What to bring from other countries. Traditional gifts in different countries of the world

In order for the emotions and impressions brought from a trip not to fade away, but from time to time to charge you with positivity and enthusiasm, only photographs are not enough. Photos are most often viewed at leisure or to entertain friends, but souvenirs and gifts, brought from different countries of the world, can not only please the eye and remind you of adventure, but also be useful in everyday life.

Before going on a trip, we think through not only the route, but also the budget, an irreplaceable part of which is spending on gifts. In this article we have prepared another selection the best souvenirs from around the world, which will not leave you and your loved ones indifferent.

In we talked about Sri Lanka, the UAE and other popular exotic countries where you can buy memorable souvenirs.

Now, let's explore another list.

Homeland of Dumas famous for its authentic champagne, fine wines and amazing Provençal herbs. The main souvenir of France is its miniature symbol - Eiffel Tower. French perfumes, cosmetics and all sorts of goodies are also popular among tourists.

In order for France to remain in your heart for a long time, you can bring a gift copy of the novel “The Three Musketeers” in the original language. Also, a tapestry or french beret. The latter is not only the hallmark of France, but also one of the main headdresses of fashionistas all over the world.

In Germany you will find many interesting and useful things that are perfect as a souvenir. The most common are beer mugs, Teddy bears, German sausages, chocolate, beer, as well as coffee and cheese.

In order not to make a mistake, you can bring a little bit of everything. But, the real symbol of Germany and its main drink is considered Jägermeister liqueur(hunting master). Interestingly, it was originally developed as a medicine to improve digestion. Cost from 18 euros.

Buy genuine swiss folding knife or a watch is not affordable for everyone, but if you have such an opportunity, you can’t think of a better gift. Swiss cheese and chocolate are popular among tourists. These products are most often brought as souvenirs.

In Switzerland The cow is considered a sacred animal, so here you will find a large number of products and dishes with its image. On Christmas Eve, the best gift would be gingerbread.

The first association that arises with the phrase souvenirs from UK- this is a figurine in the form of an English double-decker bus or telephone booth. Everything is not so banal, and you can bring a lot of useful things from the UK.

Who doesn't know about English tea ceremony? An excellent gift would be a tea set and a package of aromatic tea. Also, a popular gift is an English umbrella. And things made from Scottish wool will come in handy during the cold season.

Canada- this is maple, beaver and hockey. All souvenir paraphernalia of the country is made on the basis of these three symbols. Of course, a soft toy in the shape of a beaver will not be an original gift, but maple syrup in a bottle in the shape of a maple leaf is already something.

The best souvenirs from Canada will be Ice Wine (ice wine made from frozen grapes), Egg Nog (a traditional New Year's drink based on eggs, sugar and spices), and blueberry jam.

The main symbols of Sweden The ones depicted on souvenirs are moose, trolls, horses, Viking horns, goats and gnomes. You will undoubtedly find the above characters on clothes, dishes and other products. Sweden is not a cheap country, so it’s better not to waste time on trifles, but to buy something really worthwhile.

Netherlands- a country of free views, so souvenirs such as goods from a sex shop do not surprise anyone. Of course, in addition to this, the Netherlands is famous throughout the world for its Dutch cheese and abundance of tulips.

Considering the diversity of the country, you can bring many interesting things. Shoes, both wooden, rag and porcelain, are popular among tourists; miniature mills and colorful houses of Amsterdam. But most often they bring bulbs of tulips and other flowers, which you can plant in your dacha or at home.

Australians still those inventors. For example, one of the recent discoveries in the Australian souvenir world is a lighter made from the scrotum of a kangaroo. Also, you can find a wallet made from a kangaroo scrotum. Popular souvenirs of Australia include a boomerang, an inverted world map, opals, Australian ugg boots, eucalyptus and emu oil, kangaroo jerky and unusual road signs of the country.

Australia is rich and delicious souvenirs such as Macadamia nuts (they can be sold roasted or covered in chocolate, and they are also very healthy for humans, but poisonous for dogs), Vegemite (a spread that is considered the national dish of the country and is used in everyday nutrition), cookies TimTam, as well as Cherry Ripe bars.

As for alcoholic drinks, Bundaberg Rum and Stubby are popular here (beer, which is sold only in 0.33 ml bottles; you can also purchase a special case for the bottle with the symbols of Australia, which will prevent the bottle from heating up quickly).

So, traveling the world, you can not only explore the sights, but also, in the process of searching for gifts and souvenirs, learn a lot about the daily life of the local population of a particular country.

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When traveling around the world, we usually want to buy gifts for our family and friends. After all, if you don’t buy a figurine of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, it will seem like you’ve never been there at all. So, let's look at the most popular souvenirs from around the world.

1. Figurine of a sumo wrestler from Japan.

Japan is famous for many phenomena, including sumo wrestling. So you can find such a souvenir at every step.

2. Mug in the shape of Dracula from Romania .

When you say “Romania”, the first thing that comes to mind is the vampire Dracula, aka Vlad the Impaler. It is not surprising that all local souvenir shops are filled with items on this theme, for example, mugs like these.

3. Thermometer in the form of the Great Wall of China from China.

Kill two birds with one stone by purchasing such a souvenir. Tell people about your travels while staying up to date with weather conditions in your own home.

4. Figurine of Christ the Savior from Brazil.

The 30-meter tall statue of Christ the Savior rises on a hill above Rio de Janeiro and is one of the most iconic landmarks in all of Brazil. It is not surprising that her image can be bought in any Brazilian souvenir shop.

5. Cow bell from Switzerland.

Although Switzerland is a small country, there are many things that it is famous for. Swiss knife, chocolate, watches - all these items are known throughout the world. But when it comes to souvenirs, there is only one - decorative bells, like those that hang on the necks of Swiss cows.

6. Little Mermaid figurine from Denmark.

Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote “The Little Mermaid”, and in Copenhagen there is a statue of this heroine - one of the most important attractions of the city and the whole country. Of course, there are miniature copies too - in any souvenir shop in Denmark.

7. Opener with the Pope from the Vatican.

Everyone knows that the Vatican is the residence of His Holiness, so if you ever visit this smallest enclave within Rome, you will remember it for the rest of your life. Portraits of the Pope are everywhere. Even on such “mundane” items as bottle openers.

8. Golem figurine from the Czech Republic.

They are somewhat similar to sumo wrestler figurines, but in fact they depict the Golem - a mythical creature created by a Prague rabbi in the 16th century. These figurines are one of the most popular Czech souvenirs.

9. Painted skulls from Mexico.

If you're planning a trip to Mexico, don't forget to bring back one of these colorful painted skulls. This is one of the most popular souvenirs in the country. They are associated with Day of the Dead, a traditional Mexican holiday celebrated throughout the country.

10. Model of a double-decker bus from England.

In addition to world-famous attractions like the Tower, the London Eye or Buckingham Palace, there is something else in the UK that every tourist must see, photograph and be sure to take home with them as a souvenir - the iconic red double-decker bus.

11. Straw hats from Thailand.

In recent years, Thailand has become an increasingly popular Asian destination, attracting millions of tourists from all over the world every year. What souvenir should you bring from this country? Of course, a traditional straw hat.

12. “Mozartkugel” from Austria.

Named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of history's greatest composers, Mozartkugel candies are made from marzipan, nougat and dark chocolate. This sweet delicacy is the most popular souvenir in Austria, the country where Mozart was born.

13. Dancing doll from Hawaii, USA.

Dear Hawaii... Sun, crystal clear water, magnificent beaches and... of course, beautiful dancers with flower wreaths.

14. Lighter made from... kangaroo scrotum from Australia.

Kangaroos are one of the most popular animal symbols of Australia, so it is not surprising that many souvenirs are associated with them. However, the fact that one of the most popular souvenirs is the poor animal's scrotum, made in the form of a keychain or lighter, may shock you a little.

15. Maple syrup from Canada.

Canada is the world's largest producer of maple syrup, and the maple leaf, as we know, is comfortably located on the main flag of the country. So when it comes to souvenirs, there's nothing more Canadian than maple syrup in maple leaf-shaped bottles.

16. Figurine of a pharaoh from Egypt.

Pyramids, sphinx, camels and... pharaohs. You cannot leave Egypt without at least one of these figurines in your luggage.

17. Viking horns from Sweden.

Sweden is a country where the Vikings lived, and the cult of these medieval warriors and sailors is still preserved here. It is not surprising that horned Viking helmets have become one of the most popular souvenirs that tourists take with them from this Scandinavian country.

18. Elephant figurines from India.

Many people collect elephant figurines, but in India they are one of the most popular souvenirs. And there is a reason for this, because India is the country with the largest elephant population.

19. A copy of the Brandenburg Gate from Germany.

The 18th-century neoclassical triumphal arch, the Brandenburg Gate, is an iconic Berlin landmark that attracts tourists from all over the world. People often buy a copy of this structure and pose with it in front of the original gate.

20. Painted wooden shoes from Holland.

In the Netherlands you can literally get lost in souvenirs. Mills, tulips, cheese - all these things are iconic symbols of the Netherlands. But there is something else that is much more important and iconic - these are super-fashionable, but practically indestructible painted wooden shoes! They are made entirely of wood and are one of the most beloved Dutch souvenirs among tourists.

The easiest way to recognize the character of a country is by national music, religious traditions and... cuisine! In addition, overseas delicacies seem doubly tasty due to their rarity, and therefore bringing authentic delicacies from abroad is a common activity.

It is customary to bring fresh or dried fruits, as well as aromatic spices, from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries of Southeast Asia. From Spain, different varieties of jamon - dry-cured pork meat - usually arrive on Russian tables. The Czech Republic is famous for its delicious Oblatka waffles. From Greece you should definitely grab a bottle of high-quality cold-pressed olive oil, and from Montenegro tourists like to bring prosciutto as a treat - meat smoked and cured in the wind and sun.

Spirits from different countries

This is another popular type of tourist souvenir. Czech Slivovice liqueur or Bekhterevka liqueur, Greek Metaxa, Brazilian Caipirinha cocktail or a bottle of champagne from France - all these intoxicating gifts are universal and always welcome. These are appropriate gifts for friends and acquaintances, colleagues, bosses and even business partners.

The most popular souvenirs from the Dominican Republic are rum, cigars, jewelry with rare local larimar stone or local coffee.

However, travelers should be aware of customs regulations in different countries, which may limit the export of alcoholic beverages in various ways. Thus, only people over 20 years of age can export alcohol from Finland.

Authentic jewelry, national attributes and interior details

The choice of souvenirs from this category in different countries is truly huge. After all, traditions, customs, and styles of master craftsmen differ even in different regions of the same state.

From different countries, in addition to delicacies, alcohol and handicrafts, it is customary to bring products from local cosmetic brands as gifts and souvenirs.

For example, among the souvenir products in the Czech Republic are pomegranate jewelry, Bohemian crystal, and simply fresh roses preserved in the thermal springs of the Karlovy Vary resort.

From Australia you can take national works of art or typical household items of local aborigines: boomerangs, spears, paintings on fabric, etc.

It is customary to bring elephant figurines, silver jewelry, pearls, high quality coconut oil, etc. from Thailand and neighboring countries of Southeast Asia.

Almost every person loves to receive gifts. It just so happens that in different countries of the world, traditional presentations are very different. One thing unites everyone - anticipation of the holiday.

Children and adults, everyone is really waiting for the next celebration to come so they can receive the treasured gift.

The most anticipated holiday is the New Year, today we will talk about traditional gifts in different parts of our planet.


In England, New Year is celebrated quite modestly, with family and close friends. They buy small offerings, most likely of a souvenir nature. Children are given a lot of sweets.

But Christmas is not distinguished by such modesty; on this day it is celebrated very noisily, and the choice of gifts is taken very seriously.

It is customary to present something unusual and memorable. All the presents are delivered by the kind Santa, who especially pampers those children who were obedient last year.

Italy and Spain

As in other Catholic countries, in Italy the main celebration is not New Year, but Christmas. Instead of Santa, Babbo Natale is here, he goes from house to house and delivers gifts to everyone. Children are often given toys and books, while adults receive things useful for everyday use.

But don’t think that New Year is not celebrated here at all, Italians drink wine and have fun.

The most unusual tradition associated with this celebration is throwing old things out of windows. Thus, Italians are “renewing themselves” and preparing for a bright future.

In , Christmas also dominates, it is celebrated from December 24 to 25, and is called “good night.”

Everything is lit and sparkling with decorations; many fairs and interesting performances are held on the streets. They buy a lot of gifts and quite expensive ones. This holiday is usually celebrated on a grand scale.


The New Year is considered one of the brightest and most cheerful holidays. Preparation for a significant event takes almost the entire month preceding it.

Much attention is paid to home decoration. Wishes and talismans for good luck are hung at the entrance. There is a tradition of bathing Buddha. The statues are washed until they shine, and the inhabitants of the country themselves pour water on each other and shout out New Year's wishes.

Gifts vary greatly depending on your mood and financial situation, but be that as it may, sending greeting cards to all friends and relatives is considered an unspoken rule.

Also, in China, great attention is paid to what can be presented and what cannot be presented. The number of surprises also matters (everything must have a couple).


In Russia, New Year is celebrated very noisily. This is one of the biggest holidays; Russians have been celebrating it since 1700 by order of Peter I. The main characters of the celebration are Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka.

Gifts are given absolutely any way; there are no specific canons dictating the type or price of the gift. In principle, just like for other special events.

Gifts with a Russian soul

The scope of the offering may vary depending on the importance of the celebration itself. For example, it is customary to give expensive gifts, but smaller ones on March 8th.

Flowers are a traditional addition to any surprise. This is one of the most popular gifts given for all significant events.

On this day in Russia it is customary to rejoice and have fun, only in our country the New Year is celebrated for more than 3 days, sometimes even several weeks.

Hello dear forum users! I travel often and I’m wondering what I can bring to friends or just nice people?

What souvenirs do you like to bring from your trips? What is the best souvenir gift that was given to you?

I found an interesting article about popular souvenirs from around the world.

Returning from a trip and choosing souvenirs, people try to buy something special and unique, but in fact they bring the most typical souvenirs that have become unique tourist brands.

1. Mount Rushmore Oil Lamp, South Dakota

South Dakota is not a US tourist hotspot, but it does have a landmark that is famous all over the world: Mount Rushmore. Therefore, when visiting South Dakota, it is worth purchasing something related to Mount Rushmore, such as an oil lamp.

2. Sumo wrestler, Japan

Japan has quite a lot of tourism brands, but tourists buy souvenirs related to sumo wrestling most willingly.

3. Cup with Dracula, Romania

When hearing the word "Romania", the first thing that might come to mind for most people is Dracula or Vlad the Impaler. It's no wonder that all the local souvenir shops are literally crammed with a variety of Dracula-themed souvenirs, such as this scary vampire cup.

4. Thermometer with the Great Wall of China

It’s easy to kill two birds with one stone by visiting China. You can buy this cute thermometer with a picture of the Great Wall of China. At any time you can check the temperature in your room at home, and at the same time remember your trip to the Celestial Empire.

5. Bottle opener with the Pope, Vatican

Everyone knows that the Vatican is the residence of His Holiness, and, undoubtedly, a visit to this tiny independent state will be remembered for a lifetime. Portraits of the Pope are everywhere. Even on the most ordinary objects, such as a bottle opener.

6. Pharaoh figurine, Egypt

Pyramids, sphinx, camels and... pharaohs. It is simply impossible to leave Egypt without one of these figurines.

7. Statue of Christ, Brazil

The gigantic 30-meter tall Christ the Redeemer statue towering over Rio de Janeiro is the most iconic landmark in the city and perhaps the entire country. It's no surprise that Christ figurines of all sizes and shapes are sold in souvenir shops throughout Rio.

8. Golem figurine, Czech Republic

The figurine, which somewhat resembles a Czech version of a sumo wrestler, is actually a depiction of the Golem, a mythical anthropomorphic creature that legends say was created by a Prague rabbi in the 16th century. These figurines are among the most popular Czech souvenirs.

9. Keychain in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, France

Parisian classic - keychain in the shape of the Eiffel Tower. If you hang this small metal object on a bunch of keys, everyone will know that its owner has been to Paris.

10. Canned Fog, California

In San Francisco, California, there are two iconic things that everyone should see - the famous Golden Gate Bridge and the fog. And for tourists who want to take a piece of California with them, canned fog is sold.

11. Model of a double-decker bus, England

Apart from world-famous tourist attractions such as Tower Bridge, the London Eye and Buckingham Palace, there is one more thing in the British capital that all tourists invariably photograph - red double-decker buses. After visiting London, it is worth buying a small model of a bus as a souvenir.

12. Souvenir bells, Switzerland

Although Switzerland is a small country, it has many things that it is famous for. Swiss army knives, Swiss chocolate, Swiss watches - all these things are famous all over the world. But as for souvenirs, there is an even more popular thing - small decorative bells.

13. Painted skulls, Mexico

When returning from Mexico, it's worth picking up one of these creepy yet cute painted skulls. This one of the most popular souvenirs in the country is associated with the Day of the Dead, a traditional Mexican holiday that is widely celebrated throughout the country.

14. Straw hats, Thailand

In recent years, Thailand has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia, attracting millions of tourists from around the world every year. What do they usually take with them as a souvenir of this country? Traditional straw hats.

15. Matryoshka, Russia

A wooden painted matryoshka doll, inside of which there are similar smaller dolls, is still considered the most popular souvenir from Russia among foreign tourists.

16. Mozartkugel, Austria

Named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the world's greatest composers, Mozartkugel candies are made from marzipan, nougat and dark chocolate. This sweet treat is the most popular souvenir that tourists buy in Austria, Mozart's birthplace.

17. Painted elephant figurine, India

Collecting elephant figurines is quite popular, but in India it is an iconic souvenir. And there is a good reason for this - not only is India home to the world's largest population of endangered Indian elephants, but there is a veritable cult of the elephant and many rituals associated with it.

18. Stone Maltese Cross, Malta

The Maltese Cross is one of the most important national symbols of Malta. Local souvenir shops offer this symbol in all sorts of variations, but mostly it is made from white limestone, typical of the small Mediterranean country.

19. Viking horns, Sweden

Sweden is the birthplace of the Vikings. The cult of these terrible medieval warriors and sailors is still present in this country. It is therefore not surprising that horned Viking helmets are one of the souvenirs that most tourists want to bring back from Sweden.

20. Dancing dolls, Hawaii