Gagra - exact time with seconds! Time in Abkhazia now The need for accurate time in modern life.

In ancient times, knowing the exact time was not a daily need for humans. It was enough to determine the outcome of the day, and the main criterion for this was the position of the sun in the sky. The solar day begins exactly at noon, and this time is determined by the location of the shadows on the sundial. For many years and centuries, this method was the main one and was used to count days. But the development of society and technological progress inexorably began to require accurate knowledge of not only days, but also hours and minutes. After the sun clock, the hourglass appeared, and is now used to measure exact minutes during medical procedures and laboratory research, as well as tower, table, wall, and wrist.

The need for accurate time in modern life.

Why do you need to know the exact time? In the modern world, without this, the entire way of life would be disrupted, giving way to chaos and disorder. The transport system and industry would freeze, people would be late for school and work. Buses, trains and planes fly according to a schedule tied to an exact time. Modern financial relationships, which include such a word as “overdue,” cannot exist separately from exact hours, minutes and seconds.

Time Zones

The territory of the earth is so vast that in one part of the globe the sun sets, and at the same time in another place people wake up under the rays of the rising star. To organize geographic distances relative to precise time, scientists came up with time zones. The earth's surface is theoretically divided into 24 such zones: according to the number of hours in a day. The conventional band is approximately 15°, and within this interval the time differs by an hour from the time of the neighboring ones, +/-. The countdown is based on the Greenwich meridian and this time is called “Greenwich Time” (GMT). Recently, they began to use a more advanced reference system - Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Exact time online

In Soviet times in Russia, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin was the standard of time. They were the ones that were verified for accuracy, and all other clocks in the country, young and old, were measured against them. Today, the exact time with seconds can be found on specialized websites on the Internet, for which you just need to go to their pages. In this case, the exact time will change online, and you can easily navigate by time zones to find out what time it is currently in Los Angeles, Moscow or Yekaterinburg.

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Gagra, Georgia - general information

The length of an earthly day is determined by the time it takes the Earth to rotate around its axis, and is 24 hours. A consequence of the Earth's rotation is both the change of day and night, and the fact that when moving from west to east by 15° longitude, local solar time, determined by the apparent position of the Sun, increases by 1 hour.
In everyday life, official local time is used, which differs to a greater or lesser extent from solar time. The entire surface of the Earth is divided into time zones (in other terminology - time zones). Within the same time zone, the same time is used. The boundaries of time zones are determined by considerations of convenience and, as a rule, coincide with interstate or administrative boundaries. The time difference between adjacent time zones is usually one hour, although in some cases the time in adjacent time zones differs by two or more hours. There is also a time shift of 30 or 45 minutes.
For most countries, the entire territory of the country is within the same time zone. The territory of countries that extend from west to east over a considerable distance, such as Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil and a number of others, is usually divided into several time zones. The exception is China, throughout which Beijing time is used.
The reference point for determining the time zone offset is Coordinated Universal Time or UTC. UTC corresponds to the mean solar time at the prime or Greenwich meridian. Time zone offsets relative to UTC range from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00.
Almost all countries in Europe and North America, as well as a number of other countries, move their clocks forward an hour in the spring, to summer time, and in the fall - an hour back, to winter time. The offset of the respective time zones relative to UTC changes twice a year. However, most countries in the world do not practice this clock change.

As it turns out, young people in Abkhazia can do more than just sing and dance.© Poster

If only venerable opposition politicians spoke about the outrages that are happening in Abkhazia, demanding the resignation of the president of the partially recognized republic, Raul Khadzhimba, this could be attributed to their revanchist sentiments and inter-clan squabbles. The “Country of the Soul” really abounds in them, which has become a criminal “black hole” of the entire South Caucasus. But this time the youth rebelled, demanding that Khajimba voluntarily resign.

And she demanded not a “small handful” lounging on the Sukhumi embankment, but announced the creation of her own organization at a youth forum held the other day in the Abkhaz capital. 800 people took part in it - this, by the scale of a tiny republic, is a rather impressive protest mass. All speakers, including some “old” politicians, outlined the real socio-political and socio-economic situation in this Russian “underbelly” that broke away from Georgia, filled with military bases of the Russian Federation.

Let us recall that at the beginning of the summer, Khajimba’s resignation was demanded not only by the most authoritative opposition party in Abkhazia, “Amtsakhara,” but even by those influential politicians who, four years ago, not without the support of Russia, laid down their bones to finally place Raul Dzhumkovich in the presidential chair. , practically overthrowing the current head of state Alexander Ankvab. But then, at the beginning of the tourist season, passions were somehow softened - due to new political unrest, it could have completely failed, while the income from it is perhaps the only income to the treasury independent of the Russian budget.

But now it’s autumn, and nothing threatens the tourist season. We prepared thoroughly for the forum, with the involvement of “young people” from the regions of the republic. And they adopted an appeal to Khadzhimba, which emphasized that most of the election promises given to the population by the current government while it was in opposition have not been fulfilled. Which ones exactly, and what is really going on in Abkhazia now, will be clear from the speeches at the forum given below. We note here that the participants of this large opposition front called on the president to “voluntarily resign early”, because the country under his leadership “entered a period of dangerous instability, capable of causing uncontrolled mass protests of the population.” “Your destructive activities are depriving us of our future,” summed up the forum participants.

Let us note that a quarter of a century has passed since Abkhazia de facto separated from Georgia and positioned itself as an independent state. “So what do we have now?” — asked the head of the youth wing of the National Movement for Strengthening the Statehood of Abkhazia, Inal Khishba. And he himself answered this rhetorical question, which almost every resident of the republic will answer in the same way. Namely: “The worst period in the post-war history of Abkhazia,” when “our friends and brothers are dying on the roads, dying from overdoses, shooting at each other. ... In our country, if a person was in office and did not get rich, he is considered a fool. Deception and corruption are the order of the day, and, worst of all, people have begun to get used to it. Corruption has reached monstrous proportions; it not only steals the opportunity to build new gardens, schools, hospitals, roads - it steals our future. ... Our most respected people are would-be politicians, bandits and businessmen.”

The head of the Gagra branch of the Amtsakhara party, Alkhas Geria, added that over the past four years, the outflow of young people to Russia and other states of the Near Abroad has increased, since in Abkhazia there are no prospects for their development and employment, and in general, many young professionals have been fired from work due to political reasons. At the same time, “drug addiction has become significantly younger, and the level of teenage criminalization has reached unprecedented levels.” The opposition politician is of the opinion that the resignation of the president is the only right decision: it “will give a new impetus to the development of our society as a whole.” And this society, stated sociologist, teacher at Abkhaz State University Dmitry Adleiba, lives in conditions of “such a level of degradation of law, beyond which there is a loss of statehood.”

Well, parliament member Dmitry Dbar believes that the development of Abkhaz society “has stopped completely.” He placed special emphasis on the sharp increase, during Khajimba’s presidency, in the number of murders, robberies, and rapes. “Kidnapping has become commonplace,” he said. The fact that “the people are exhausted, exhausted and hungry” was confirmed from the forum’s rostrum by the head of the youth wing of the political party “United Abkhazia” David Kadzhaya. “If this continues,” he believes, “the country will be swallowed up by chaos and anarchy, and then there will be no winners and losers, left and right.” As for the economy and its growth, it is generally unnecessary to talk about this, when “the country has changed five prime ministers in four years, ... the republican budget has never been fulfilled, when investors do not come to the country, and those who were were kidnapped for the purpose of ransom." Kajaya also accused authorities of blocking business projects “due to political considerations.”

Among the questions he asked the president were the following: “Where are the promised reforms? Where are the jobs for youth? Where are decent pensions for retirees? Where are the benefits and free medicines for disabled people and war veterans? Where are the promised hidden internal reserves? How are things going in agriculture? What is the situation regarding demographics? Are guests and investors who come to us protected today? What is the situation at the Psou checkpoint (border with Russia)? What are Abkhaz-Russian relations like today? Which road are we going and where? What is our national idea? Can you, as the guarantor of the Constitution, ensure our security and execution of laws?”

As all the forum participants insisted, Khajimba must leave. They agreed on the need to create a new youth movement that would “reflect and defend the interests of the younger generation of our citizens.” Apparently, the youth of Abkhazia no longer have any hope that the heavyweights of local politics, or the so-called “clans,” are able to rid the republic of Khadzhimba and bring it to a more or less civilized state, both from a legal and economic point of view.

The fact that young people were now attacking Khadzhimba and his clan should, in theory, have found at least some response from the President of Abkhazia. But, apparently, it was not found. Moreover, the forum participants claim that the coverage of this event on air by the Abkhaz State Television and Radio Company (AGTRK) was extremely biased, and they demanded that an “objective version” be aired. But the television company responded that they could not do this without agreement with the prime minister, and he said that the issue would not be resolved without an agreement with the president. The President crawled into the bushes: he seemed to be ill, and even on the phone he could not tell whether “to be or not to be.”

In general, Khadzhimba took the path of aggravating the situation and provoking young people. And this, it must be said, is dangerous: it is one thing to ignore, for the time being, the familiar old opposition, and another thing to ignore the young and hot-headed ones, who, by the way, are capable of chopping and setting fire to so much wood that it will be impossible to put them out without bloodshed. In addition, young people are also supported by influential opposition parties who dream of revenge.

And what’s interesting is that Khadzhimba constantly pretends that nothing extraordinary is happening in this “spiritual” country, and only “individual shortcomings” occur. Meanwhile, the situation is becoming increasingly uncontrollable, since, in addition to the low standard of living, rampant corruption and other “charms” of Abkhaz life, people do not even have a hint of a sense of physical security. Not from Georgia or Russia, against the “bond” with which the Abkhazians also periodically rally (like - in this case you can “get involved with the Russians”, but in that case you can’t), but from their own authorities.

In general, the ranks of Khadzhimba’s political lawyers are greatly thinning, and the opposition front is expanding, increasingly appealing in their rhetoric to “legal norms,” which, by definition, do not exist in Abkhazia. It was not possible to “knock” Khajimba out of the presidential chair in the summer - then a rehearsal took place, but not a dress rehearsal. But now the roles in the relevant process have begun to change, since new actors have joined it - young people in large numbers. She is unlikely to agree to the status of “just an extra.” Are her claims fair? Of course yes. But will they be fair themselves if they still manage to acquire power? It’s unlikely: the clan mentality is too strong in Abkhazia to talk about building a rule of law state, which is also partially recognized by Russia with a handful of its “satellites” and “beggars”: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nauru and recently Syria.

And, by the way, the new “revolutionary front” - far from homogeneous, since it is formed from “old people” and “young people” - will still need to agree on a single candidacy for the post of president and coordinate it with Moscow. This is a complicated matter, since Khadzhimba suits Russia for now. On the other hand, if she is convinced that the current president is a truly “acted out” figure, and clinging to her threatens Abkhazia with civil confrontation, that is, the situation leaving the control of Moscow, she will have to meet the protest electorate halfway. And now everything will depend on the “energy of the young.”

Andrey Nikolaev

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The best place to relax, choosing among the Black Sea resorts, remains Abkhazia. This small independent country attracts a lot of attention from Russian tourists.

Resorts of the Republic of Abkhazia They surprise you with their marvelous beauty: the clear sea, the stunning location of the mountainous landscape, the exceptional climate, the hospitality of the indigenous people, the unique cuisine and delicious wines, as well as the affordable price for all the gifts of this amazing corner of the earth.

Abkhazia– undoubtedly, a great place for a great holiday and getting special exciting sensations. Here you can find a lot of exciting activities: swim in the sea, take an excursion to the mountains, visit caves, waterfalls, visit local attractions, feel the whole aroma of the wonderful climate. Abkhazia opens its heart to every visitor and takes you into its world of bewitching natural beauty. In this incomparable region, every person will find his own pleasure, the main thing is to taste all the delights of this resort.

Abkhazia is distinguished by its diversity, so even in one week of stay there, you will not be able to see all its charming places. One of the many features of Abkhazia, in addition to its fantastic nature, remains its location outside of time.

While exploring numerous sights, you can find yourself in different time zones: visiting castles in Gagra, you return to the times of imperial balls; driving around monasteries on picturesque hills, you plunge into the Middle Ages; passing train stations and old sanatoriums, you return to the Stalin years. This is precisely where the uniqueness of the local beauties lies – in the combination of the incompatible.

In addition, in Abkhazia you can not only have a great trip, but also undergo health treatment. Therefore, a trip to Abkhazia is the best place to relax. Spending time here is like a mysterious story, captivating with its unreal events, trips and sensations and bringing a note of unreal admiration.