What you need to take with you on the road. What to take on a trip: list of necessary things

Probably everyone before traveling faces the problem of packing a suitcase, backpack or bag so as not to forget anything. Everything, of course, depends on where you are going: to warmer climesor ski resort?! We offer a kind of cheat sheet for travelers, in the form of a list of necessary things for a trip.

As a rule, we start preparing for the trip in advance,of course, if the departure is not in a couple of hours)). In order not to forget anything, we make a list of necessary things.

List of necessary things

The list can be compiled in Word or Excel. Record on laptop, phone, tablet,or the old-fashioned way, write it on a piece of paper so that it is always at hand(especially having compiled such a list, it will be one hundred percent useful to you on every subsequent trip). We have two lists of necessary things: summer and winter, they are divided into items.

Documents, money, cards

  • It is better to keep money and documents separately. When traveling, it is convenient to have an internal pocket on your clothes and store them there
  • Divide the money into several parts and put it in different places
  • International passports. Keep electronic copies of all passports at your post office
  • There is no need to take a civil passport when traveling abroad
  • Photocopy of your passport (in case you lose or have the original stolen)
  • Medical insurance
  • Flights. Electronic and make a printout
  • Driver's license, international driver's license. If you are driving your own car: documents for the car, green card insurance (we wrotein detail )
  • Hotel reservations (confirmation of your stay)
  • A notepad with your notes: route, phone numbers, addresses, contacts
  • Money for credit cards, take a couple of cards (we wrote).

Personal hygiene items

  • Do not take large packages, they weigh a lot. If you run out of supplies, you can always buy them atSte.
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Pads: daytime, nighttime (well, if necessary, and you’re a girl)
  • Manicure accessories (file, scissors). Get a manicure/pedicure before your trip
  • Razor and shaving products
  • Comb
  • Perfume
  • Shampoo, shower gel, soap. Keep in mind that most hotels will have this all in the room
  • Deodorant
  • Cosmetics. Lipstick/lip gloss, mascara, mirror
  • Hairpins, crabs, hair ties
  • Sunscreens (we wrote)
  • Hairdryer
  • Hair straightener (if needed)
  • Mosquito spray (read how to choose mosquito repellent)
  • Wet wipes
  • Dry wipes
  • Preziki, not a joke, there are 200 ways to use them for other purposes)))


  • For chronic diseases, take the medications prescribed by your doctor (don’t forget to take a prescription to avoid problems at the border).
  • Tablets for headaches (or severe hangovers, anything can happen).
  • Painkillers
  • Something for the throat
  • For indigestion
  • Aspirin or equivalent
  • Bandage
  • Germicidal patch
  • Chapstick
  • In the articles, and we looked in more detail.

Equipment and devices

  • Check and charge all devices before traveling
  • Don't forget to take chargers, extra batteries, rechargeable batteries and adapters
  • Mobile phone. Take another phone for a local SIM card
  • Camera with memory card
  • Laptop, tablet (if you need them)
  • If you travel by car, a navigator with loaded maps (can be replaced with a tablet or smartphone).
  • Take advantage of our


  • Several T-shirts to go with one pair of trousers and shorts
  • One pair of outdoor shoes, a jacket, sweatshirt, etc. Give preference comfortable clothes one pair of high heels
  • Evening dress
  • Several changes of underwear
  • Headwear according to the season
  • Sunglasses
  • Outdoor shoes and slippers
  • Don't buy a new pair that hasn't been worn yet, it can rub your feet.
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks for beach holiday, visiting the pool or sauna
  • Yes! Be sure to leave room in your suitcase for shopping.
  • Other

Things and various crap that you don’t have to take, for example:

  • Umbrella
  • Wristwatch (necessarily with water resist)
  • Small souvenirs for new friends and locals
  • Compact raincoats
  • Guide
  • Toothpicks
  • Clamps
  • Corkscrew
  • Small padlock
  • Thermal mug
  • Stretch film and foil
  • A flask for whiskey (although no, you have to take it))))...
  • Snorkel mask (read how to choose if you don’t have one)
  • Karimata
  • Waterproof bags (very helpful in a rainstorm)
  • Various nuts, seeds, chips (nasty)..
  • Lighter ZIPPO
  • Booze, cigarettes
  • Batman costume, for role-playing games (just kidding, hahaha)

IN list of necessary things you can add your own points, remove something, and add something.

When all things are laid out, you can start collecting them. Divide your things into 2 parts: what you will take with you (hand luggage) and what you will check in as luggage.

What to put in your hand luggage

IN hand luggage we put everything valuable (documents, money, phone, etc.). E If you are flying by plane, then there should be nothing sharp or liquid in your hand luggage. And also, something that may be useful on the road:

  • napkins
  • comb
  • mirror
  • pen
  • magazine or crossword for leisure
  • water


We put everything compactly in a suitcase. To prevent things from getting wrinkled, I roll them up like a sausage. In my opinion, there is less space and the view remains good. The suitcase should never be stuffed all the way. Firstly, you may be overweight (most airlines have a baggage allowance of up to 20 kg), and secondly, you will probably buy something for yourself or your loved ones.

Thank you for reading our blog. See you soon on the pages of our

Once you've picked your luggage, it's time to think about what to take on your trip.

To prevent packing for your trip from turning into a real chaotic nightmare, you need to prepare in advance. Moreover, there are things that cannot be done several hours before the trip.

What to take with you on a trip?

It’s worth doing in advance (underline/add as necessary):
  • wash the clothes
  • buy medicine
  • make photocopies of documents
  • apply for a bank card
  • exchange money for the desired currency
  • get a manicure, pedicure, hair removal, etc.
  • ask someone to feed the cat, water the flowers, etc.
  • make a list of necessary things
This way you won’t forget anything and will have time to do everything.

Don’t be lazy and make a basic list of what will be useful on your trip, and you will use it more than once. A well-drafted plan will be useful on every trip; all that remains is to supplement it in connection with the number of travelers and the climate.

Make the list in a way that is convenient and understandable for you. And we will tell you the approximate contents.

List of necessary things, or what to take with you on a trip

  1. Money and documents
    • passports (foreign or domestic depending on the country of travel)
    • tickets (air, train, bus)
    • insurance
    • driver's license (if you travel with your own car, then documents for the car, green card, insurance)
    • accommodation voucher (reservation, hotel confirmation)
    • notebook with notes: addresses, phone numbers, routes
    • money: on a credit card, cash from your country and in foreign currency (take small money). Divide the cash into parts and put it in different places.
  2. First aid kit
    • painkiller
    • from spasms
    • for stomach upsets
    • patch
    • aspirin
    • antipyretic
    • antiallergic drugs
    • from motion sickness
    • chapstick or lip balm
  3. Personal care products
    • shampoo, hair conditioner
    • shower gel, soap, feminine hygiene products
    • toothpaste and brush
    • decorative cosmetics
    • comb
    • elastic bands, hairpins, mirror
    • deodorant
    • wet wipes, cotton pads, ear buds
    • sunscreens, everyday creams
    • hairdryer (if not available at the hotel)
    • small manicure set, eyebrow tweezers, pumice stone
    • shaving accessories
  4. Cloth

    Take things that are easy to combine with each other. For example, a pair of T-shirts or T-shirts that match the same shorts. Several pairs of shoes, a jacket, a sweater, one hat. If it’s a dress, then let it be universal: both for a walk during the day and for a cocktail at a bar. Try not to take too much with you, thereby lightening your luggage and saving space for souvenirs.

    • underwear
    • shoes: comfortable for low running, beach shoes and for going to an evening event (one of each item)
    • swimsuit
    • beach/excursion bag
  5. Technique

    Before your trip, clear your memory as much as possible and don’t forget to take chargers for all the points listed below.

    • mobile phone
    • camera or video camera
    • laptop or tablet (as needed)
    • for travelers with a car, a navigator with loaded maps
    • eBook
    And further…
    • Sunglasses
    • guidebook, map
    • phrasebook
    • umbrella
    • corkscrew
    • wrist watch
    • folding knife
    • disposable plastic bags
Here is a sample list: what to take with you on a trip and how to prepare for the trip. Underline/cross out what is necessary, add your own.

All that remains is to pack everything compactly, separating things for hand luggage and luggage.

If you are planning a train trip soon, then this is the place for you. Here you will find the most full list what you need to take on the train when long stay on the road for more than a day. In addition, this list can be divided into essential and auxiliary items. First, let's look at the first necessary items.

  1. The most important thing when boarding a train is documentation. Without them, you won’t even be allowed to board the train, so don’t forget to put your tickets and passport in your hand luggage. This item includes a mini bag for documents, money, phone, which you need to take with you when leaving stations to avoid theft and for your own peace of mind. Available in stock money don’t put it in one place, but rather shove it deeper into your suitcase, carry some of it with you in your bag, or better yet, keep your main financial reserve on a card.
  2. Be sure to prepare for yourself set of changeable clothes for the train. This could be a T-shirt and breeches, sweatpants and a jacket, in hot weather a T-shirt and shorts, cotton socks. In the winter season, you can take a woolen shawl with you, because some do not branded trains it blows mercilessly from the window frames. Instead of street shoes, prepare flip-flops; they are convenient to move around the carriage, take off and put on without effort.
  3. Hygiene items . Collect a toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, and comb in your cosmetic bag. If you can’t do without washing your face in the evening, like you would at home, then add toner, cotton pads and cream to your cosmetic bag. Be sure to make sure you have wet wipes - centuries-old dust often accumulates on trains, especially in old ones, and you can at least wipe the surrounding area with wipes. When going to the toilet, stock up on regular paper napkins in packs, because they take up little space and are versatile.
  4. Some people do not like the quality of the bed linen provided on the train, as it allegedly causes irritation on the delicate skin of the face. If you also encounter this problem, you don’t have to drag your laundry out of the house. It's better to have personal towel for face and hands , and another good solution would be to take only pillowcase or big cotton scarf , which can be placed on a pillow on top of government linen. And in case of blowing from a window, it can be used for its intended purpose and wrapped around the head.
  5. Food and drink. At this point, everything is more individual, because there are also families who prefer not to take any food at all, but to eat in the dining car, or buy pies and hot lunches on the platform from compassionate grandmothers. If you still trust food purchased and prepared by yourself more, then choose “long-lasting” products that will not spoil due to stuffiness and without refrigeration. Fresh vegetables and fruits are good for snacking: tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, bananas, pears; in the summer you can take a bag of cherries and other berries on the train. If you want something hot, you can boil a jar of potatoes or noodles with boiling water, or you can grab boiled potatoes from home. Raw smoked sausage and processed cheese are perfect for sandwiches. It’s better to immediately buy sliced ​​bread, boil eggs for the trip, and prepare some salt. Take some nuts, dried fruits and cookies to chew on. The best thing to drink is plain water; sweet drinks only whet your appetite even more and increase your thirst. Tea and coffee bags, a little refined sugar, and your trip will be calm, cozy and comfortable. But it’s better not to overstock dairy products and meat dishes; there is a very high probability of being poisoned by stale supplies.
  6. Recently, it was noticed that if the carriage is packed to capacity, then the conductor may not have enough glasses for tea for everyone. Therefore, take yours mug, preferably made of thick plastic or metal, and a teaspoon , small knife for cutting food.
  7. Medicines. The journey is not that short, so you need to be on guard of your health and collect the necessary pills in advance. In your travel first aid kit you should have allergy medications, painkillers, tablets for stomach and stomach pain, nasal drops and throat lozenges, sleeping pills or sedatives. It’s also a good idea to take an antipyretic drug, a patch, and iodine on the train. If you have specific medical conditions, be sure to prepare your medications for the trip in advance.
  8. For those who have difficulty falling asleep on the train, earplugs are simply necessary - earplugs and eye mask , blocking from light. Then neither the noisy company behind the wall nor the snoring of your neighbor will cause you any inconvenience.
  9. An optional but highly desirable item is entertainment. Take magazine, book, crossword puzzles . If you like to read at night, then this will come in handy travel flashlight. Women often occupy themselves with knitting on the road. Young people playing tablet, PSP, laptop . It won't be amiss notepad and pen , suddenly, on a trip, a brilliant idea comes to your head, but there’s nowhere to write it down.

Having a small child directly affects the number of things you need on the road

So, for a child under three years old you will have to take it on the train pot. Nowadays they sell special travel bags that fit on the potty, so you don’t have to run around and wash it. Take a few for the child toys, children's book . For the baby you will need diapers and disposable diapers . Buy jars with baby food , take a thermos with hot boiled water if there is a need to dilute dry mixtures and cereals. There will be no problems at all with a breastfed baby, because the breast is always at hand. Prepare change of clothes for the child on the train as well as for yourself. As a rule, children tolerate the train journey well, where they can walk around, look out the window, get off on the platform and get some fresh air. And babies up to a year old sleep longer, rocked by the sound of wheels.

Don’t be afraid of anything, collect in advance and according to the list all the necessary things that you think will be useful on the train, and then the time on the road will not seem tiresome, but very comfortable and fun.

Before any trip, the question arises of what to take with you on the trip, so that on the one hand there are no unnecessary things and excess luggage, and on the other hand, everything is at hand.
We share our accumulated experience, life hacks for packing suitcases, and lists of necessary things for ourselves and our children.

When going somewhere even for a short time, for two or three days, it’s easy to get carried away and gain too much. Girls will understand me. The list of things to do on vacation is an endless struggle with yourself and torment about what to take with you on a trip and what to leave, everything you need and you want to take everything at once. I hope our lists from today’s article will help you, at least every time I have to check them and post what you can easily do without on vacation.

Preparing for the trip - a list of things to do on vacation

If you're the type who packs everything on the last day, try breaking with tradition and start preparing for your trip ahead of time.
Preparing for independent travel takes a lot of time and effort, because you need to choose and buy airplane tickets , , find a hotel , study information about the place where you are going.

It’s also worth writing a list of things for your vacation in advance. For this purpose, I simply open a notebook and write down everything that comes to mind for several days in a row. Then I sort and throw out what
which won't be useful.

What to take with you on a trip?

The first thing you should check is documents, bank cards, money, visas, tickets.
It is best to have a small handbag or wallet on a string where you can put your documents and hang it around your neck.
Thus, the likelihood that you will forget it, get robbed or lose it is minimal. hang your handbag under your clothes, jacket or sweater.

What to take with you on vacation? - going to the airport

Foreign passports and their copies. If you are a family of travelers with children, then let one person have the original passports, tickets and other important documents that will be needed on the trip. Moms or dads.
Don't forget to make electronic versions of documents as well.

It is better to print out hotel reservations in advance, even if they are not required.

Printouts electronic air tickets usually not needed, but if you take copies and other printouts with you, make those at the same time.

Data on all tickets, passports, reservations, insurance and other things - take a photo and send it to your email, save it in cloud storage, take a screenshot, whatever, so that if you lose everything, you have at least something left.

You must have cash. Let it be dollars or euros+ National currency. You will need rubles at the airport to pay for a taxi or other small items. Dollars or euros upon arrival.
Abroad, large bills are exchanged at a higher rate, but if you are traveling to a country where you can pay in dollars, then take small bills as well.

There are several bank cards. Debit and credit. Some bank cards are needed because our banks like to suddenly block the card while you are abroad; cards tend to get lost, demagnetized and eaten by the ATM. 3-4 cards is optimal.

Phrasebook (mini version), notepad with pen. The phrasebook can be downloaded to your tablet or phone, as well as a map of the area. Now there are many cards that work even without the Internet.

If you have a driver's license, take that too. If something happens, you can rent a car abroad or simply use it as a document instead of a passport.

Don't know where to buy air tickets at the best prices? low prices? Look at Aviasales And Skyscanner .
To find air tickets at the lowest price, you should check both search engines and compare prices for different arrival and departure dates.

List of things for vacation - first aid kit

What medications should you take with you on a trip? And is it necessary to do this?

In my opinion, a first aid kit is simply necessary when traveling. It doesn’t matter how many days you are leaving for - one or a month, you should definitely take the most necessary medications with you on your trip.
Not because we are greedy or stupid, but in many countries it is impossible to buy medicine without a prescription.
Usually health care needed at the most inopportune moment, most often at night, and even more so if you have children with you - at least a minimum set of medications should be in the travel first aid kit. Sometimes there is simply no time and opportunity to look for a pharmacy, at night, on a weekend, in the outskirts of civilization - anything can happen.

First aid kit for a trip - list

I advise you to divide your first aid kit into the “essentials” and what can be stowed in your luggage.
First, we take what we carry in our hand luggage and take it with us everywhere on the road.

On a trip it is better to take with you:

Antipyretic and painkillers
Anti-diarrhea medications
From poisoning
Broad spectrum antibiotics
Allergy remedies
From motion sickness
For injuries
Eye and ear drops
Individual medications for chronic diseases
Personal hygiene items

Equipment while traveling - list of things to do on vacation

What else should you take with you on your trip? Of course, technology. Laptops, iPads, phones and cameras.

I only take a laptop and a large camera if I'm going to work. If it's an entertainment trip, I make do with the phone.

If you are going somewhere for at least 3 weeks to a month, then you should take with you on your trip:

Laptop + charger

Mobile phone+charger+headphones+powerbank or extra battery

Camera - if you are a photographer, you need photos for work or in general, don’t think without it. Otherwise, think a hundred times. Cameras, chargers, and cables weigh a lot, I’m too lazy to carry them around, and often get lost.

You can also take a flash drive and a removable hard drive. Many hotels have TVs with a USB input, so instead of dull news, you can watch movies while traveling.

Place all wires, chargers and other small items in a separate bag.
This does not apply to headphones, phone charging, or the phone itself.

What to take on a trip with you from clothes and shoes

If all of the above were flowers, then now there will be “berries”.
clothes and shoes are a sore spot for every woman. But let's gather our will and take only what we need.

Girls! If you are traveling to a country that is famous for its inexpensive textiles and interesting and exciting shopping (like Thailand or Vietnam), take the minimum.
In Thailand and India, for example, there is no place to wear cocktail dresses with 20 cm heels. You can only make the local roosters and hens laugh while hobbling along the impassable roads.

The clothes you take with you on a trip should be comfortable, light and utilitarian.
If you still can’t do without an elegant dress, then take one, the lightest one.

The list of clothes and shoes is as follows:

Several T-shirts + shorts-skirt
Lightweight pants
One dress
Jacket with sleeves.
Several pairs of underwear + socks
Swimsuit/swimming trunks - if you are going to the sea
Try to choose everything so that it fits together.
If you are traveling to a hot country in winter, this set will be enough. Moreover, you will buy something else anyway.
For a winter country, a completely different list.

Shoes you should take on vacation: for the sea - flip-flops, closed tennis shoes or Converse, or sneakers.
All. Take some light shoes if you can’t resist carrying a hundred thousand cocktail dresses.

What to take on a trip - hygiene

Men should take a shaving set and that’s about it :)

Girls, pull yourself together and don’t throw everything at hand into your makeup bag.
The easiest way to determine whether you need something or not is by how often you use it. Every day?
Then let's take it. Once a year? Has it just been standing there for 3 years and waiting for its trip? - you shouldn’t drag something like that.

All cosmetic stores, large supermarkets, Ikea and others sell cosmetic bags with empty bottles for travel kits.
I have Ikea jars into which I usually pour my favorite shampoo and conditioner. Exactly 100 mg, as allowed in hand luggage.
The rest are mini sets. Also remember all your tubes and jars that you brought from past hotel trips, you can use them too.

So, the list of things to do on vacation - hygiene:

Wet wipes + pads
Shaving accessories
Shampoo, body cream, hand cream, sample lotion
Dry wipes
Liquid antiseptic - especially if children are traveling with you
Several empty small bags for trash
Mini deodorant solid stick or crystal
Eyebrow curler+nail clippers+file file

No matter how well your first aid kit is packed, you definitely need to buy insurance on your trip. Everywhere abroad, seeking medical care is very expensive, but insurance purchased online, on the contrary, is cheap.
So we recommend the service, where you can choose and compare among the 16 best insurance companies,
choose an insurance policy based on your requirements and parameters at the best price.

Little things worth taking on a trip

Depending on where you are going, you may want to take some small items with you:

lighter, matches, mosquito and insect fumigator, flashlight, steelyard, boiler, thread and needle, tape, extension cord, adapter for sockets. You can also have collapsible spoon mugs with you.

Packaging life hacks: it’s better to roll things up in rollers, and put something small or breakable in the rollers themselves.
Anything that might leak should be securely packed in foil and cling film on top.

List of things to take on a plane

You should take small dry snacks with you on the plane, such as nuts, dried fruits and even sandwiches.
While you stand in lines, go through all the controls, hurry and wait for someone to feed you, a lot of time will pass, more than 4 hours, during which time you will definitely get hungry.

If you have children flying with you, then the list of things for your vacation can and should be greatly expanded. Read below about what to take with you on a trip with children.

Don't forget about the rules for carrying items in hand luggage. Don't give gifts to border guards. Do not take any liquids with you that exceed 100 mg.
If you have a 200 gram bottle of perfume that is 10% full, then it will also be taken away.
The maximum capacity of a bottle, container, jar should be 100 mg.
You can take 10 bottles of 100 mg each, that is, a liter, in your hand luggage.

About what you can and cannot take in hand luggage in the article - What can and cannot be taken with you on a plane?

Traveling with a child

Documents, powers of attorney (if necessary), all this first.

Choose your clothes so that if something happens, you have a couple more sets on hand to replace. Including you. Children love to burp, spit, and sneeze porridge on their mother in the midst of a trip.
Diapers, several - if the child is small.

It is allowed for a child to take on the plane the food and drink he is used to. So if the baby bottle is 200mg, it will be missed.

A must-have entertainment for your child on the plane. Let it be a lot of different ages.
Laces, rustling toys, books, drawing games, puzzles, and of course a tablet with cartoons.
Of course, I think that watching cartoons for hours is harmful for children, but sometimes you can’t do without it.
Prepare all sorts of rhymes, riddles, finger games and puzzles. On the plane you will be the favorite animator.

It’s also worth taking snacks for children - cookies, snacks, sandwiches, yogurt, fruit, drinks.

What should you not take with you on a trip?

I understand that parting with many things is difficult.

But you shouldn’t take bulky things like a hairdryer or iron with you on a trip.
Even if your hotel is simple and does not provide a hairdryer and iron in each room, you can always ask for one at the reception.

Don't take paper books. Download audiobooks or electronic books to your phone and tablet.

Do not take expensive jewelry or anything expensive in general. On a trip, everything often gets lost, stolen and disappeared.
If your trip is for tourism, then diamonds will only be an excuse for profit and will do more harm than good.

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. I often find very profitable options, I can save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way to avoid paying out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been registering on the website for many years, which give the best prices insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

Does my travel packing list match yours? Maybe I forgot to write about something? Share in the comments!

Today I’ll tell you what to take on the train with you in terms of food, clothing, hygiene products, entertainment, documents if you are going on a long trip. After all, you can endure it for a few hours, but on a long journey you want to feel as comfortable as possible.

I have a solid experience of riding trains since early childhood (often planes from my city are an expensive pleasure), so I decided to make a list of things that are worth taking with you on the train for those who travel less often or are setting off on their journey for the first time. And it doesn’t matter for one day, two days or more.

Read also useful materials on the topic:

What to take with you on the train?


The first thing you should definitely check before leaving home is documents and money:

  • train tickets,
  • passports,
  • child's birth certificate,
  • school certificates and power of attorney for the child (if necessary),
  • small supply of cash.

I recommend putting all your valuables in either a small fanny pack or a special cloth body bag so that you always have them with you. In principle, you can store them under the pillow, depending on what is more convenient and familiar to you. It’s better not to take a large amount of cash with you, much less let it shine (although it has become much safer on trains now), a small reserve is enough for small expenses, and the rest is on a bank card.

Source: latteedclc/Flickr


Take a change of clothes with you on the train. The main thing is that it is convenient for you personally.

  • flip flops - easy to take off and put on,
  • T-shirt/undershirt,
  • sweatpants/shorts,
  • jacket/turtleneck,
  • replacement regular socks/wool socks.
  • Earplugs and an eye mask are great for helping you sleep anywhere.

It all depends on the time of year and the specific carriage: in the summer it will be hot without air conditioning, in the winter some trains are poorly heated, so you have to put on warm clothes.

Source: Garrett Ziegler/Flickr

Hygiene products and cosmetics

It is mandatory to take hygiene products with you on the train, because even despite the apparent cleanliness, the carriages are not sterile.

  • toothpaste and brush (there are special travel cases for brushes),
  • soap and soap dish,
  • antibacterial wipes - they are convenient for wiping your hands and the table before eating, and in general they will come in handy in many places,
  • toilet paper,
  • paper napkins,
  • comb,
  • tonic for washing, cream, cotton pads and sticks for women.

You will be given a towel along with your bed linen, but you can bring your own if you want. It is convenient to put the washbasins in a special plastic package with a lock, so even if something leaks, the rest of your items will remain clean. I often have disposable bars of soap and toothpastes left over from hotels, and I often take those.

Source: symmetry_mind/Flickr

First aid kit

We always have a small first aid kit with us, even if we go to a neighboring city, not to mention long journeys. You shouldn’t pack a lot, but you should take basic medications with you on the train:

  • painkillers,
  • allergy remedies,
  • remedies for upset stomach and pain,
  • antipyretics,
  • patch, iodine,
  • specific medications specifically for your illnesses.

What food and drink should you take on the train?

The romance of the train, food and conversations with fellow travelers are inseparable. For our people, the process of eating is railway carries some kind of sacred meaning :-) After all, as soon as the train leaves the platform, many immediately take out chicken, Rolltons and Doshiraki, boiled eggs, bread and tea - these are classics! And the way it smells... these are memories from childhood.

Dining in the dining car is not very tasty and, moreover, very expensive, so it is better to pack food with you. So, what food should you take on the train?

Remember that you should not take perishable products or food with a strong smell, as this can not only cause poisoning, but also cause inconvenience to your neighbors.

List of what to take on the train from food:

  • vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, boiled corn,
  • fruits: apples, pears, tangerines, bananas, oranges. Wash fruits and vegetables at home in advance, take not the most ripe ones so that they last a long time.
  • grilled chicken,
  • boiled eggs,
  • smoked sausage,
  • cheeses: hard or processed, wrap in foil,
  • boiled potatoes in their jackets, for the first time,
  • bread, preferably already sliced,
  • disposable instant porridges,
  • dried fruits and nuts,
  • sweets: caramel candies, gingerbreads, waffles, cookies,
  • tea bags,
  • sugar and salt,
  • drinking water.

Sometimes, when you’re not eating from home, you have to take noodles or instant potatoes, but I won’t recommend it, only as a last resort.

There is also an opinion that the water in titanium is not very good and rarely comes to a boil, but during my trips everything was ok.