Buckingham Palace height. Buckingham Palace London (Buckingham Palace)

Buckingham Palace - this name is widely known outside the UK, even among those people who have never been to London. The official residence is known for its unparalleled splendor and luxury, which is even called oppressive. However, the queen herself liked her home and place of work: from the very day of her accession, she fell in love with the huge rooms, lush halls and rich galleries of the ancient mansion.

Buckingham Palace is located in the heart of London, close to Pall Mall, Constitution Hill and Sper Road. The mansion is surrounded on almost all sides by parks and gardens: in the south there is a spacious Green Park, in the west there is the private royal park Buckingham Palace Gardens, and on the east side there is St. James Park.

Buckingham Palace is a complex of four buildings forming a square with a courtyard. Its central façade, facing a huge square with a monument to Queen Victoria, is particularly splendid. In the center of the composition is a huge balcony, where during holidays and special occasions the royal family gathers to address the public.

The architecture of Buckingham Palace evokes mixed reviews: some consider it one of the most beautiful buildings in Great Britain, while others call it awkward and even ugly. However, the palace remains one of the most popular attractions. It seems amazing the number of visitors to Buckingham Palace per year is not several million, but only 30-50 thousand. This is explained by the fact that the inside of the building is only accessible to visitors during the Queen's official holiday, which takes place in August and September. At this time, he leaves his residence, allowing everyone to visit its interiors.

Admiring the magnificent decoration of the palace and not knowing its history is an unforgivable omission. It's hard to imagine, but Buckingham Palace was once just the mansion of the Duke of Buckingham, who in 1703 built himself a residence in central London. These were the last years of the Duke: the illness that tormented him caused dissatisfaction with the palace, he constantly smelled mold in the halls of the building. After the Duke's death, his wife was inconsolable and soon followed him. Since then, rumors have circulated that Buckingham Palace actually smells of mold, but they are not confirmed by anything.

In 1762, the building was purchased by King George III, who was not satisfied with the royal residence at St. James's Palace. He hired two talented architects, Blore and Nash, to transform the Duke's mansion into a palace fit for kings. An additional wing was built, the front entrance was moved, the interior was reconstructed, and a courtyard was created. ABOUT A lot of money was spent on the reconstruction of the palace, which even caused discontent among the British. But Buckingham Palace acquired inimitable luxury. George III created in it a huge library with valuable and rare publications, an art gallery with works of art by many outstanding artists, magnificent halls, living rooms and state rooms, including a huge ballroom - the most expensive room in the palace.

Today, Buckingham Palace is not just the royal residence and place of work of Queen Elizabeth, it is a whole town in which its own life is in full swing. It has its own post office, stables, bars, police station, tennis courts, sports centers, hospital, cinema, swimming pool. Of the 775 rooms, as many as 188 are occupied by the palace staff - several hundred people work here. Some keep order, others organize banquets, others take care of the garden, there are even two people who devote a full day to ensuring that all the clocks in the palace are in good working order. And there are about three hundred of them!

When is Buckingham Palace open to the public? tourists are invited to explore several main halls with a rich history. The central place in the ceremonial premises of the palace is occupied by Green living room- this room has exquisite furniture, luxurious decorative items, and a unique collection of paintings. Excellent Sevres porcelain is kept here. The state rooms of the palace are valued for their collection of porcelain, which was collected by George IV. One of the best collections of our time includes a French service used by Napoleon. Also in the Green Room is a unique aroma maker, made in the shape of a ship.

Adjacent to the Green Living Room Throne room, followed by a huge Art Gallery, repository of the palace's rich art collection. This space boasts a recent renovation and new finishes. The gallery presents several dozen paintings, including works by Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Rubens and other great artists. But this is only part of the entire royal collection; the rest is also kept in Buckingham Palace, but is closed to the public.

State dining room The palace is also open to the public. It is a lavishly decorated room with a long mahogany table in the middle. It accommodates 600 people - such receptions are often held at Buckingham Palace. The dining room is decorated with a huge portrait of George IV and several smaller portraits of Queen Charlotte, George III, Princess Augusta and other members of the royal family.

You can also get to Royal Mews- these are not just working stables, they can be called part of the museum complex, since they display royal transport: a golden carriage intended for coronations, a transparent carriage for wedding ceremonies and other royal carriages. Sometimes you can see royal horses here.

The tour of Buckingham Palace ends with a visit to the south side garden, from where you can see the western façade of the building. The garden of Buckingham Palace has a large area - about 17 hectares. Near the picturesque lake live real pink flamingos - beautiful, intelligent and not shy birds that are accustomed to large numbers of people and constant helicopter flights.

Buckingham Palace is carefully guarded by the Household Division. Members of the royal guard keep order. Every morning from April to August and every other day during the winter months, a festival takes place near the palace, attracting the attention of tourists.

The money collected from tourists for viewing the palace goes towards the restoration of another royal residence - Windsor Castle, which was damaged by fire. But getting into the palace is not so easy: there are too many people willing, and time is limited. It is advisable to buy tickets in advance. Nearest metro station - St. James Park.

Entry tickets:
The cost of visiting the main halls (State Rooms), stables (Royal Mews) and Queen's Gallery is:
£35.6 per adult; students and people over 60 years old - 32.5 pounds; persons under 17 years of age and people with disabilities - 20 pounds.
A visit to the palace halls, stables and galleries available for viewing takes up to 4.5 hours.

Opening hours of the Main Halls: August-September (in 2015: 01.08-27.09)
In August from 09:30 to 15:45;
In September from 09:30 to 14:45.

Opening hours of the Royal Mews in 2015: February 02 - November 29.
Entry tickets separately in the Royal Stables: children under 5 years old - free; under 17 years of age and people with disabilities - 5.4 pounds; 9 pounds - adult; students and people over 60 years of age - 8.3 pounds.

Opening hours of the Queen's Gallery: Almost throughout the year. It is better to check the visiting days in advance on the official website of Buckingham Palace.

Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace occurs daily from April to July at 11:30, from August to March - every other day and depending on weather conditions. It is better to check the information in advance

“London is the capital of Great Britain” - every person knows this phrase from school. And as befits the capital of a state, London is rich in a variety of attractions - cathedrals, gardens, palaces, galleries and museums, street objects and art. It’s just that the English people walking along the streets of London are themselves a living attraction. As in any large and famous city in the world, a tourist in London has a program of must-see places. In the UK, this includes the Tower of London, Stonehenge, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and, of course, Buckingham Palace. The current residence of the queen - we cannot help but tell you more about this. Interesting facts, photos, description of Buckingham Palace - today we will talk about this.


In the modern world, Buckingham Palace serves as the main residence of the monarchs of Great Britain and is located in London, opposite Pall Mall. The year of foundation is considered to be 1703, and the architect in history is William Wild. But Buckingham Palace did not immediately become the residence of queens and kings, but only since 1837. The complex is considered one of the main attractions not only of the capital, but of the entire country. We can say that Buckingham Palace has become a symbol of Foggy Albion. And few people dare to argue with this fact.

A young palace, but mature in importance

In the photo of Buckingham Palace from the inside you can see the luxurious royal decoration of the rooms and interior. The palace is considered relatively young compared to other famous historical buildings in Great Britain, but is nevertheless of paramount importance for the country. However, Buckingham Palace as the residence of monarchs, despite all its significance and rich decoration, is not one of the most visited tourist sites in Foggy Albion. If you make a ranking based on the number of tourists who visit must-see sites each year, Buckingham Palace will modestly give up first place to the London Eye or the Tower. However, for every Briton it is the most important object of the country's capital.

Stable 30,000 people

This is exactly the number of people who visit Buckingham Palace in London every year. This number does not change from year to year. The royal residence delights almost every tourist, because, in fact, Buckingham Palace is like the Vatican: it has its own post office, swimming pool and even a large cinema. The palace hosts receptions for distinguished persons and official delegations from all over the world. One of the conditions under which a visit to the residence of monarchs is possible is the absence of royals and their guests. If the flag at the palace is lowered, it means that the Queen is not in Buckingham Palace.

Construction and history

There are several historical facts. Buckingham Palace was originally built not for kings and queens, but only for the Duke of Buckingham (hence the name). He met his death almost immediately, as soon as the construction was completed. The new house did not bring joy to the owner - he often told those around him that here he smelled a constant rotten and moldy smell. The most amazing thing is that, besides him, no one else felt these “aromas”. After the Duke's death, his widow did not live long in the palace. Everything there reminded her of her beloved husband. She wanted to leave home, but died from nervous experiences.

New owner

In 1762, the building was purchased by King George III of England. He believed that he urgently needed a new residence, since the old one did not correspond to the status and royal grandeur. After Buckingham Palace came into the possession of the king, he subjected its interior to major changes. He built a large library, and portraits by famous artists began to appear on the walls of the house. The palace eventually acquired a new name - “The Queen's House”, because most of the time the wife of George III lived there with their children. For 80 years after the king bought Buckingham Palace, the most brilliant architects of that era, Edward Blore and John Nash, worked on it.

The reign of the legend - Queen Victoria

Buckingham Palace acquired its familiar appearance during the reign of Queen Victoria. At one time, the residence of the monarchs underwent reconstruction on a huge scale. The interior was given even more luxury, a large number of new gardens were laid out, and artificial lakes and waterfalls were constructed. After all the work was completed, the palace became the official residence of all British royalty. At first, the transformation of Buckingham Palace caused outrage among the prim British, as they believed that the queen could not live in luxury. Another reason for the indignation was the considerable amount of money spent on reconstruction for that time. Public opinion was that the palace of kings and queens should not stand out for its luxury, as was the case in France, but, on the contrary, for its simplicity. The protests did not stop during the reign, which also had a hand in changes in the palace. He ordered that some of the faux marble be replaced with real marble, and some of the bedrooms remodeled in styles unusual for the time, such as Chinese.

Returning to modern times, it must be said that all the disturbances and disputes are a thing of the past, and today Buckingham Palace is a symbol of the monarchy. The space in front of the main palace gates is now decorated with a monument to Queen Victoria. The royal residence is only accessible to visitors in August and September. At the same time, you need to sign up for the excursion in advance; without this, access to the palace is closed. The standard scheme “bought a ticket - came in - walked around and looked - left” does not work here. The number of visitors who can visit the palace per day is also limited. Also, keep in mind that even if you are lucky enough to get on the tour, you will not get access to all the rooms. Fact: Buckingham Palace has 755 rooms. On the territory adjacent to the palace there is a garden of 17 hectares. One of the highlights and most memorable moments when visiting the complex is the changing of the guard. It takes place every day at 11:30 am between April and August.

Buckingham Palace is the place where the British royal family spends time almost every day. Of course, the likelihood of meeting any of the representatives of the monarchy is too low for an ordinary tourist, however, sometimes people are allowed into the building even on days when the queen does not leave her residence. The interior decoration of the premises available for visiting is impressive in its beauty, so you can touch the life of Queen Elizabeth II without her direct participation.

The history of Buckingham Palace

The palace, now famous throughout the world, was once the estate of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham. Having assumed a new position, the English statesman decided to build a small palace for his family, so in 1703 the future Buckingham House was founded. True, the Duke did not like the constructed building, which is why he practically did not live in it.

Later, the estate and the entire adjacent territory were bought by George III, who in 1762 decided to complete the existing building and turn it into a palace worthy of the monarch’s family. The ruler did not like the official residence, as he found it small and uncomfortable.

The architects were Edward Blore and John Nash. They proposed preserving the existing building, while adding extensions of similar design to it, increasing the palace to the required size. It took workers 75 years to build a majestic structure to match the monarch. As a result, Buckingham Palace received a square shape with a separate center where the courtyard is located.

The palace became the official residence in 1837 upon the accession of Queen Victoria to the throne. She also contributed to the reconstruction, slightly changing the façade of the building. During this period, the main entrance was moved and decorated with a Marble Arch, decorating Hyde Park.

Only in 1853 was it possible to complete the beautiful hall of Buckingham Palace, intended for balls, which is 36 m long and 18 m wide. By order of the queen, all efforts were spent on decorating the room, but the first ball could only be given in 1856 after completion Crimean War.

Features attractions of England

Initially, the interior of the English palace was dominated by blue and pink shades, but today its design is dominated by cream and gold tones. Each room has a unique decoration, in particular, there are Chinese-style rooms. Many people wonder how many rooms are inside such a majestic structure, because it occupies quite a large area. In total, the building has 775 rooms, some of them are occupied by members of the royal family, the other part is used by staff. There are also utility rooms, state and guest quarters, and halls for tourists.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the gardens of Buckingham Palace, because they are considered to be the largest in the capital. The founding of this area is due to Lancelot Brown, but later the appearance of the entire area changed significantly. Now it is a huge park with a pond and waterfalls, bright flower beds and smooth lawns. The main inhabitants of these places are graceful flamingos, which are not afraid of the noise of the city and numerous tourists. The monument opposite the palace was erected in honor of Queen Victoria, since the people loved her, no matter what.

Accommodations accessible to tourists

For most of the year, the gates of the royal residence are closed to ordinary people. Officially, Buckingham Palace turns into a museum during Elizabeth II's vacation, which lasts from August to October. But even at this time it is not allowed to walk around the entire building. 19 rooms are available for tourists. The most striking of them are:

  • White room;

  • Art Gallery.

The first three rooms got their names due to the predominance of colors in their decoration. They fascinate with their beauty from the first seconds of being inside, but, in addition, you can see antique items and expensive collections in them. There is no need to describe why the Throne Hall is famous, because it can be called the main hall for ceremonies. Art lovers will certainly appreciate the gallery, which houses originals by Rubens, Rembrandt and other famous artists.

Information for guests of the residence

The street on which Buckingham Palace is located is no secret. His address is London, SW1A 1AA. You can get there by metro, bus or taxi. Even having told in Russian what attraction you want to visit, any Englishman will explain how to get to everyone’s favorite palace.

Entrance to the residence is paid, and the price may vary depending on which places will be accessible and whether there will be a tour of the park. Tourist reports recommend walking through the gardens, as they provide a different perspective on the life of the monarchs. In addition, any report speaks of the great love of the British for landscape work.

It is worth mentioning that taking photographs inside the palace is prohibited. You can purchase pictures of the interior of famous rooms to preserve these beauties in your memory. But you can take equally good pictures from the square, and during a walk you can capture the elegance of the park area.

Of those who lived in the palace, there were those who constantly criticized the luxurious halls and lifestyle in London. For example, according to the stories of Edward VIII, the residence was so saturated with mold that its smell followed him everywhere. And, despite the huge number of rooms and the presence of a picturesque park, the heir found it difficult to feel in solitude.

It is difficult to imagine how many servants are required to maintain such a large premises at the proper level. From descriptions of life in the residence, it is known that more than 700 people work to ensure that the palace and the entire surrounding area do not fall into disrepair. Most of the staff live permanently in the palace to provide comfort to the royal family. It is not difficult to guess what the servants do, because it is necessary to cook, clean, conduct official receptions, look after the park and perform dozens of other tasks, the secrets of which do not go beyond the walls of the palace.

The square in front of Buckingham Palace is famous for a curious spectacle - the changing of the guard. In summer, the guards change daily until noon, and during the quiet period, the guards arrange a demonstration patrol transfer only every other day. However, the guards have such an expressive uniform that tourists certainly want to take photos with the country’s guards.

Basic moments

Usually there is a flag above Buckingham Palace - this means that the Queen is in the building. But at the end of summer, Elizabeth II leaves her home, and Buckingham Palace opens its doors to tourists. They can look at the luxury of the royal court with their own eyes. Gilded ceilings and silk-covered walls, exquisite furniture, antique vases and elegant candelabra - the halls are so splendid.

Formally, Buckingham Palace is the property of the royal family. But at the same time it is considered a tourist attraction and serves as an art gallery. This is the hallmark of Great Britain.

Miniature "town" in London

Buckingham Palace is located in Westminster, near Pall Mall. On the vast square nearby is a monument to Queen Victoria, made of snow-white marble and gilding. The residence itself was “sandwiched” between high-rise buildings and buildings in the Art Nouveau style. This is a real town, because outside the gates there is a swimming pool, a post office, a police department, a hospital and its own cinema. Together with the garden, the area of ​​the complex reaches 20 hectares. Visitors are strictly divided into two categories: some enter through the main entrance, and the rest through the side service entrance. The right to pass through the front doors belongs to the royal family, their retinue, courtiers and ladies-in-waiting, government representatives and dignitaries.

Buckingham Palace is huge, as it should be - there are about 700 rooms inside. The predominant colors are red and gold. Among them are fifty royal bedrooms, approximately 200 rooms for guests and staff, about a hundred offices and the queen’s study. Prince Philip, Duke of York and the Earl and Countess of Wessex also work in the building.

The Elegant Residence's Past

The history of the palace began in the 18th century. The architectural masterpiece Buckingham House was erected by order of the Duke of Buckingham. The owner was dissatisfied with the new house - he smelled mold everywhere, although the others did not notice this. Soon the Duke died, and the widowed wife could not live within the walls of the building - every object reminded her of her husband. She left and soon died of grief. The Duke's heir has put Buckingham Palace up for sale.

George III became interested in the pretty structure. He was looking for a new private residence - the previous one did not suit him with its size and decoration. In 1762, Buckingham House passed into the hands of the monarch, who began a large-scale restoration. At the same time, a large library was built and the rooms were decorated with paintings by Italian artists.

The residence changed its name - now it is called the “Queen’s House”. Most of the time, the monarch's wife, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, was the hostess here, and George III visited occasionally. Frequent guests of Buckingham Palace were artists who painted portraits of all the royalty of England. Later, famous architects worked their magic on the complex, creating three similar buildings and combining them into a common ensemble. In the center there is a spacious courtyard.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Buckingham Palace was officially declared the residence of British monarchs. Queen Victoria began to rule and paid a lot of attention to the masterpiece. The reconstruction affected the interior, an additional outbuilding was also created, and the location of the main entrance was changed. Gardens, waterfalls and lakes were built.

The people did not like this change. The restoration cost 700 thousand pounds sterling - a large sum by the standards of the 19th century. In difficult times for the country, this seemed like an unaffordable luxury. But the changes continued. In the 60s, the ballroom was completed and used for the first time for a reception in honor of the end of the Crimean War.

At first, the furnishings of the house were created in the Georgian style. During the reign of Edward VII, the decoration was changed to French Art Nouveau, and some of the premises were decorated in Chinese themes. Today, Buckingham Palace continues to serve the royal family - it hosts special events and receptions of national importance.

Visit the palace

Today, the royal residence is visited by a lot of tourists - about 30 thousand during the summer months. Guests are immediately struck by the powerful entrance gate and the calm appearance of the gray brick building. The original appearance of the structure has been preserved only on the western side, facing the garden. But the most famous is the eastern façade of Buckingham Palace. The lower floor is decorated with bas-reliefs of the Doric order, and the upper - Corinthian. The front side of the building is complemented by allegorical figures. The triangular part of the palace facade looks elegant thanks to the coat of arms. Above it are sculptures of Neptune, Navigation and Trade. The northern part of the building is occupied by private chambers. In the main building, facing St. James's Palace, there are State Rooms.

Even before entering Buckingham Palace, you can get a vivid impression - watch the changing of the guard. The ceremony is held daily from April to the end of summer, and every other day during the rest of the period. The spectacle attracts a crowd of tourists. The stage is the area in front of the balcony.

On a large table near the palace there is a schedule for the changing of the guard. If you want to photograph the spectacle without interference, you need to first take care of a place near the fence of Buckingham Palace. At 11:30 the “performance” begins - the guards from the Court Division show equanimity and impeccable training.

Until 1993, it was impossible for an ordinary tourist to get inside the building. Buckingham Palace is now open to visitors during the Queen's departure (August and September). The residence begins with a lobby decorated with marble columns. At the entrance there is a sculpture gallery uniting busts and statues of representatives of the dynasty of monarchs and statesmen. The atmosphere inside is reminiscent of a museum. The rooms are furnished with antique furniture that has survived more than one generation. Among the items is porcelain that belonged to Napoleon.

The “heart” of the building: State rooms

The pride of Buckingham Palace is the State Rooms, the Royal Gallery and the Mews. The elegance of the rooms has remained almost unchanged since the time of Queen Victoria. The “heart” of the palace is the State Halls. Exquisite furniture, unique Sevres porcelain, elegant sculptures - that's what you can see there. The premises are decorated with masterpieces by Rubens, Rembrandt, and Canaletto. The state rooms are available to visitors only two months a year - in August and September. The rest of the time, Elizabeth II and representatives of the royal family hold official events and receptions here.

In total, there are 19 State Rooms in Buckingham Palace: the white and green living rooms, the guard room, the Throne Room, the State Dining Room and several more rooms. They are arranged sequentially in one row, in enfilades - it feels as if the rooms are strung on a thread. Among them, the Green Living Room is considered central. A chest of drawers made of ebony and decorated with precious stones looks important. Antique vases made by the hands of famous craftsmen add solidity to the room. The walls of the Green Living Room are lined with silk, and the ceiling is decorated with gilding. The Green Drawing Room once served as Queen Charlotte's salon. Today invited guests are waiting to be received here.

Want to take a look at the room where formal photo shoots take place at Buckingham Palace? Check out the Throne Room. This room was once used for balls with royal participation. The Throne Room contains majestic chairs with the initials of the royal family. From here you can get to the art gallery.

Treasures of British Monarchs

From the Main Throne Room, guests go to the Art Gallery. This part of the palace appeared in the 70s on the initiative of the Duke of Edinburgh. Previously, there were the ruins of a private chapel, which was destroyed during the Second World War. The Gallery is the main addition to Buckingham Palace over the past 150 years.

The art gallery is the largest room of the palace: length – 50 m, width – 8 m. Its size is comparable to two tennis courts. Walking leisurely around the room, you can look at paintings by Rubens, Rembrandt, Van Dyck.

The Royal Gallery houses a large collection of drawings by Leonardo da Vinci and a Faberge egg. The exhibition is regularly updated - visitors are presented with exhibitions based on the collection of British monarchs. Bas-reliefs are placed on the fireplaces made of marble. In the sculptures you can recognize the features of famous artists.

Stately dining room

The state dining room at Buckingham Palace looks impressive: extravagant red color, huge mahogany table, image of George IV above the fireplace. The walls are decorated with portraits of royalty. The table is so long that 600 people can fit behind it.

The white living room is decorated in soft golden tones. A chic white chandelier, rich stucco, elegant sofas and armchairs - this is how it appears to visitors. The white and golden background is everywhere - in architectural details and furniture. A large collection of antique objects is not the only advantage of the living room. There is also a secret door leading to the Throne Room.

A carriage for the queen!

The Carriage House is also open to the public. Cars and carriages “live” inside, which are used for ceremonial and daily trips. In a separate room there is a huge Golden carriage. It is used in coronations and special occasions. The transparent carriage for royal brides also attracts the eye.

There are thoroughbred horses in the stalls. On the wall next to each there is an inscription with a name that the queen herself came up with. The stables only house horses for carriages. The stables are available to guests from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (open until 3:15 p.m.). Since 2011, you can visit the Carriage House all year round. However, it remains active. You can explore the stables on your own or join a group - the tour is in English. When visiting for the first time, the ticket must be stamped - it is valid for a year for repeat excursions. If the inspection is scheduled for Friday, it is advisable to check the museum’s opening hours. It may not work due to official events.

Walking through the halls of Buckingham Palace takes much longer due to the area. Tourists are advised to first get acquainted with the Royal Gallery and the Carriage House, and then go on a tour of the State Apartments.

Tea party in the royal palace

Smoothly and unexpectedly, from a spacious room with floor-to-ceiling glass doors, visitors enter a luxurious garden. It resembles Eden: a lake with islands, waterfalls, flowering trees, magnificent lawns and flower beds, pink flamingos. The territory is vast - 17 hectares. These are the largest private gardens in London. The solitude is disturbed only by the hum of helicopters that constantly fly over the residence.

Three times a year, a ceremonial tea party with the queen is held in the garden. The event is attended by approximately 10 thousand guests. There are no casual visitors at an informal meeting - everyone deserves to be present at a noble reception. Ordinary people feel free - for their sake, Elizabeth II abolished the dress code. Only black and bare shoulders were banned. Guests are treated to tea, miniature sandwiches with red caviar, chocolate cakes and biscuits.

Tourists can relax in the summer cafe, which is located right next to Buckingham Palace. Sitting at a table, you can drink a cup of tea or eat ice cream. Guests are allowed to stroll along the southern part of the garden, which offers views of the western part of the building and the lake.

Selection of souvenirs

Excursions are not complete without souvenirs - they are offered by a local store. Among the assortment are items from the “royal collection”. They are the same as everyday items at Buckingham Palace: towels, kitchen utensils, various small items. You can buy sweets, cookies, jewelry, pens and key rings, and a napkin with the Queen’s monogram.

Path to Buckingham Palace

The road to the majestic building is simple: take the metro and get off at Piccadilly Circle, Victoria or St James's Park stations. Then the path goes through Green Park straight to Buckingham Palace.

Follow the signs to avoid getting lost. Tourists can visit the “Queen’s House” in August and September (from 9:45 to 18:00). But entry is allowed until 15:45. Tours for guests are offered every 15 minutes and last approximately two hours. Photography is prohibited inside. You have to pay for the pleasure of exploring a royal landmark. The cost is symbolic - £10.25 for guests under 17 years old, £16 for students, £18 for adults. The price has not changed since 1993, when tourists were given access to the complex. Children under 5 years old do not need a ticket.

Guests are offered several excursion options to choose from. You can only look at the premises of Buckingham Palace or buy a general ticket. Then you will visit not only the State Rooms, but also the royal stables and the art gallery. An audio guide in Russian will help you find your way. Don't want to crowd in a long line? Some tourists purchase tickets on the Buckingham Palace website in advance www.royalcollection.org.uk/visit/the-state-rooms-buckingham-palace. When filling out the form, check the box next to the “Collect on Arrival” option - then you can pick up your order at the palace box office, otherwise the tickets will be sent by mail.

In the heart of London lies one of Britain's most recognizable buildings. However, not everyone knows his story.

We won't just tell you in detail about Buckingham Palace, but we will also open it all secrets, which are essentially just Interesting Facts its creation...

Buckingham Palace today is the official residence of local monarchs and the largest active royal palace. The Queen lives and works here. For a couple of months (August and September) she leaves her residence, and during this time the chambers are open to visitors (not all of them, of course). This is London's main attraction.

Thanks to the famous balcony, it is a place of national unity on days of tragedy or national celebration. Buckingham Palace is used for formal ceremonies, banquets and receptions and is a favorite tourist attraction.

Once upon a time, on the site of this luxurious palace there were green meadows. As a royal residence, the palace is quite young. Its state rooms are no more than 200 years old. However, his story is much longer and more dramatic.

The objects filling the halls of the palace reveal to us the characters of the kings and queens of the past. Here art and architecture came together to show Britain's global status. Many people think that the palace was built at a time when Britain was the most powerful empire on earth. But few people know that for the first kings it was a quiet nest. But everything is changing...

The wetland was in no way suitable for royal lands, until one king decided otherwise... and now you will find out how the Buckingham Palace project was “born”:

King Henry XIII, who ascended the throne in 1509, was passionate about hunting. The marshy shores of this area were ideal for hunting. Once upon a time, the king changed up to 8 horses per day. And so he decided to turn the lands north of Westminster into personal hunting grounds. Having thrown out several landowners from there, he surrounded his new possessions with a brick wall. In 1535, Henry XIII drained the land under the site where Buckingham Palace now stands and created a large deer park there.

But later another king found another use for this park. James I(English James, Latin Iacobus) loved rich clothes, especially the best silks. And he realized that silk could bring him considerable money. On the lands where the gardens of Buckingham Palace are now located, James I decided to establish English silk production. In 1608, the king planted dozens of mulberry trees and released silkworms onto them. But he made a mistake with the tree. This is a black mulberry and the silkworms were simply not interested in it.

Only 100 years later, in 1708, a building was built on the site where the palace now stands. Today, all that remains of it is the name of its owner. The Duke of Buckingham was not loved at court. He was even given the nickname “my lord proud.” But he was rich, so having bought the royal lands, he built a luxurious mansion on them. Although these days not a single stone remains of it...

By 1760 the house was put up for sale. Young King George III decided that this would be the best wedding gift for his young wife. The aristocratic mansion became the home of the British monarchy. George III loved simple pleasures. He was modest and presented the palace to his wife as a quiet family refuge away from the whirlpool of court life.

Buckingham Palace was too pretentious for George III's taste. Therefore, he decided to remove the intricate gates, the Neptune fountain and even the statues on the roof... Externally, the house became boring, unobtrusive, but decent.

However, the interior made it clear that a king lived here. George III covered the walls with paintings from the royal art collection.

Buckingham Palace began to be rebuilt son of King George IV after the death of his father. John Nash was chosen as the architect. George IV begged Parliament to give him money to rebuild his childhood home. He was only able to obtain £150,000 for repairs and improvements. But the king had no intention of saving...

George IV. and architect John Nash transformed the once quiet corner into the grand palace that everyone knows today as Buckingham Palace.

Officially, Buckingham Palace was declared the main residence of British monarchs upon the accession of the young Queen Victoria to the throne in 1837. But even at that time the palace was not fully furnished and was not suitable for habitation (there were no carpets and there was very little furniture). However, the queen was delighted. During her reign (late 19th - early 20th centuries), the last major additions were made to the current appearance of Buckingham Palace: the construction of another wing and the relocation of the former main entrance, Marble Arch, to its current location near the Oratory Corner in Hyde. park. By 1853 a ballroom was built. Later the famous balcony appeared.

How many rooms are there in Buckingham Palace?

Currently, the palace occupies an area of ​​20 hectares, of which 17 hectares are a garden.

Today it is not just a palace, it is a real small town with its own post office, police, hospital, sports clubs, swimming pool, cinema and even a disco! In the main palace of the kingdom as many as 755 rooms, of which:

  • 72 bathrooms.
  • 188 bedrooms, intended not only for guests, but also for staff, which numbers more than 700 people.
  • 92 offices.
  • 19 rooms of national importance.
  • 52 bedrooms for members of the royal family.

Until 1993, tourists were not allowed into the main residence of the monarchs, but then the palace opened its doors to visitors for two whole months - in August and September.

The palace houses a huge art gallery with works by Rembrandt, Rubens and others. The collection also includes French porcelain, French and English furniture, but if you are interested in paintings, it is better to go straight to the National Gallery.

Opening hours: from 09.30 to 18.00 (entry closes at 15.45)

Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace and schedule

The procession of soldiers to the palace begins at 11.00 every day.
Changing of the guard at the palace takes place at 11.30 every day. Every day (from April to July) and every other day (in other months) a changing of the guard of the royal guards (on foot) takes place in Buckingham Square.

Where is Buckingham Palace

Nearest metro stations: St. James's Park, Victoria

SW1. Tel: 7839-1377. www.royal.gov.uk

It is possible to visit the palace only with excursion groups during the queen’s departure (watch for the flag on the palace building - its absence indicates that visiting is permitted).

We will help you buy tickets to Buckingham Palace. The ticket price includes an audio guide in Russian.