Hunting dates in Chuvashia. Hunting for goose and duck in Chuvashia will last three months: Hunting periods for game birds and wild boar in Chuvashia have been increased Hunting periods in Chuvashia

This year, waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and upland game can be hunted from August 19 to November 15. As the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic clarifies, hunters are prohibited from hunting birds listed in the Red Book of Russia or Chuvashia. At the same time, the hunting season for game birds with island and continental pointing dogs, retrievers and spaniels can begin earlier.

Hunting dates in Chuvashia

  • hunting in Chuvashia for swamp-meadow game without hunting firearms or pneumatic weapons - from July 10 to July 24;
  • hunting in Chuvashia for swamp and meadow game - from July 25 to November 15;
  • hunting in Chuvashia for field and steppe game without firearms or pneumatic weapons - from July 10 to August 4;
  • hunting in Chuvashia for waterfowl without firearms or pneumatic weapons - from August 1 to August 18;
  • hunting in Chuvashia for upland, field and steppe game - from August 5 to November 15.
Here is an excerpt from Appendix No. 2 to Decree of the Head of the Chuvash Republic dated 04/09/2013 No. 31





(as amended by Decree of the Head of the Chechen Republic dated July 15, 2014 No. 103, dated March 18, 2016 No. 23)

3. Other periods for hunting game birds:

1) using gun dogs (island and continental pointing dogs, retrievers, spaniels):

For swamp-meadow game without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons - from July 10 to July 24;

For field and steppe game without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons - from July 10 to August 4;

For upland, field and steppe game, with the exception of the game specified in subparagraph 3 of this paragraph - from August 5 to November 15;

2) for waterfowl with dogs of hunting breeds without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons - from August 1 until the start of the hunting period provided for in subparagraph 5 of this paragraph;

3) for grouse only from artificial shelters using stuffed animals - from December 1 to December 31;

5) other methods of hunting waterfowl, swamp-meadow, upland, field and steppe game not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation - from the third Saturday of August to November 15.

(as amended by Decree of the Head of the Chechen Republic dated March 18, 2016 N 23)

4. Hunting for the gray crow is carried out within the time limits specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of these Parameters.

Let us remind you that there are a number of restrictions on hunting in the Republic. In particular, hunting for wood grouse and badgers in designated hunting grounds and public hunting grounds and hunting for marmots in public hunting grounds is closed. The ban is valid until July 14, 2019.

On the restriction of hunting on the territory of the Chuvash Republic

In accordance with Articles 6, 21 of the Federal Law “On Wildlife” and Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Hunting and the Conservation of Hunting Resources and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic decreed l i e t:

1. Introduce the following restrictions from July 25, 2016 to July 14, 2019 on the territory of the Chuvash Republic:

  • prohibit the hunting of wood grouse and badgers in designated hunting grounds and public hunting grounds;
  • prohibit hunting marmots in public hunting grounds.

2. This resolution does not apply to hunting resources located in specially protected natural areas of federal significance.

3. Recognize as invalid the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic dated March 27, 2013 No. 105 “On restricting hunting on the territory of the Chuvash Republic.”

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Chuvash Republic.

5. This resolution comes into force ten days after the day of its official publication.

In Chuvashia, a decision has been made to increase the hunting period for wild boar and game birds this year. As the State Hunting Service of the Republic reported, this decision was made in order to rationally use hunting resources, taking into account the growth in the number of wildlife and proposals from public associations of hunters and game users.

  • Opening of wild boar hunting in Chuvashia

Wild boar hunting in the hunting grounds of Chuvashia opens on August 1, 2014, while previously only allowed from the third Saturday in August. You can shoot a wild boar from an ambush in food fields, but hunting females with offspring is prohibited. In connection with the threat of the emergence of foci of African swine fever in the natural environment, in order to remove the maximum number of individuals from the migratory active part of the wild boar population, the harvest of females with the current year's offspring is prohibited throughout the territory of Chuvashia, the department says, emphasizing that the threat of ASF not in the region. And these measures are not only preventive, but are also associated with the growth of the wild boar population in the republic.

  • Opening of hunting for game birds in Chuvashia

Timing for hunting game birds in Chuvashia maximum limits were set until November 15, 2014, while previously the season closed on November 1. The hunt can begin on August 16, 2014. The department explained that hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, pine forest, field and steppe game, as well as the gray crow, is permitted in all ways not prohibited by Russian legislation. The department notes that the population of these bird species in Chuvashia has increased - this is mainly due to favorable weather conditions. At the same time, the hunting of capercaillie, as well as mammals and birds listed in the Red Books of Russia and Chuvashia is prohibited.

The norms for the permissible catch of game birds per hunter per day are as follows:

  • duck hunting in Chuvashia - ducks regardless of species - 5 individuals,
  • goose hunting in Chuvashia - geese regardless of type - 2,
  • swamp-meadow game, regardless of type - 5,
  • steppe and field game, regardless of species - 5,
  • coot - 5,
  • black grouse - 2,
  • hazel grouse - 3,
  • woodcock - 5,
  • gray crow - no restrictions.

The State Fishing Service notes that the shooting of crows is associated with a large increase in the population of the bird, which winters in cities and feeds in landfills. This is an intelligent and dangerous predator that, when nesting, destroys the eggs and chicks of other birds, and can also harm crops on public farms.

The changes made to the hunting parameters are aimed at maximizing the needs of the population in hunting while using the hunting resources of the region in a sustainable manner, the department assures.

Fox hunting in Chuvashia extended until the end of July

The head of the State Hunting Service of Chuvashia signed an order to regulate the number of foxes in the Tsivilsky district

The decision to regulate the number of foxes in the Tsivilsky district of Chuvashia was made by the State Fishery Service of Chuvashia on June 2 due to the threat of the emergence and spread of rabies, as well as harm to the health of residents of the republic.

Foxes can be hunted by all permitted methods and hunting tools until July 31, 2014, using permits for the extraction of hunting resources. The hunt is carried out in order to regulate the number of foxes in the Tsivilsky district, with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, inform employees of the State Hunting Service of Chuvashia.

Attention! The interactive web map of the hunting lands of the Chuvash Republic is made in accordance with the Scheme of territorial hunting management of the region, approved by Decree of the Head of the Chuvash Republic of October 16, 2015 No. 160 “On approval of the Scheme for the placement, use and protection of hunting lands on the territory of the Chuvash Republic.” When creating the map, spatial geodata on the boundaries of hunting grounds, protected areas and green forest zones from the cartographic applications of the approved Scheme were used. All new hunting grounds assigned after 2015 have been added, all known updates and clarifications have been made. Send suggestions, comments and updates by email.

Hunting and game management in Chuvashia

The Chuvash Republic is located in the east of the East European Plain, mainly on the right bank of the Volga, between its tributaries Sura and Sviyaga. Chuvashia is part of the forest-steppe and forest natural zones and is characterized by a temperate continental climate with frosty winters and hot summers. The main river flowing in the north of the republic for 120 km is the Volga, into which numerous large and small tributaries flow. On the territory of Chuvashia there are 754 lakes with an area of ​​more than 1 hectare. Most of them are floodplain. In almost the entire northern and central right bank of the republic, forests have been cleared and the lands have been converted to agricultural land. The forest area does not exceed 35% of the total area of ​​the region. The forests of Chuvashia are dominated by pine, birch, aspen, oak, and linden. Chuvashia is one of the most densely populated regions of Russia, has a developed road network, so all types of hunting resources experience a negative impact on their natural habitat. Game animals in the forests of Chuvashia include elk, wild boar, mink, polecat, marten, fox, squirrel, etc. The beaver has been reacclimatized. Anthropogenic impacts have caused the numbers of some vertebrate species to decline since the 1980s.

Use of wildlife and organization of hunting is carried out on 46 designated hunting grounds. The largest hunting user in the republic is the Chuvashokhotrybolovsoyuz ChROO. The territories assigned to the society include 18 hunting grounds. Public hunting grounds are distributed evenly across the territory of Chuvashia and account for over 30% of the total area of ​​the republic. It should be noted that the green and forested areas of the forests of Chuvashia are excluded from hunting use and hunting in them is prohibited.

The hunting regime in Chuvashia is determined by federal laws, taking into account regional characteristics established by Decree of the Head of the Chuvash Republic dated 04/09/2013 No. 31 “On determining the types of permitted hunting and parameters for hunting in hunting grounds on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance” .