The fastest bridge built. Five most famous bridges that the whole world is talking about

The Chinese have accomplished another architectural miracle of grand scale. The newly built Hangzhou Bay Bridge is a critical section of China's East Coast Super Highway. The bridge starts in Jiaxing in the north and ends in Ningbo in the south of the country. It is the longest bridge in the world crossing the ocean, 36 kilometers long. The bridge crosses the Hangzhou Bay in the East China Sea and the Qiantang River in the delta of the great Yangtze River.

The construction of this structure reduced the distance of land transport from Ningbo to Shanghai by 120 km, and the travel time was reduced from four hours to two. The two-way highway contains six lanes and the speed limit is 100 km/h. According to the project, the bridge is guaranteed to last 100 years.

Not only is the bridge the longest (by sea), but it is also built in a challenging marine environment - it has one of the three strongest currents on Earth, frequent typhoons, and an extremely heterogeneous seabed. The map shows the location of the bridge:

The photo shows the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Bridge

Hangzhou Bay is a bay in the East China Sea that is home to one of China's natural wonders, the Qiantang River, which creates fast water currents and large waves. The area is also prone to frequent typhoons. These factors made the task difficult for the designers, and the design and construction plan was completed only after nine years of consultation and more than 120 technical studies involving more than 700 experts worldwide.

The cable-supported bridge design was chosen as it was considered best to withstand adverse conditions, multi-directional flows, high waves, and the geological conditions of the site. The bridge design was also designed in accordance with seismic criteria and maintains the integrity of the bridge in earthquake conditions up to seven on the Richter scale. The 36-kilometer bridge has six lanes, each 3.75 meters long, three in each direction. The total width of the bridge will be 33 m. The height of 62 m allows fourth and fifth generation container ships to pass under the arches. The total length of the cable used in the project will be 32.2 km.

All bridge assemblies were cast on the ground and the completed components were then transported to site for assembly and final installation. Giant floating cranes with precision anchoring devices were used to load and install the purlins at sea. The Hangzhou Bay Bridge consists of nine sections, and 50 RTK5700 GPS systems have been installed to ensure that all bridge slabs and sections are aligned with perfect precision.

In the middle of Hangzhou, there is a 10,000 m2 driver's rest island where you can relax and take advantage of full services, including hotels, restaurants, gas stations and an observation deck. The island is popular among tourists who enjoy watching the famous river flow. The service island is built entirely on the pier to avoid destruction and is equipped with the latest security and monitoring systems. There are public parks on both sides of Hangzhou

The new bridge connected Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. The construction of the bridge took eight years and its cost is estimated at 110 billion yuan (14.16 billion euros). During construction, which took eight years, three artificial islands and an underwater tunnel (also the longest in the world) were created.

Here's what it looks like.

In 2018, the longest bridge in the world across the sea was put into operation, connecting Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai. The length of the structure is 55 km, of which 38 km falls directly on various sections of the bridges. In addition to them, there is an underwater tunnel almost 7 km long and artificial islands. The length of the main bridge is almost 30 km; there are three lanes in each direction for vehicle traffic.

Construction began in 2009, taking into account environmental requirements so as not to harm the marine fauna of the region. The tunnel and sections with cable-stayed bridges were built to ensure the passage of large-tonnage sea vessels.

Major work was completed back in July 2017, and it was expected that traffic on the bridge would be launched before the end of the year. However, coordination of border control mechanisms is still ongoing: Hong Kong and Macau, although part of the PRC, are special administrative units.

According to the creators, the bridge will be able to withstand an earthquake of magnitude 8 and will last at least 120 years.

Nowadays bridges are not something surprising or supernatural. They have long become a convenient tool for movement, and allow you to achieve your goal in the shortest possible time. Once upon a time, bridges were trees, planks and ropes. Today these are amazing structures that constantly compete in perfection and strength.

After everyone appreciated the convenience of these structures, bridges began to be perceived as a certain form of art; they actually look impressively beautiful and represent a great creation of mankind. Many people specifically go on a trip in order to see and visit the most beautiful bridges in the world.

In this article we will introduce you to longest bridges in the world and we’ll tell you about the construction process, history and many interesting incidents that are inextricably linked with them.

1.Danyan-Kunyshan viaduct. China. This longest bridge in the world, 164.8 kilometers long. It was built as part of the Beijing High Mountain Railway. Its construction took only 2 years. It is located in Jiangsu province, between Shanghai and the city of Nanki. The largest body of water that crosses the bridge is Yangcheng Lake. The lake, in turn, is famous for the fact that it is home to shaggy crabs, whose meat is a great delicacy.

2. Tianjin viaduct. China. Second longest bridge, is also located in China and its construction also took 2 years. Its length reaches 113,700 meters, which stretches from Beijing South Railway Station to the city of Tianjin.

It is not surprising that third longest bridge in the world is located in China. Its total length is 79,732 meters and connects the cities of Zhengzhou and Xi'an. The bridge received this name because it crosses the Wei River twice.

4. Bang Na Highway. Thailand. There is a bridge in the city Bangkok, and its total length is 54 kilometers. The construction of this above-ground structure lasted 5 years, and the cost of the entire project was more than 1 billion US dollars. Traffic across the bridge paid, this is due to the fact that there is a free ground road. The bridge was created in order to relieve traffic jams on highways.

And again, China is the country that holds the record for the longest bridges. Its length is 42.5 kilometers and extends between the city of Qingdao and the Huangdao region, and also crosses the northern part of Jiaozhou Bay.

Construction of the bridge took 4 years and cost China 60 billion Chinese yuan, the same as almost 10 billion US dollars. Every day, 30,000 cars cross the bridge, saving only 20-30 minutes, which is clearly not worth such a waste of the state budget.

6.Bridge (dam) across Lake Pontchartrain. USA. It also has another name, which is better known to Americans - bridge between Mandeville and Metairie, since these two cities are connected by a lake. It is located in the state of Louisiana, and its length is 38.42 kilometers.

If we compare it with other similar buildings, the bridge is particularly stable and resistant to various elements. True, during its existence (since 1948), one or several barges periodically crash into the bridge.

7.Hangzhou Bay Bridge. Despite the fact that this bridge is the seventh on our list, it is actually the first longest transoceanic bridge in the world.

In turn, it crosses the ocean and connects the cities of Shanghai and Ningbo. The length of the bridge is 36 kilometers, its estimated service life is 100 years, despite the fact that it was built in China.

8.Bridge named after Louisiana paratroopers. USA. From the name, it is obvious that the bridge is located in the state of Louisiana, namely between cities of Baton Rouge and Lafayette. The bridge crosses the Atchafalaya Basin and has a length of 29.29 kilometers, making it second longest bridge in the USA. Near the visitor center at milepost 121 of Highway 3177 is a monument dedicated to the memory of the soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division.

9. King Fahd Bridge. Saudi Arabia. It is rather a whole complex of bridges, the total length of which is more than 25 kilometers. The purpose of the complex is to connect the city of Al Hubao in Saudi Arabia and island state of Bahrain. Construction began in 1982 when heads of state King Fahd and Isa laid the first stone.

10. Bridge-tunnel over the Chesapeake Bay. USA. Have you ever seen a bridge turn into an underwater tunnel? No? Then you have a great opportunity to take a ride underwater. It is located in Virginia and was built back in 1964.

The bridge, if you can even call it that, consists of two underwater tunnels (1600 meters each), 4 artificial islands, 2 bridges, more than 3 kilometers of dam roads and 9 kilometers of access roads. And all this is done so that US Navy vessels can safely go to the open sea. The total length of all these structures is 24.14 kilometers.

That's how creative people can be. Once you see one of these giants, it will be difficult to name it just a bridge, in fact, this is a real work of art, resourcefulness and talent.

In fact, this is not the limit of human capabilities and, given how quickly our planet is populated with more and more new people, soon it will all be covered with many layers of bridges, highways and tunnels.

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We welcome you again to the pages of our website “Me and the World”! Bridges stretch over water, over land, over abyss. Today we will tell you which is the longest bridge in the world.

When going on a trip around the world, take a look at the top 10 longest structures, take a closer look at the photos, find out where they are and what they are called. And then walk through them in reality.

In 1st place is the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct - 164,800 m

The Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct connects two cities in Eastern China. This is a railway bridge over which several trains can pass at once. Almost 9 km passes over the surface of the water, the rest of the distance the train travels on land. Construction lasted quite a short time, only four years, and 10,000 people worked here. China spent $8.5 billion on the project and it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest in the world.

2nd place goes to Great Tianjin - 113,700 m

This structure continues the high-speed railway line between the cities of Beijing and Shanghai, and was also built in China.

In 3rd place - Bridge over Wei - 79,700 m

Again the Chinese railway bridge. It connects the banks of the Wei River and crosses it twice. Trains began traveling along it in 2010, although it was built in 2008.

4th place – Bang Na Highway – 54,000 m

This is a six-lane highway, but many consider this road to be a bridge because it passes over the ground. The automobile giant is located in Thailand and took 5 years to build. Serious traffic jams convinced the authorities to build this highway and invest more than a billion dollars in it. And although the highway is toll, many motorists and tourists try to drive along it, avoiding traffic jams and admiring the surrounding views.

Middle of the ranking – Qingdao – 42,500 m

The largest automotive project across the water. The entire 42.5 km of the Qingdao Bridge goes over the bay. It took 4 years to build, and during this time it cost 10 billion dollars. Every day, up to 30,000 cars pass on the road, and only half an hour of time is saved. Some are surprised: why was it necessary to spend so much money from the budget to save 30 minutes?

6th place – Pontchartrain Dam Bridge – 38,420 m

Also goes through the water of Lake Pontchartrain USA. Located in the state of Louisiana and is paid. Now you can drive between the two shores of the lake in just 50 minutes. Very resistant to various elements, but apparently built so low above the water that barges periodically crash into it.

7th place goes to the Hangzhou Bay Bridge - 35,673 m

One of the most beautiful in the world is located in China. Overwater, passing along the Pacific Gulf. The structure is built in the shape of the letter S. Driving through the structure, motorists reduce the distance by 120 km. On the six-lane road you can drive at a speed of 100 km/h. The shelf life is set at 100 years and then the structure will be reconstructed.

In 8th place is the Shanghai Maglev - 30,500 m

This is the most expensive Chinese railway project. It is made on a magnetic suspension. The project cost about 1.6 billion dollars. The road was laid mainly through marshy areas, and every 25 km it was necessary to make concrete pads for supports, and they are expensive. The highest speed of a train on such a bridge is about 430 km/h, but only a minute and a half - after all, there is almost nowhere to accelerate.

9th place goes to the Bridge-Tunnel, which runs across the Chesapeake Bay - 28,140 m

A very interesting structure that becomes an underwater tunnel. Great idea to ride underwater. The building took 35 years to build. The cost to cross the bridge is $12.00 per toll. The cars ride on the surface for some time, and then “go” down into a tunnel under water so that ships can freely sail through the structure.

And the list ends with the King Fahd Bridge - 26,000 m

It consists of several dams and small bridges that connect Saudi Arabia and the state of Bahrain, located on the islands. The name is given in honor of the King of Arabia, who laid the foundation for construction. One of the parts is quite remarkable, because it rises high above the water, like a hill. I would like to tell you about other unique bridges that are not included in the top ten

The longest arched one was built in Shanghai, more than 3.5 km long and about 45 m high

The longest glass curtain wall is again in China with a length of 488 m and a width of 2 m

The structure connects two rocks, and its weight reached 70 tons. When tourists approach the center, it sways slightly. How great this is, but also scary! 500 people can step on it at the same time.

The longest pedestrian cableway runs over the Akhshtyrsky Gorge in Sochi. Length – 439 m and it stretches at an altitude of 207 m

The length of the longest in Europe is 17 km - Vasco da Gama

The structure is quite beautiful and passes over very clear waters. It was built in just a year and a half and was ready for the 500th anniversary of the opening of the route from Europe to India.

In Russia, a long cable-stayed one was built in Vladivostok 3100 m

It is about 29 m wide and weighs 23,000 tons. High pylons rise up to 324 m. Another large cable-stayed one is located in St. Petersburg across the Neva River. It is permanent and has a length of 2884 m.

An unusual “dancing bridge” is laid across the Volga and stretches for 2.5 km

At the end of 2011, it was strengthened with the participation of specialists from Germany.

And here is the current project - the Crimean Bridge

It will be one of the largest in Russia. For 19 km, a road and railway will run side by side from the Taman Peninsula to the coast of Crimea through the sea strait. Opening of the Crimean Bridge: .

We shared information about the longest and most unusual bridges in the world, crossing the sea, land, suspension and railway. Share the information with your friends on social networks and see you on the pages of our website!

Moving bridges, stone bridges, new bridges, historical bridges, world-famous bridges, bridges you've probably never heard of - they're all here. This list even includes a bridge that floats in water and a bridge through which water flows. These are the top 30 most impressive bridges around the world.

At the time of its opening in 1937, the bridge, which took four years to build, was the longest in the world (main span - 1280 meters) and the highest suspension bridge. Golden Gate held these records until the 1960s. Also known for its color, the bridge is partially painted "international orange" to match the warm coastal surroundings and stand out against the skyline for boaters.

The oldest bridge in Florence. Rebuilt after a flood in 1345, renovated in 1565. After this, the bridge over the Arno River was filled with workshops and houses, which sometimes exceeded the dimensions of the bridge itself. The Ponte Vecchio is the only historical bridge in Florence to survive World War II.

The water bridge across the Elbe, connecting two important canals: the Elbe-Havel and the Central German canal, through which communication with the industrial region - the Ruhr Valley - is carried out - the longest navigable aqueduct in the world with a length of 918 meters. The concrete water bridge near Berlin provided a new convenient route for ships. Before its opening in 2003, ships were forced to make a twelve-kilometer detour through the Rothensee lock, along the Elbe and through the Nigripp lock.

Sydney's largest bridge, one of the largest steel arch bridges in the world. The length of the arched span of the bridge is 503 meters. One of the main attractions of Sydney. Because of its remarkable shape, the bridge received the comic name “Hanger” from Sydney residents. It was opened on March 19, 1932. Contains six million rivets. With a width of 48.8 meters, it is considered the widest arched steel bridge in the world, although de facto it is almost twice as wide as the Blue Bridge in St. Petersburg, which is 32.5 meters long over the Moika riverbed with a width of 97.3 meters.

At the time of its construction, the Millau Viaduct, opened in 2004, was the tallest traffic bridge in the world, one of its pillars is 341 meters high - slightly higher than the Eiffel Tower and just 40 meters lower than the Empire State Building in New York. York. The total length is 2460 meters.

One of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States, its length is 1825 meters, it crosses the East River and connects Brooklyn and Manhattan in New York City. At the time of completion (1883), it was the largest suspension bridge in the world and the first bridge to use steel rods in its construction. The bridge is built from limestone, granite and Rosenthal cement.

Twice entered the Guinness Book of Records: as the longest suspension bridge (main span - 1991 meters, total length - 3911 meters) and as the highest bridge, since its pylons are 298 meters high, which is higher than a 90-story building. Subsequently, it was surpassed in height of the pylons by the Millau Viaduct. If you stretch out all the steel threads (5.23 mm in diameter) of the supporting cables of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, they can encircle the globe more than seven times. The steel bridge's design takes into account earthquakes, strong winds and strong sea currents.

The most famous bridge in Venice and one of the symbols of the city. It was originally made of wood and collapsed several times. At the end of the 16th century, a new stone bridge was erected, which has survived to this day. The bridge consists of one powerful arch 28 meters long, its maximum height in the center is 7.5 meters, the total length is 48 meters. Built at the narrowest point of the Grand Canal, the bridge rests on 12,000 piles driven into the lagoon floor. On the bridge, in the arched galleries, there are 24 benches (6 benches on each side), separated in the center by two arches.

10. Bay Bridge (Oakland, California)

Suspension bridge across the San Francisco Bay between the cities of San Francisco and Oakland. It consists of two parts: the western suspended (2822 m) and the eastern cantilever (3101 m), which are connected by a tunnel under Yerba Buena Island. The bridge is one of the longest bridges of this type in the world. Opened in 1936, it replaced a seismically unstable bridge.

11. Pontoon Bridge State Route 520 (Seattle, WA)

The longest pontoon bridge crossing Lake Washington is 2,350 meters long. It is based on 77 concrete pontoons.

The longest vertical lift bridge in Europe - 670 meters - rises 77 meters above the Garonne River. The four pylons that serve to lift the span vertically light up blue when the tide is high and green when the tide is low.

Reproducing the contours of DNA, this bridge offers pedestrians 280 meters of architectural and acoustic intrigue. Construction material is steel of various types. Has five viewing platforms.

The Nanpu Bridge, with a total length of 6.5 km and a width of seven breakwaters, which stretches over the Huangpu River, is remarkable for its twisted overhead part.

15. Tower Bridge (London, UK)

A 213-meter pedestrian bridge located 70 meters above the canyon. Not for the faint of heart.

The cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait connects the Nazimov Peninsula with Cape Novosilsky on Russky Island. The second tallest bridge in the world, its height is 324 meters. It has the world's largest span among cable-stayed bridges with a length of 1104 meters.

Ancient stone bridge over the Vltava river. Construction began in 1357, opening in 1380. The length of the bridge is 520 meters, width - 9.5 meters. The bridge rests on 16 powerful arches, lined with hewn sandstone blocks. It is decorated with thirty sculptures of mainly religious content.

19. Tilikum Crossing (Portland, USA)

Portland's first new 518-meter bridge over the Willamette River since 1973, the Tilikum Crossing, opened in September 2015. The structure is notable not only for its impressive design with 33.7-meter towers and five spans, but also for the fact that the bridge is not intended for cars, which is unusual for the United States. Trams, buses, cyclists and pedestrians can move across the bridge.

20. Hangzhou Bay Bridge (Zhejiang, China)

This is one of the longest transoceanic bridges in the world - its length is 33.6 km. Opened in 2008, it connects the cities of Shanghai and Ningbo. Traffic along it is carried out in three lanes in each direction. Travel speed is up to 100 km/h, service life is more than 100 years. After the completion of the bridge, the route between Shanghai and Ningbo was shortened by more than 160 km. Halfway across the bridge, an island platform with a service center has been built, where drivers and passengers can rest, have a snack and take advantage of a wide range of services.

Fully automatic "flying" drawbridge. Raises and lowers from one pylon. Has a deck of 15x5 m.

22. Confederation Bridge (Borden-Carleton, Canada)

Connects Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick on the Canadian mainland. It was opened in 1997. At 12.9 km including access roads, it is the world's longest bridge built over ice-covered water. Relies on 62 supports. 44 spans are the main ones, each 250 meters long. The width of the bridge is 11 meters, the height of the bridge above sea level in the Northumberland Strait is 40 meters, in the central part intended for the passage of sea vessels, it reaches 60 meters. The bridge is built with a slight double curve in the shape of the letter S. This is done so that drivers do not lose their vigilance on the road.

23. Millennium Bridge (Gateshead, UK)

The world's first "tilt" bridge, opened in 2001. The base of the bridge is two steel arches. One of them rises 50 m above the water surface. The other, located almost horizontally, is used by pedestrians and cyclists, and small vessels can pass under it. When a tall vessel approaches the bridge and is unable to pass under the horizontal part, both arches as a single unit rotate 40° around the axis connecting their ends: the pedestrian and bicycle deck of the bridge rises, while the upper arch, on the contrary, lowers. The turn lasts no more than 4.5 minutes, depending on the wind speed. When it is completed, the two arches are in a “equilibrium-raised” position, in which the top points of the arches rise 25 meters above the surface of the water. This maneuver earned the bridge the nickname "Winking Eye".

The fifth longest bridge in the world and one of the longest bridges crossing water. The length of the bridge is about 42.5 kilometers. Built in 2011, the bridge is divided into six road lanes and supported by more than 5,200 pillars. The structure is strong enough to withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake, a typhoon, or a collision with a vessel up to 300,000 tons.

25. Lupu Bridge (Shanghai, China)

The second longest steel arch bridge in the world. The total length of the bridge is 3.9 km. The length of the arch across the river is 550 meters. The height of the roadway above the water is 46 m. ​​According to the project, the bridge is capable of withstanding a 12-point hurricane and a 7-point earthquake on the Richter scale.

This bridge, opened in 2008, is 290 meters long and 138 meters high. The only bridge in the world in the shape of the letter "X". The cross-shaped support supports two transport tracks, the lower of which is at a height of 12 meters, and the upper of which is 24 meters above the ground. The bridge design is complemented by an illumination system; multi-colored LED bulbs are built directly into the cables.

27. Royal Gorge Bridge (Cañon City, USA)

Opened in 1929, this tallest bridge in the Western Hemisphere is located 291 meters above the Arkansas River. between the towers and has a total length of 384 meters (the span of the suspension bridge is 268 meters). The steel base structure is covered with 1,292 wooden planks. It is used by pedestrian tourists; only passenger cars can travel on it.

The cable-stayed bridge over the lake, located in the new administrative center of Malaysia over the lake, is interesting for its design, reminiscent of a sailboat. The inverted Y-shaped concrete and steel pylon rises 96 meters at a 75° angle to the 165-meter span and is supported by cables (21 pairs on the land side, 30 pairs on the span side) and two supports.

This bridge has won numerous awards since its opening in 1998 for its innovative design and aesthetic appearance. Designed by Christian Menn, the curved Sunniberg is 526 meters long and 12.3 meters wide and features a unique Y-shaped support structure.

A suspension bridge connecting the two historical parts of Budapest - Buda and Pest. Became the first permanent bridge across the Danube. Created by the English engineer William Tierney Clark, the bridge was impressive with an abundance of cast iron and stone and, with a length of 375 meters, was one of the longest at the time of its opening in 1849. Despite the fact that in 1945 the bridge was almost completely destroyed by the Germans, its bridge towers were preserved, which made it possible to reconstruct it in 1949.

Trying to determine the longest bridge in the world is no easy task. Over the past few years, a lot of “measuring work” has been carried out to identify the longest bridges on Earth. The main reason for this is that it is difficult to define what exactly a bridge is. Should it be above water? What if only part of the bridge is above water? While these are important questions if you want to get into the Guinness Book of World Records, for our purposes we will not discriminate against any particular type of bridge. So with that said, these are the 18 longest bridges in the world.


1. Saratov Bridge.

The Saratov Bridge over the Volga in Saratov was the longest bridge in the Soviet Union after. Its length is 2,803.7 meters, and it connects Saratov on the right (western) bank of the Volga, with the city of Engels on the left (eastern) bank. In 2008, a new bridge was built, and in 2009, the second part was completed and opened, with a total length of 12,760 meters.

2. Confederation Bridge.

The Confederation Bridge is a bridge spanning the Abegweit Channel of the Northumberland Strait, linking Prince Edward Island to the mainland of New Brunswick, Canada. It has been called the longest bridge in the world spanning a piece of ice during the winter months.

3. Presidential Bridge.

The Presidential Bridge is a bridge that crosses the Volga River in the Ulyanovsk region, connecting the city of Ulyanovsk with the eastern side of the Ulyanovsk region. This is the second longest bridge in Russia and one of the longest bridges in Europe with a length of 19.98 kilometers. The bridge carries up to 40,000 vehicles per day.

4. Dipangkorn Rasmiyoti Bridge.

Also known as the Industrial Ring Road Bridge, it is part of the 13 km Industrial Ring Road connecting southern Bangkok to Samut Prakan province. The bridge crosses the Chao Phraya River twice, with two spans of 702 m and 582 m in length, supported by two diamond-shaped pylons of 173 m and 164 m in height.

5. Rio Niteroi.

The Rio Niteroi Bridge is a girder bridge located in Guanabara Bay in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It connects the cities of Rio de Janeiro and the municipality of Nitero. It is currently the sixth largest in the world. It was originally called the Costa Silva Presidential Bridge, but is rarely called that today.

6. Penang Bridge.

The Penang Bridge is a dual carriageway toll bridge connecting George Town on the island of Penang and Seberang Prai on the Malaysian mainland on the Malay Peninsula. The total length of the bridge is 13.5 km, making it the longest bridge in Malaysia and the fourth largest in Southeast Asia. Until 2014, this was the only connection between the peninsula and the island.

7. Bridge over the Kama on the P239 highway.

The bridge over the Kama is a bridge on the P239 highway near the village of Sorochi Gory in Tatarstan. It is part of the longest bridge structure in Russia when measured by the total length of the road.

8. Vasco da Gama Bridge.

The Vasco da Gama Bridge is a cable-stayed enclosed bridge that extends from the Tagus River near Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. It is the longest bridge in Europe (including viaducts) with a total length of 17.2 km. The bridge also has six lanes (soon to be eight).

9. Incheon-daegyo.

The Incheon Bridge (also called the Incheon Grand Bridge) is a newly built reinforced concrete bridge in South Korea. When it opened in October 2009, it became the second link between Yeongjong Island and the Incheon mainland.

10. 6th October Bridge.

The 6th October Bridge is an elevated highway in the center of Cairo, Egypt. 20.5 km long is the bridge and dam that cross the Nile River. In 2011, during the Egyptian revolution, the bridge was a route for protests in Tahrir Square.

11. Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel.

The original bridge-tunnel connected a 20-kilometer-long trestle, two 1.6-kilometer tunnels, four artificial islands, two high-level bridges, approximately 3.2 kilometers, and 8.9 kilometers of access roads crossing the Chesapeake Bay.

12. Jintang.

Jintang Bridge is built in Zhejiang, China, on the Zhoushan Archipelago, the largest offshore island group in China.

13. Qingdao Bay Bridge.

The Jiaozhou Bay Bridge is considered the world's longest bridge over water using overall length standards (parts of it are over land). This bridge is 42.6 kilometers long, but extends over the water for only 25.9 kilometers.

14. Donghai Bridge.

Donghai Bridge is one of the longest bridges in the world. It has a total length of 32.5 kilometers and connects mainland Shanghai and the Yangshan deep sea port in China.

15. Zhunyang Suspension Bridge.

The Runyang Suspension Bridge is a large bridge that crosses the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, China, below Nanjing. The complex consists of two main bridges connecting Zhenjiang on the south bank of the river and Yangzhou in the north. The bridge is part of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway. It is the third largest suspension bridge in the world, as well as the largest bridge in China. At 35,673 km in length, the Hangzhou Bay Bridge is one of the longest trans-oceanic bridges in the world. The purpose of this bridge was to reduce travel time from Ningbo and Shanghai. He managed to do this; Whereas the journey took four hours, it now takes two.

17. Great Bridge of Tianjin.

The Tianjin Grand Bridge is a railway viaduct bridge that runs between Langfang and Qingxiang, part of the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed ​​Railway. It is one of the longest bridges in the world with a total length of about 113,700 m. According to Guinness, it holds the title of the second largest bridge in the world.

18. Danyang-Kunshan Great Bridge.

The Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge is the world's longest bridge and is currently in the Guinness Book of Records. This viaduct is 164.8 kilometers long. It took four years to build and more than $8 billion.