments I felt uneasy, but I was lucky with the driver and there was nothing to worry about. Marina, I must say, was also lucky, because not everyone could, like Sasha, drive without brakes over those potholes. In general, the boys are great!

Good to know before going to the Standing Buddha:

1. Bring sunscreen and water.

2. There is a restaurant on the territory of the complex, where you can also buy water and other drinks. Gasoline sold in bottles

3. The roads to the standing Buddha are very bad, so soberly assess your strength and think three times whether you should go there, especially if you are not confident in your driving skills.

4. Honda Click (125 cc) could not carry two people up the mountain in all sections, so if you are riding together on one bike, be prepared for the fact that the passenger will have to climb some climbs on foot on a dusty sandy dirt road with holes and holes.

5. It’s better to go to Buddha from Lamai Beach. We climbed up from the Maenam side, and the dirt road there is absolutely hellish. We went back down the path leading to Lamai, everything there is much more noble.

6. If you don’t know the exact location of the Buddha, then finding the complex is very difficult. You can't see it from the road, you need to follow the navigator. Location coordinates: 9.501839,100.005986. Buddha on the map:

That's all for today. If you have questions regarding travel, please ask them in the comments to any blog article so that other people can read the answers. On social media I don’t answer questions on networks

Good friends and delicious coconuts to you!

Similar posts about Koh Samui in Thailand:

Koh Samui may be a small island, but there are more than 20 temples and pagodas on it, some free-standing and some entire complexes. In this video we talk about several temple complexes on Koh Samui that are worth visiting.

In the article below you will find a detailed description of the temples with photographs, their location on Koh Samui and interesting ways to make wishes.

Wat Phra Yai Temple and Big Buddha Statue | Wat Phra Yai & Big Buddha

One of the main attractions of Koh Samui is Big Buddha statue. It is located on the territory Wat Phra Yai temple. For local residents, this is the most sacred and revered place, bearing a deeply religious meaning. They come here on weekends to cleanse themselves of their sins. It is believed that Samui is protected as long as the Buddha statue is intact.

We are with our friends from St. Petersburg on the square in front of Big Buddha

The statue has already become a symbol of Samui, and how could it be otherwise, because it can be seen within a radius of several kilometers from different points on the island. Even landing planes cannot “pass it by” and fly directly over it when landing.

This is the same embankment road that is clearly visible from above

The gilded statue of Big Buddha was installed in 1972 and since then it has begun to serve as a reliable talisman against all kinds of problems and water misfortunes. There is a belief that with the construction of the Big Buddha statue, the island began to be under the protection of heavenly patrons and all sorrows and hardships began to bypass it. And indeed this is so - every year Samui is noticeably developing and prospering.

The height of the Buddha is as much as 12 meters. Behind the Buddha statue there is a wheel with 12 spokes, each of which represents nidana - a link.

Behind the Buddha statue there is a wheel with 12 spokes, each of which represents nidana - a link

A long staircase, 60 steps, leads to the foot of the statue. Before using it, you must take off your shoes and even socks. This rule applies when entering all temples, as well as when approaching revered statues.

Exception for this temple: from 10:00 to 16:00 is the time when the steps of the stairs are so hot that you are allowed to climb them in shoes.

Advice: When visiting Buddhist temples, avoid wearing overly revealing clothing. Try to cover your shoulders and knees.

We first took off our shoes and, satisfied, took photos together.

On both sides of the stairs, instead of railings, there are snake-like mythical creatures - naked - with a fan of snake heads.

Serpent-like mythical creatures - nagas - with a fan of snake heads

If you are interested in Buddhism, to the left of the stairs under the awnings sit monks who, for a donation, put a blessed rope on your hand for good luck and bless you. You can also buy incense sticks, gold foil and flowers from them. At the top, send large incense to the Big Buddha, 7 small sticks to the small Buddhas, decorate the golden statues with foil.

The monks put a blessed rope on your hand for good luck and bless you

Big Buddha sits in the lotus position and carefully watches everyone who rises to him. His gaze is directed precisely at the newcomers climbing the stairs. When you rise to the Buddha, you get the impression that he is looking exactly at you. Having overcome the stairs and climbed to the Buddha, you need to look at him and make a wish.

When you rise to the Buddha, you get the impression that he is looking right at you

At the top is an open area with bells and stunning views of the Gulf of Thailand and Koh Phangan. You can walk around its perimeter, knock on all the bells with a special stick (issued on the spot for free), thereby attracting good luck and clearing karma. Make a wish, it will definitely come true. In the evening, many come here to admire the beautiful sunset.

Top view | The Biggest Buddha | Big Buddha on Koh Samui and other temples | Big Buddha Samui

You can be alone with your thoughts or ask Buddha to fulfill your desire.

Ask Buddha to grant your wish

Advice: Try not to turn your back to the Big Buddha statue, and when sitting down, do not point your feet towards the sculpture.

The statue is located on the top of the small island of Fan, which is connected to Koh Samui by a causeway. Not far from the statue is Bangrak Beach, or as it has recently been called Big Buddha Beach.

Top view | The Biggest Buddha | Big Buddha on Koh Samui and other temples | Big Buddha Samui

Wat Phra Yai is an active Buddhist temple. There is a school at the temple. At the school, anyone can learn the basics of Buddhist philosophy and learn meditation techniques.

The monks accept donations to build new walls for the temple. At the foot of the Big Buddha you can buy tiles from them, thereby making a contribution to the history of Samui. Write your name and wishes on it, then return it to the monk. These painted tiles are then used to cover the roofs of houses. And the bright tiled roofs of the buildings of the temple itself are built very skillfully and form a wonderful unity with the flowering trees around.

You can write your wish on these tiles and take part in the construction of the temple.

There is a picturesque Thai market around the temple. Here you can buy souvenirs and light white clothes made of natural fabric, jewelry made of semi-precious stones, local sweets and drinks, including the famous Thai pancakes. There are also many shops and stalls with handicrafts from local craftsmen scattered here.

A very unusual store. It's a pity that photography is prohibited inside

I was especially impressed by these iron giants and small figures assembled from various spare parts: nuts, chains, parts from bikes and other things. Busts of Buddha, recognizable cartoon and movie characters, elephants and much more were created. The cost of the largest statues is 100,000 - 200,000 baht (100-200 thousand rubles)

We decided to come back here later and buy one for our dacha

If you walk straight from the Big Buddha statue to the water, you will see an unusual sculptural composition.

The most memorable statue is a Woman with fangs and a naked torso, eating her enemies. It immediately becomes clear what the local residents are asking for.

Just a woman with fangs and a naked torso

The smaller sculptures are not particularly impressive: it is a green animal (with antlers and a body like a deer, a fish tail and a dragon's head), on which a rider sits.

What they symbolize, it seems to us, not even all Thais know

Mermaid with a naked torso.

Just a bare-chested mermaid

Opposite her is an old man.

I liked the old man the most, he is the cutest of all those presented here

And a couple more strange sculptures.

Someone sits and plays an inaudible melody, and someone dances nearby

All the sculptures stand in the water, but at low tide you can also find them on land.

Who knows what these figures represent? Write to us in the comments, it’s interesting

Entrance to the temple territory is free.

9.57069, 100.06035

It is worth extending the tour to a place that is more interesting in our opinion - Wat Plai Laem Temple, which is located a 15-minute walk away.

Another pearl of Samui is Wat Ban Plai Laem, an extremely beautiful temple complex not far from the Big Buddha statue, created by Thai artists. Today, this temple is the most modern creation of Buddhist architecture on Samui. It was erected in 2004 entirely with donations from believers. The temple building consists of three parts, each of which, according to the architect’s idea, is made in its own style: classical Thai, Chinese, Indian. The temple complex is located on a lake, and thanks to the work of the designers, it gives the impression of floating on the water.

The center of Wat Plai Laem is the beautiful Bot - a richly decorated room for general meetings and prayers. This building, like the two main sculptures of the temple, is located on an island in the shape of a lotus flower and looks especially good at sunset, when the last rays of the setting sun paint it in warm colors.

The eight boundary stones (Bai Sema) around it are small, brightly decorated turrets with stylized Botke tree leaves inside.

Everything is gilded, shimmers beautifully and shines in the bright sun.

Indescribably beautiful, the entrance doors of the temple were made from two giant tree trunks and covered with carved paintings from the life of Buddha. Thai artist Khun Jarit Phumdonming spent more than three years decorating the outer walls of the temple with the finest details, thanks to which they turned into a real kaleidoscope of colors and patterns.

Inside Botha, according to tradition, there is an altar with a golden statue of Buddha. The walls of the room are decorated with colorful frescoes reflecting various events of Buddhist mythology. The interiors of the temple make you admire the picturesque paintings on the walls, which tell about episodes from the life of Gautama Buddha.

Entrance doors of the temple of indescribable beauty | Temple complex Wat Ban Plai Laem | Wat Ban Plai Laem

To the right and left of Bot, on separate islands, there are 12-meter statues, which perfectly symbolize the influence that the teachings of neighboring regions had on Thai Buddhism. On the one hand, this is the Eighteen-Armed Guanyin (the same “many-armed Buddha”) the goddess of mercy, protector of the weak, patroness of the female half of the house and the feminine principle. She is a character from Chinese mythology and is also known as Guanzizai.

On the island on the other side is the “Laughing” or “Fat” Buddha, who is none other than Hotei - one of the most famous heroes of netsuke, miniature figures originally from Japan. According to legend, a fat monk named Qi Qi wandered around the world, making his living by making predictions. All his few possessions consisted of a staff and a canvas bag (in Japanese, Hotei). The monk's huge belly was considered the center of vitality.

According to legends, wherever Hotei appeared, luck, prosperity and good health came to people. In Japan, he is one of the seven deities of happiness, and in the Buddhist religion - the incarnation of Maitreya Buddha. In order for this deity to fall in favor with you, you need to rub his stomach, although this is extremely difficult to do in this particular case, given the size of the statue. However, you can limit yourself to purchasing a miniature figurine of Hotei in a local souvenir shop.

The "Laughing" or "Fat" Buddha, who is none other than Hotei

No less picturesque are the other buildings of the Plai Laem Temple - Wihan (another place for prayers and meetings), the bell tower, bright sculptural compositions depicting the Dharmachakra - the Wheel of Life, the most important symbol of Buddhism, as well as the crematorium, noticeable with its tall chimney.

Insanely beautiful Vihan building (another place for prayers and meetings)

Sculptural compositions depicting the Dharmachakra - the Wheel of Life

Wat Ban Plai Laem also called "fish temple". By purchasing fish food for 10 baht (10 rubles), you can cause a real stir in a seemingly quiet lake. The neighboring pigeons are also not averse to enjoying the treats, but you should not encourage them - traces of their vital activity will not decorate the paths to the islands, which, by the way, must be walked barefoot. For a nominal fee you can rent a catamaran in the shape of a swan and admire the temple and statues from the water.

In addition to visiting religious buildings, it’s simply a pleasure to walk around the spacious grounds of the Wat Plai Laem monastery. The territory of the complex is decorated with many sculptures. All of them are made in different styles: some are gilded, some are painted, and some look almost alive. Entering its territory, it seems that this is the scenery for a fairy-tale film. In our opinion, this is the most beautiful temple complex on Koh Samui.

Numerous sculptures on the territory of Wat Ban Plai Laem | Wat Ban Plai Laem

Visiting the monastery is absolutely free. The amount of donations is entirely at your discretion. A standard set of a bouquet, three candles and the same number of incense sticks usually costs 20 baht (20 rubles).

Advice: Avoid clothing that is too revealing, exposing shoulders and knees, and remove your shoes when entering the temple and in front of the paths leading to the statues.

On the territory of the temple you can also feed yourself delicious pancakes with various fillings. We recommend trying it with tuna and cheese.

The temple is located near the Big Buddha statue and is quite easy to find.

GPS coordinates on Google map: 9.571361,100.067207

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Buddhism is the official religion of Thailand, so there are places of worship of this faith in every corner of the country (for example,). They are often located on tiny coastal cliffs. And on the island of Koh Samui, the second largest in the Gulf of Thailand, the Thais tried to place an almost cyclopean structure, reflecting the degree of their reverence for the supreme deity. The majestic statue is 12 meters high, and the distance between the knees (the deity sits in the traditional lotus position) is six meters. It is all covered with a layer of gold leaf.

This place is not a temple complex; the Big Buddha statue on Koh Samui is allocated a site on the top of a hill of a small island. There is a fence installed along the edge of the square, which not only protects against accidental falls, but is also a sacred structure. There are bells hanging on its pillars, by making them ring, you can get rid of sins and attract good luck. You can also offer alms to any of the Buddha statues surrounding the main figure of the deity. They symbolize the days of the week. Choose the one that matches your birthday.

The Big Buddha statue is also not a historical monument. It was installed in 1972 with the specific purpose of protecting the sunny and carefree island of Koh Samui from natural disasters and other misfortunes. Its inhabitants are immensely proud to be under the protection of the Buddha. Therefore, this statue can rightfully be considered the soul and heart of this island!

The Big Buddha complex on Koh Samui is a rare exception in terms of tolerance. You can come there in beach T-shirts and shorts. The only condition that must be met is to take off your shoes before entering the stairs leading to the observation deck.

What to see

Installed on the top of a hill on a small island connected to Koh Samui by a causeway. There is a staircase of 60 steps leading there. It is divided into three stripes: the middle one, lined with brown tiles, is designed to go upstairs. The staircase itself is a work of art. Its railings are made in the shape of snakes with dragon heads. At its foot there is a pavilion surrounded by sculptural images of this deity in different reincarnations. Here you can buy flowers and incense to make offerings.

In addition to the fact that the site near the Big Buddha is a place of religious worship, it is also an excellent observation point from which you can see the sea adjacent to Samui and a number of sea cliffs.

About a hundred meters from the stairs there is a fabulous sculptural composition, half immersed in the sea waves by the artist’s whim. The main character in it is a mythological woman with huge fangs who kills the enemies of the island's inhabitants. The remaining figures are more peaceful: a monk, a flute player, a rider on a horse with a dragon's head, a mermaid.

At the foot of the hill there are several souvenir shops. Most of all they offer Buddha figurines, although you can also buy traditional Thai souvenirs, clothes and jewelry that you can buy. Due to the abundance of tourists, prices are extremely high. The same thing, but two or three times cheaper, you can buy it at local markets or in. But you should definitely look into one of them. There, tourists are offered to buy figurines of movie characters made from parts of disassembled cars. It will be very interesting to watch, even if you don’t buy anything.

How to get there

To get to the Big Buddha on Koh Samui, we need to get to Fan Island. Any one can be reached based on visual landmarks. If your starting point of the route is from, then exit onto Sanam Bin Road and head to the pier where ferries depart from. To the north there is an arch, under which there is a road leading to Fan Island.