10 most terrible places in the world. The creepiest places on earth (39 photos)

1. Summit of Mount Washington
It can be very beautiful here, but being on Mount Washington, in the northeastern United States, is very scary. The height of the peak is only 1917 meters, but its peak is almost more dangerous for the visitor than the highest point of Everest.
Mount Washington holds the world record for wind speed on the earth's surface. In April 1934, air masses at the top of Washington reached a speed of 372 km/h. In winter, such winds mean snow storms, which picturesquely sweep away the complex of observatory buildings with doors and windows tightly sealed at this time of year. The buildings and instruments of the extreme weather station are capable of withstanding wind gusts of up to 500 kilometers per hour, and this is also possible here.

Mount Washington's winter wonderland is deadly for the casual hiker and the deliberate natural beauty photographer. And incredibly desirable for the one who “ordered” suicide by being blown away by a hurricane wind into a prickly ice snowdrift.

2. Poisonous beauties of the Danakil Desert
We understand - active recreation, new experiences, but not as much! - we told our friends who were packing for a vacation in the Ethiopian desert, but they didn’t listen to us.

The Danakil Desert in northern Ethiopia is called “Hell on Earth” by everyone who has been there. Lovers of risk and horror listen to the storytellers, look at the photos and, one after another, go on a deadly trip through one of the most terrible and strange landscapes on the planet.

Once you walk on the cosmic surface of Danakil, you don’t need to fly to Mars. There is almost no oxygen to breathe over the volcanic wasteland, but there is enough scorching air for everyone and everything, saturated with fetid gases generated by the boiling earth underfoot and melting stones.

Traveling through the Danakil Desert is, to say the least, unhealthy. Fifty-degree heat, the risk of stepping on an awakening volcano yawning with scarlet lava and getting cooked, the risk of inhaling sulfur vapor for the rest of your life and making it short. In addition, in the Afar region, semi-wild tribes of Ethiopian citizens periodically go on the warpath for water and food. Ten-year-old boys with guns and machine guns can become another of the world's most terrible surprises that await a traveler in a place of unearthly beauty - the African Danakil Desert.

3. Capital of the grandchildren of cannibals
The main city of eastern New Guinea, the gateway to a state that calls itself "Nujini", the city of Port Moresby is the most dangerous of the world's capitals. From the sea and from the sky, the New Guinea “pearl” looks quite attractive:

In fact, it's like this:

In Port Moresby, such helmsmen of the “banana republic” as the president and ministers live and work, and bandit brigades control the real life of the city. For a white person, the capital of PNG is a terrible place. It’s the same as putting an intellectual in prison with young children.

Papuans in the forest kill strangers for food, and this is explained by the lack of protein in their traditional diet. Papuans in the city are cheating tourists because of laziness and unemployment. Spoiled by Australian handouts, the Aborigines do not want to work, and even if they want to, it is very difficult to find work. There is only one thing left to do - join a gang and get money for booze, drugs and girls by hunting suckers. People are killed in Port Moresby 3 times more often than in Moscow. These guys don’t care about the police, because they have been bought or intimidated. Look at their faces and never again dream of becoming the second Miklouho-Maclay, because they will eat you like Cook.

Every person burdened with a household has dark corners, not only in his biography, but also in his home. This is not necessarily a closet with teaching spiders to intimidate Pinocchio. In a dark corner there may be, for example, a stash - something valuable that, unlike a person, is not afraid of darkness. There are such mega-corners in every country on every continent. No culture can live without cursed places. The scariest places on the planet compete with each other in the intensity of quiet horror, like economies, brands or football leagues. The most terrible places attract guests - from among the bourgeoisie who are accustomed to seeing horror on TV. Life would be boring without such corners of the Earth. Like in an apartment without dark corners.
We continue our rating review. If anything, don’t be afraid - letters and photos don’t bite.
Top 10 most terrible places on the planet. Start
4. Forest of cultural suicides
Aokigahara is an old forest at the foot of the sacred Mount Fuji. People come here not to pick mushrooms, not to barbecue, but to say goodbye to life. For some time now, Aokigahara has been affectionately loved by authentic Japanese suicides.

An approximate count of those who have gone into the forest forever has been carried out since the early 1950s. Over the course of half a century, Aokigahara took in the bodies and, for a time, the souls of more than 500 volunteers. They say that fashion came after the publication of Seiko Matsumoto’s book “The Black Sea of ​​Trees”, two characters of which, holding hands, went to hang themselves in this venerable forest, so mastered by shadows that even on a sunny afternoon you can easily find a terrible place here, shrouded in damp grave twilight.

Walking through the terrible Aokigahara forest, a traveler will stumble upon not only corpses, skulls and nooses. And also on numerous billboards with inscriptions like “Life is a priceless gift! Please think again!” or “Think about your family!”

In the 1970s, the problem attracted national attention and since then, every year government units are sent to clear the forest of “fresh” corpses. The area of ​​the tract is 35 square kilometers. Over the course of a year, from 70 to 100 newly arrived suicide victims “ripen” on tree branches.

Several years ago, looters appeared in Aokigahara, cleaning out the pockets of hanged men and tearing not ropes from their necks, but gold and silver chains. They manage not to get lost. Remain meek and optimistic.

5. Beer, glass, skeletons
The cozy, civilized Czech Republic cannot in any way be called a scary country. Tourists enjoy everything here - delicious beer, affordable drugs, beautiful houses, bridges and girls. And even, perhaps, the most terrible place in Western Europe pleases the tourist’s eye, being remembered for a lifetime. This is the famous ossuary in the city of Kutna Hora.

For the inhabitants of medieval Europe, the abbey in Sedlec, a suburb of Kutna Hora, was the most fashionable and desirable cemetery. Its insane popularity was due to the fact that in 1278 a certain monk brought some soil from Jerusalem, from Golgotha ​​itself, and scattered the holy soil in small handfuls throughout the local churchyard. Many thousands of people wanted to be buried in Sedlec. The cemetery has grown greatly, they began to bury people in 2-3 tiers, which is not divine. Therefore, since 1400, an unusual tomb has been operating in the abbey - a warehouse for bones removed from graves that were not cared for.

In 1870, the new, secular owners of the lands and buildings of the old monastery decided to restore order in the ossuary and invited a local creative artist, a carver named Rint, to do this. With the deadly sense of humor and taste inherent in true Czechs, Pan Rint created a terrible miracle from the mortal Catholic remains of 40 thousand people. He not only organized the deposits of bones and skulls, but also built from them a massive coat of arms of the owner’s noble family and a magnificent chandelier with garlands. Memento mori, pani ta panove!

The eerie chapel is open to visitors drunk on beer and Becherovka seven days a week.

6. Museum of horror stories - a maniac’s dream, the pride of doctors
The Mütter Museum of the History of Medicine in Philadelphia is home to all the worst things that can happen to the human body. The museum was founded in 1858 by Dr. Thomas Dent Mütter. Admission to the Sanctuary of Medical Science costs $14. The exhibition presents all kinds of pathologies, ancient and unusual medical equipment, and biological samples of varying degrees of nightmare. It also houses the most impressive collection of American skulls.

Top positions in the Mütter Museum are occupied by such interesting exhibits as a wax sculpture of a female unicorn; a ten-foot human intestine that contained 40 pounds of it; the body of a “soap lady” (a female corpse that has turned into a fat wax in the ground); tumor removed from US President Cleveland; conjoined liver of conjoined twins; a piece of the brain of Charles Guiteau, the assassin of President Garfield.

There are rumors that at night something out of the ordinary happens in the museum - either scary or funny.

7. Monkey for the enlightened
The Tibetan Drapchi Prison, which is located on the road from Lhasa Airport to the city of Lhasa, is considered the most terrible penitentiary institution in the world. In Drapchi, the evil Chinese have been pedantically rotting the rebellious Tibetan lamas since 1965. Here, behind the thorns, there are more monks than in any single Buddhist monastery.

The Chinese occupation authorities cynically call such prisons “rehabilitation centers.” In Drapchi you can get a “stray” bullet in the forehead for looking incorrectly in the direction of the guard. Prison monks are beaten mercilessly for the slightest protest. One of the regime violators spent so long in solitary confinement that he forgot how to speak. Another has been languishing in prison for 20 years for distributing a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In addition, Buddhists in the Chinese Gulag are forced to take classes on scientific communism. If you haven't learned your lesson, you'll get hit in the chakras with a batog. If you don't come to class, try some bamboo porridge. Is this prospect really scary?

Lyrical digression: wandering through the black Japanese forests with hanged men and museums with skulls and intestines, we, romantics, completely forgot about such the most terrible places on the planet as the working torture rooms of the criminal investigation department in the regional police departments. About places where a small civil war and nano-genocide are played out every day. What saves us, romantics, from visiting such “horror stories” is the holy faith in justice and the neat appearance of chaste eyes. As for the civil war, I remember that the most terrible, bloody and unusually stupid of them was in Rwanda. A terrible African country, where we will go today.
8. Africa is terrible, yes, yes, yes!
All Soviet children know that the nasty, bad, greedy Barmaley lives in Africa. The concentration of barmaley per square mile of tea plantations is off the charts at 420 individuals. In 1994, barmalei with a machete decided to reduce their own population by 900 thousand souls. That's what came out of it

Having learned from the embassy reports about the Rwandan genocide and its consequences, the white man sighed heavily and went to pacify the barmalei. Those of them whose hands were bloodied higher than the elbows were sent to prison. Yes, in a difficult time - the most crowded and unsanitary in the world. This incredibly scary place has a lyrical name - Guitarama.

In barracks designed to house 500 prisoners, more than 6,000 Rwandan barmalei are languishing, waiting 8-10 years (!) for trial. They are tormented by hunger, so biting off a cellmate’s heel or ear is normal. There is nowhere to lie down, so constant standing causes prisoners’ feet to rot, which doctors have to amputate without anesthesia. The floor is wet and filthy, the stench spreads for half a mile, disgracing the capital city of Kigali in the eyes of the peacekeepers. Every eighth barmali dies in this prison without waiting for a verdict - from violence or disease. And neither God nor the devil forbid that an intelligent white man get into Guitarama...

9. Home of the Slumdog Millionaire
What does real India smell like? Incense, marijuana, fried cremation meat? Real, unpolished India smells of slop, sewage and chemical waste. This stench is inhaled from morning to evening by friendly and superstitious consumers of Bollywood film products, residents of an area where renting an “apartment” for a month costs no more than $4. This is Dharavi, Asia's largest shanty town - a slum settlement in the heart of charming, multimillion-dollar Mumbai.

The main character of the film “Slumdog Millionaire” comes from the “city within the city” of Dharavi. Over a million Hindus and Muslims live here on 175 hectares of dirty land. Their bread is recycling city garbage, which is brought here in tens of tons every day. Residents of terrible slums are recycling plastic, cans, glass and waste paper. Their barefoot children and wives rummage through Mumbai's trash bins in search of anything they can recycle.

By 2013, the Mumbai authorities intend to raze Dharavi to the ground. Where should the residents go, those who did not manage to become millionaires? Go back to the village? It's scary to think about it.

10. Capital of Incessant Violence
When the Indian wakes up and goes to collect bottles, the Somali is still sleeping, hugging his favorite toy - a Kalashnikov assault rifle. He sleeps lightly, shuddering and drooling blackly - after all, just look, land-based Somali pirates will come and tear him to pieces. In the capital of collapsed Somalia, the city of Mogadishu, violence and fear are the norm.

People of the Somali anthropological type are stately and beautiful. They often die young, taking their cruel beauty to a deserted grave. But new, future sea and city robbers are born, who do not disdain anything, so as not to show themselves weak and not be left without dinner.

Those who are tired of the war are fleeing Mogadishu, but they cannot escape from themselves. Over the past year, 100 thousand residents of the warring capital left the city, risking death not from a bullet, but from thirst. The UN is not even able to transfer humanitarian aid to them - it’s scary, and there are no security guarantees.

How scary it is to live... Fortunately, not for us.

We present to your attention a list of the ten most creepy places on planet Earth. It gives me chills at the thought of being alone with myself in any of them. But there is no need to be afraid. After all, no matter how scary they may seem, they are still part of our world. It is worth noting that we made some of them like this ourselves...

Poveglia, Italy

Poveglia is a small island located in the Venetian Lagoon, in northern Italy. It is said that in the middle of the 14th century, when a plague pandemic (Black Death) was raging in Europe, the island was used as a place of exile for the sick. It is believed that up to 160,000 people were buried there, whose souls allegedly still roam the island. The creepy reputation is also aggravated by the fact that from 1922 to 1968 there was a psychiatric hospital here, in which a certain doctor allegedly experimented on patients and later committed suicide.

In 2014, the Italian government announced an auction for the 99-year lease of Poveglia. Visits to the island are strictly limited.

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

The Hill of Crosses is a shrine, a place of pilgrimage, located 12 kilometers from the city of Siauliai, Lithuania. It is a small hill on which Lithuanian crosses are installed. The exact number of crucifixes is unknown, but it is estimated that there are about 50 thousand of them here. The Hill of Crosses, despite its external similarity, is not a cemetery. According to belief, good luck will follow the one who leaves the cross here.

Varosha, Cyprus

Varosha is a ghost quarter in the southern part of the Cypriot city of Famagusta. Before the Turkish invasion in 1974, it was a modern and major tourist center in Cyprus. Its inhabitants fled and never returned after the Turkish army invaded the island in response to the country's political upheaval. Entry to Varosha is prohibited for the general public.

Charleville Castle, Ireland

Charleville is a castle made in the Gothic style. Located in County Offaly, near the River Shannon in Ireland. The castle does not have a very good reputation and is famous for the ghosts that live in it. The most famous is the ghost of a girl named Harriet, who died here after accidentally falling down the stairs. Charleville Castle has been repeatedly explored by psychics, as well as groups involved in the study of paranormal phenomena.

Manchac Swamp, USA

The Manchac Swamp, or “Ghost Swamp” as they are also called, is located in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. According to legend, this place was cursed by a voodoo queen after she was captured at the beginning of the 20th century. Quite large alligators live here, and only occasionally the remains of bodies of slaves who once fled here in the hope of hiding from their owners emerge.

Shades Of Death Road, USA

Fifth place in the ranking of the ten creepiest places in the world is occupied by Shades Of Death Road - a seven-mile (11.2 km) road in the center of Warren County, New Jersey, USA. It is the subject of numerous local legends. The road has been linked to unsolved murders that have occurred in its vicinity, as well as ghosts and other supernatural phenomena.

Pripyat, Ukraine

Aokigahara forest, Japan

Aokigahara or "Suicide Forest" also known as Jukai is a very dense forest, with a total area of ​​35 square kilometers, located at the northwestern foot of Mount Fuji on the Japanese island of Honshu. It is considered a popular place for suicide, or rather, the second most popular in the world, after one of the most beautiful bridges - the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Every year, between 70 and 100 bodies are found in the forest. The leading methods of suicide are drug poisoning and hanging. Aokigahara Forest is also associated with Japanese mythology and is traditionally considered the habitat of demons and ghosts.

Catacombs of Paris, France

The Catacombs of Paris are a world-famous man-made network of winding tunnels beneath Paris. According to various estimates, their length varies from 187 to 300 kilometers. In essence, it is a huge underground cemetery containing the remains of about six million people. Currently considered a popular place among tourists, however, only 2 km of underground passages are open to them.

Island of the Dolls, Mexico

The Island of the Dolls is located about 18 km from Mexico City. Known primarily for old broken dolls that “decorate” tree branches. According to legend, this island is home to the ghost of a drowned girl who constantly appeared to the Mexican Julian Santana Barrera in the 1950s. Later, for unknown reasons, the man abandoned his family and went to live as a hermit on a mysterious island. He claimed that he searched for dolls in landfills, fished them out of canals and hung them on trees to appease evil spirits, as well as to make peace with the ghost of a dead girl. He also stated that supposedly at night, the dolls come to life and walk around the island. Julian drowned in April 2001, his body was found in one of the canals on the island.

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Creepy and incredible places on planet Earth evoke conflicting emotions of delight and fear.

There are scary and creepy places in the world that are created by nature. Seemingly impossible and phenomenal phenomena become reality. Mysterious, appearing without the intervention of mankind, they conceal many secrets and attract people like a magnet. Sometimes it may seem that the devil himself created them. Creepy and incredible places on planet Earth evoke contradictory emotions of delight and fear.

We bring to your attention a unique TOP - 7 of the most terrible places on the planet created by nature:

The treacherous lake of death in Sicily

The deadest body of water is Lake of Death in Sicily. This incredibly beautiful and fascinating phenomenon and unique natural phenomenon is fraught with many mysteries. Nothing grows, develops or lives here. There is no even small plankton in the lake.

Not a single organic creature can endure the waters of the deadly lake. Any animal that falls into the embrace of the waters of a lifeless lake dies instantly, and a person dissolves in it in a matter of minutes. The water in the pond of death contains a high concentration of sulfuric acid.

Local residents say that representatives of mafia clans killed many people by delivering “rebellious” people to the waters of Lake Death.

Door to Hell - Afar Basin

In eastern Africa there is an eerie place where the earth is in constant motion. Chasms appear out of nowhere, and the soil can disappear under your feet in the blink of an eye. Here the ridge of the oceanic fault reaches land. It is here that strong geological activity is observed, for example, in 2005, more than 160 earthquakes were recorded.

Bermuda Triangle of Romania – the mystical forest of Hoia Baciu

There is a forest in Transylvania that is full of scary legends about missing people and ghosts walking among the trees. Electronic devices in the forest stop working. People who enter the forest area begin to feel a feeling of anxiety and bouts of nausea.

Nature's Trap – Madidi National Park

Between the majestic Andes and the Tuychi River lies one of the most dangerous and creepy places on the planet. All the surrounding flora and fauna are dangerous here.

Killer Beauty - Danakil Desert

Unreal Martian landscapes, like scenes from a science fiction film, open in the valley of the Dallol volcano. It has a bizarre shape, the volcano is surrounded by a great many hills that rise above the deadly salt valleys.

At the beginning of the 20th century, an earthquake occurred in these places, as a result of which a lake of acid formed, painting these places in bright and deadly colors. This place is the most remote from civilization; it is deserted and practically uninhabited. Unearthly beauty hides a deadly trap.

Ghost Swamp - Manchac in Louisiana

Not far from New Orleans are the impenetrable and terrible Manchac swamps. According to legends, these places were cursed by a powerful Voodoo witch. Here, centuries-old trees of bizarre shapes stand everywhere, with spreading branches, and their roots stick out from the water like snakes. The place is dark and scary, attracting the attention of lovers of the occult.

Jatinga mass suicide

In mysterious India, there is a place where every year, in August, a huge flock of birds appears in the endless sky. They rush down screaming and break. This terrible sight continues for several days. The answer to this incredible phenomenon is known only to nature itself.

The world around us is fraught with many mysteries and secrets, hiding not only the beautiful creations of nature, but mystical, scary places that involuntarily make your heart skip a beat. Of course, such places are of great interest, but few people dare to visit them.

Travel agencies are exhausted, trying to attract travelers and increase their sales. But often popular tourist destinations are so banal and boring! Excursions, attractions... You will get similar impressions from a trip to. Want real adventure? There are corners of the planet that make your blood run cold! Especially for you, we have collected the TOP 20 most terrible places in the world. You will remember this trip for a long time!

As you know, the Middle Ages were a dark and dangerous time. The plague, which was nicknamed the “Black Death” because it wiped out entire cities, wars on religious grounds - all this made the life of a medieval person short. And since European countries are quite small in area, the places used as cemeteries threatened to cover their entire territory.

Therefore, in those days there was an eerie custom of secondary burial. The decayed bones were taken straight from the graves, and a new dead person was placed in the vacant place. Ossuaries were used to remove dilapidated remains.

The famous Czech landmark - the church “Kostnice v Sedlci”, or simply “The Ossuary”, was such a repository. But what distinguished it was its unusual “designer” solution - the remains of the dead not only lay in dark basements, they made almost the entire interior decoration of the church. They say that it took about 40,000 bones.

Today the Ossuary is a very popular place. Looking at the photographs, you can admire its elegant interior. But when they get there in real life, most people stop perceiving the church from an aesthetic point of view. The depressing feeling does not leave throughout the entire excursion. Somewhere in the abdomen, a dense ball of animal horror begins to arise from the proximity of thousands of decayed bodies and the dark shadow of death hovering in the air.

  • Address: Zámecká, 284 03 Kutná Hora, Czech Republic.
  • How to get there: from Prague by bus from Florenc bus station to Kutná Hora, from there by minibus to Sedlec. You can also take the train to the main station of Kutna Hora, from there by bus or on foot. In your car from Prague you need to take the E67 highway, then turn towards Kolin and then follow road No. 38.

Mexico is a country of contrasts, where modern science and culture coexist with ancient magical traditions and strange rituals that are still practiced today. You can plunge headlong into the occult practices of the Mexicans in the very center of Mexico City - at the Sonora market, which locals prefer not to talk about out loud. It is often referred to simply as the “witch market.”

The demand for goods sold on the market is quite justified - life is difficult, and many Mexicans, faced with illness or failure, prefer to combine modern medicine with “traditional methods”. Black and white magic, voodoo are not an empty phrase for residents of this country, and witchcraft rituals are still in use.

The witchcraft market is never deserted. In addition to the locals who purchase amulets, horseshoes, candles, various medicinal herbs, carcasses of dried snakes, dried hummingbirds, bat blood, spider legs, skulls, bones of small monkeys for their mysterious purposes, the market is also filled with tourists who want to tickle their nerves and leave Mexico with really interesting souvenirs.

  • Address: Fray Servando Teresa de Mier 419, Merced Balbuena, Ciudad de Mexico, CDMX, Mexico.
  • How get there: Take the bus to the stops "Avenida del canal - Callejón del canal" or "Anillo circunvalación - Fray Servando Teresa de Mier". You can also take the metro - the closest station to the market is Merced, just 300 meters away.

Another awesome attraction in Mexico is the huge museum of mummies. The history of its creation begins in the 19th century, when local authorities decided to increase the size of the treasury and came up with a new tax - on burials. Moreover, payments had to be made not once, which would have been understandable, but constantly. And since the “tenant” of such a grave-place himself, for natural reasons, could not make contributions, the debts fell on the shoulders of his living relatives. If they refused to pay or were absent altogether, the place was vacated and the body of the deceased was exhumed.

If not for this strange practice, Mexicans might never have known that the climatic conditions and composition of the soil in the Guanajuato area contribute to the natural process of mummification of bodies buried here. Not only skin, but even clothing were preserved on the remains. In addition to the scientific justification for the appearance of mummies, there are others, mystical ones - for example, that the dead did not want to decompose because they were outraged by the injustice of tax legislation.

Cemetery collections operated from 1865 to 1958, and during this time more than 100 mummies were exhumed - they formed the main “fund” of the museum. At the same time, the museum itself arose spontaneously - previously the bodies were simply kept in crypts near the cemetery, but over time the number of tourists wanting to see the terrible dead increased so much that the city authorities decided to organize such excursions officially.

  • Address: Explanada del Panteón Municipal s/n, Centro, Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico.
  • How to get there: Guanajuato is located 350 kilometers from Mexico City. You can get there by bus - the journey will take about 5 hours. The Museum itself is located next to the Panteón cemetery, and can be reached on foot from any part of the city.

In the very heart of Scotland there is another attraction that terrifies tourists - an underground quarter shrouded in dark legends.

The history of Mary King's puffin dates back to the Middle Ages. Once upon a time, a plague raged in Scotland, as well as throughout Europe - the only salvation from the epidemic was to protect healthy people from the sick. As a result, everyone who showed suspicious symptoms was sent to a “locked city”, which became their final refuge.

The dead end is named after the little girl Mary Ann - her parents sent her to this terrible place when she got sick. At the dead end, the room where, according to legend, Mary lived out her days, is still preserved - it is full of toys and dolls that their owner will never need again.

Now the cul-de-sac is a popular tourist spot, but local residents claim that sometimes at night there are groans in the cul-de-sac, which can easily be confused with the howling of the wind. Who knows if Mary King has left her last abode?

  • Address: 2 Warriston's Close, Edinburgh EH3 5LG, UK.
  • How to get there: by train, bus or taxi. We advise you to prefer public transport to a personal car due to possible parking problems.

A gloomy French landmark that makes your blood run cold is the Parisian catacombs. They are a network of tunnels about 200-300 kilometers long and originated in the 16th-17th centuries, when large quantities of limestone were required to build Parisian cathedrals.

In the 17th century, the quarries were closed because they posed a threat of collapse—many blocks could go underground. Soon the tunnels began to be used for burials, since during epidemics the authorities prohibited burying the dead within the city. According to average estimates, more than 6 million people were buried in the Paris catacombs.

The walls of the tunnels from the bases to the vaults are lined with bones and skulls, so walking through them is not easy for many tourists. Many people lose their nerves during such an excursion.

  • Address: 1 Avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy, Paris, France.
  • How to get there: It is best to go by metro (the nearest station is “Denfert-Rochereau” on lines M4, M6) or by buses No. 38 and No. 68.

Italy is not only about fragrant spaghetti and Federico Fellini films; this country also has many attractions that are not customary to talk about out loud. One of them is the island of Poveglia, which received the nickname “Island of Death” from local residents. And they had good reasons to call it that!

People left the island in the 14th century, and since then it has not been inhabited. At the beginning of the 20th century, a hospital for the mentally ill was built there, shrouded in the most terrible legends - they say that insane people were subjected to inhuman torture and medical experiments. There are ancient legends about the “Island of Death”: in ancient times and in the Middle Ages, this place served as a place of exile for the sick - plague sufferers and lepers. They were taken there and left to their fate - most often merciless.

In the middle of the last century, there were even rumors that mentally ill people locked in a hospital saw the ghosts of people who had died there before. Whether this is true or not is impossible to verify. Today the island is abandoned, but attracts many tourists - the building of the old hospital still stands, and there are quite a lot of people who want to wander through its creepy corridors. This place is literally located on bones - according to some estimates, up to 160 thousand unfortunates found their final refuge there.

  • Address: Poveglia, Venice, Italy.
  • How to get there: The mysterious place is located just 200 meters from another Italian island - Lido. To visit Poveglia, get to the Lido and rent a boat.
  • How to get: visiting Poveglia is only possible with special permission from the Commune of Venice. The request is processed within 10 months, so plan your trip in advance.

The turbulent waters of the ocean often brought death to ships - unpredictable storms and the intricate structure of the underwater bottom with its rocks and reefs often caused the death of ships and their crews. Shipwrecks happen all over the world, but there are places where their number far exceeds the statistical average. One of them is the “Skeleton Coast,” which the people of Namibia have considered a cursed place from time immemorial and even call it “The Land That God Created in Wrath.”

The reasons why many ships sink off this coast have both scientific and mystical versions. Some believe that the whole thing is due to strong undercurrents, due to which ships are carried onto sharp rocks, others are sure that a deadly curse has been placed on the territory.

Be that as it may, this coast is really strewn with huge skeletons - the decayed and wind-dried skeletons of crashed ships. In earlier times, before the increase in tourist flow, real human skeletons of dead sailors could be found on this shore. But now, of course, the likelihood of seeing something like this is extremely low.

  • Address: the beginning of the coast is north of Swakopmund, the end is at the mouth of the Cunene River in Angola.
  • Coordinates: 21°47’29.7″S, 14°00’26.8″E.
  • How to get there: by plane to the nearest airport in Walvis Bay (332 km south) or by Intercape and Ekonolux bus from Windhoek.

There are many attractions in Japan, and many of them are even close to each other. For example, at the foot of Mount Fuji there is one of the darkest places in the country - the dense Aokigahara forest.

It gained its notoriety after hundreds of suicides that were committed on its territory by the Japanese. Among the dead were not only local residents, but also visitors from other areas. The reason why exactly the Aokigahara forest turned into such a sad and terrible place is unknown. Perhaps the dense growth of trees with numerous intertwining branches simply turned out to be the most convenient for this.

Because of the canopies, there is constant twilight in Aokigahara, and because of the dense volcanic rock of the soil, compasses do not even function there - all this, coupled with fifty scary stories and the regular discovery of new dead people on the territory, makes the forest one of the creepiest places you will ever visit visit.

  • Address: Motosu, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken, Japan.
  • How to get there: From Tokyo, the Azusa Express runs from Shinjuku Station to Otsuki Station. Then you need to change to the Fujikyuko Aeroexpress and get to Kawaguchiko Station. From there there are buses to the forest.

Varanasi is a holy city located on the banks of the Ganges River. According to legend, it is the center of the Universe, created by Shiva himself, and the Hindus who died there will occupy a more advantageous position during their next rebirth in the Samsara cycle. That is why Varanasi has become a center of pilgrimage and is especially in demand among the elderly and sick, anticipating an imminent death.

As the Hindu religious scripture says, the body of the deceased in Varanasi should be burned and the ashes scattered over the waters of the Ganges River. As a result, what tourists see when they come to this holy place is simply terrifying - the crematorium smokes 365 days a year, the entire city is covered in a dense veil of smog, and on the streets there is no hiding from the heavy smell of burnt human flesh that permeates everything around.

For the impressionable, it’s better to visit other Indian attractions, but for those who like to tickle their nerves and at the same time test their stomachs’ strength (seriously, try to eat at least something while inhaling the aromas of this city), Varanasi is the place to be.

Another attraction of Mexico, after visiting which many tourists suffer from nightmares for a long time, is the “Island of Dolls”, which looks as if you were on the set of another horror film. Its creator is a hermit named Julian Santana Barrera, who spent half a century collecting broken and discarded dolls and then nailing them to the trees of the island.

In the past, Julián Santana Barrera was a fisherman. One day a little girl drowned on the lake - this story greatly shocked him. Soon after the funeral, he discovered a doll near the shore and decided that the spirit of the girl had entered into it. She became the first in his collection, after which the former fisherman became obsessed with the idea of ​​collecting as many dolls as possible to honor the souls of the dead children.

When the government began cleaning up the reservoirs in 1991, a strange collection was discovered - by that time it already contained more than 1,000 exhibits. In 2001, Julian Santana Barrera died - they say he drowned in the same lake where a little girl died many years ago. After his death, the island gained even greater fame.

  • Address: Parque Ecolohico de Xochimilco, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
  • How to get there: From the Tasqueña metro station (line 2) there is a light rail (Tren Ligero) to the Xochimilco station. You can take a boat from the pier in Xochimilco.

Another gloomy place shrouded in secrets is the Manchac Swamp, which occupies several hundred hectares of the state of Louisiana. Swampy swamps, overgrown with huge cypress trees and infested with alligators, are not only gloomy, but also dangerous. Going there alone is extremely risky.

There are many legends about the swamps; they have inspired dozens of mystical writers, for example, Anne Rice, popular at the end of the 20th century, the author of the famous filmed book “Interview with the Vampire.” Recent discoveries by archaeologists have allowed scientists to make an amazing discovery - the dead buried in the swamps of swamps do not decompose, and the dead who died more than two thousand years ago are indistinguishable from those who died last week.

  • Address: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • How to get there: There are no beaten excursion paths. The nearest settlement is the township of Laling, which is about two hours away from the regional center of Baton Rouge.

The famous Exclusion Zone, which was forbidden for many years, is now a fairly popular tourist destination - in the last decade, agencies have emerged that organize excursions to this gloomy place. They say that the background radiation is now safe, and all that threatens you is a dose of adrenaline.

Indeed, it is an eerie sight - a dead city, where everything remains as it was when people were alive. There are dishes on the tables, long-spoiled food in the refrigerators, everything is covered with a layer of dust and rust. Be sure to visit Pripyat if you want to know how tragic the Earth will look when the era of humanity approaches its end.

  • Address: Pripyat, Kyiv region, Ukraine.
  • How to get there: by private transport or on excursion buses.
  • How to get: Pripyat is located in the Exclusion Zone, in a closed area, access to which is provided only by passes. You can legally visit the city only as part of excursion programs.

The next dark attraction on our list is the ossuary located in the Portuguese city of Evora. This chapel, built in the 1500s, attracts tourists with its unusual interior decoration - its walls are completely lined with human bones and skulls.

The idea of ​​​​creating such an eerie church belongs to the medieval Franciscan monks, who thus decided to remind the inhabitants of the country that earthly existence is transitory, and sooner or later everyone faces the same end. Above the entrance they hung a skeleton, as well as an inscription in Latin, translated as “We, the bones that lie here, are waiting for you.”

The instructions of the monks are still relevant today - every year a large number of tourists visit the eerie Portuguese landmark to reflect on the eternal and tickle their nerves.

  • Address: Praça 1 de Maio, Evora, Portugal.
  • How to get there: by plane to Portela International Airport in Lisbon. From there by bus or car (the journey will take 2-3 hours). You can also travel by train from Évora train station.

Quite ordinary at first glance, the Church of St. George in the Czech village of Lukova is one of the darkest and most impressive reminders of how fragile and unreliable our life is, how nothing can save us if evil fate is destined for us.

In 1968, during an ordinary sermon in the chapel, the roof collapsed - none of the parishioners who came to church that day survived. This terrible event shook the public so much that the church was closed - since then not a single service has been held in it.

The church was empty until art student Jakub Hadrava installed rather gloomy figures in it, whose faces were covered with veils. These statues “sit” in the place of the parishioners, as if forever frozen in their silent prayer, not saved, but not sunk into oblivion.

After the installation of the statues, the church turned into one of the popular tourist places, the visit of which makes you shiver. Travelers who have been there notice that, despite the simplicity of the Czech artist’s plan, his installation looks simply creepy - it is recommended to visit it only during the daytime.

  • Address: Lukova, Pilsen region, Czech Republic.
  • How to get there: From Karlovy Vary you need to take a bus to the city of Manetin, and from there you need to take a taxi or rent a car.
  • How to get: The church is closed almost all the time; to visit you need to make an agreement with the administration.

Another eerie attraction is located in the city of Lome. This is a magical market where you can buy anything - from a dried rabbit's foot to an elephant's foot, a crocodile mummy or a monkey embryo. An unimaginable number of amulets, animal skulls, skins - all this looks truly frightening for an unprepared tourist.

Moreover, traders often come to the market with goods that are not yet ready for sale and begin to cut up or skin the carcasses of animals right in the middle of the day in front of everyone. So, impressionable people definitely shouldn’t go shopping in such an inappropriate place.

  • Address: right in the center of Lomé, the capital of Togo in Africa.
  • How to get there: by plane to Lome airport. Mainly French and Ukrainian airlines fly there, so the route will have to be planned with transfers.

Another place that can scare even the most callous and unimpressive tourist is an ancient cemetery in Peru. It is also known as the "Valley of Death".

The tribes who lived in Nazca had a strange custom of burying their dead in open graves. The dead were given different positions (both lying and sitting) and left under the rays of the scorching sun, which soon burned all the flesh, revealing white bones. You can still see the mummies in their original tombs today - they are still sitting there, smiling with toothless mouths, even their hair preserved thanks to special embalming methods.

  • Address: The cemetery is located on the southern coast of Peru, 30 kilometers south of the city of Nazca and 380 kilometers southeast of the capital Lima.
  • How to get there: to Nazca - by bus, then you can book an excursion or rent transport yourself.

A site that has been the subject of much controversy is the Tophet cemetery in Tunisia. Archaeologists, having found it, were surprised - only babies, stillborn or unborn children were buried on the territory.

Some believed that this cemetery was a consequence of the high infant mortality rate characteristic of past centuries. Others are sure that this is evidence of blood sacrifices common in Tunisia centuries earlier. There is no consensus, but the terrible discovery is a real magnet for tourists.

There are also some pretty creepy ones. For example, Dargavs, known as the “City of the Dead,” is an Alan necropolis of the late 20th century. It looks like a real town, all of whose houses are actually tombs. The place is pretty creepy. In addition, it was there that the film crew of Sergei Bodrov (junior) died during the glacier meltdown in 2002.

  • Address: The burial complex is located near the village of Dargavs in the valley of the Midagrabindon River (North Ossetia).
  • How to get there: You can get there from Pyatigorsk and Vladikavkaz - buses run regularly between the cities.

One of the most terrible and mystical museums, which contains creepy exhibits. Rare pathologies, ancient medical equipment, as well as everything that guidebooks usually softly call “biological exhibits.” It is better not to visit the museum for impressionable people, otherwise nightmares will not be avoided.

Let's sum it up

These were the most terrible places on the planet, which are worth visiting for every lover of nerves. Be sure to visit them, especially if you are a horror fan and don’t miss any new horror movie that comes out in theaters.

Where does almost every person go on vacation? That's right, most people prefer big cities or resorts, with golden beaches and roaring seas.

However, there are also people for whom warming their bones under the hot summer sun is not enough. Adrenaline and extreme sports lovers will never choose such a boring pastime for them.

They are the ones who know that in Paris you can visit not only the Eiffel Tower, but also the famous catacombs, that the forests of Japan are not only full of beautiful sakura, and that in the Czech Republic not all houses are so beautiful.

And if you are one of this type of people, then the next article is dedicated to you! Perhaps, after reading, your hands will reach for your suitcase and phone - rather book a ticket.

So, the top 10 scariest places on the planet - enjoy reading!

The most terrible of the abandoned places in Russia is all littered with the remains of animals. Cattle and wild animals that wander here die for unknown reasons. Geologists who conducted research here noted a sharp deterioration in their health - pressure drops, headaches, nausea, dizziness, weakness. Many human corpses, as well as the corpses of birds and animals, were found in this ominous place. All this is explained by the fact that the air contains hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide and carbon dioxide, which slowly kill all living things. And even understanding that it is necessary to leave here urgently, not every person or animal is able to do this.

In the middle of the 19th century, Thomas Mütter founded a museum of medicine, which later became a clear example of all the most disgusting and terrible things that can happen to a person.

For fourteen dollars you will purchase not just an entrance ticket, but also the opportunity to see with your own eyes a wide variety of anomalies, ancient medical equipment and biological samples with varying degrees of horror.

It remains a mystery why exactly, but the most popular items are:

  • wax figure of a “unicorn woman”;
  • the remains of the “soap girl” (the body that became a fat wax while in the ground);
  • the tumor that was removed from the President of the States - Cleveland;
  • fused organs of twins;
  • and part of the brain that belonged to Charles Guiteau, the assassin of President Garfield.

8. Danakil

This Ethiopian desert has a truly “poisonous” splendor. All those risk-takers who visited Danakil claim that they visited “Hell on Earth”. And this is not surprising, because the desert in northern Ethiopia can rightfully be considered one of the most terrible places in the world.

A short walk through the unearthly expanses of Danikil will more than replace your flight to the red planet. There is almost no oxygen, but there is enough scorching air filled with stench for everyone. It owes its origin to the red, boiling earth and stones that melt underfoot.

The “bonus” is the heat, about fifty degrees, a roulette on the topic “will you step on a volcano or not,” and a unique opportunity to breathe in sulfur fumes, and in huge quantities.

If you believe that there is an underworld, then the door to it is located in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan. This chilling place is a huge reservoir of natural gas measuring 70 by 60 meters and approximately 32 meters deep. In 1971, Soviet scientists discovered a large accumulation of underground gas. During the drilling of an exploration well, gas deposits in the pit collapsed, which provoked the appearance of a fault and a dangerous leak of gases - colorless, odorless, but poisonous and flammable. Therefore, it was decided to set fire to the gas so that it would all burn out. But no one expected it to burn for so long. The fire has been raging for just over 40 years and there is currently no information on when it will go out.

In the Czech Republic, in the city of Kutna Hora, the most terrible and strange landmark of Western Europe is located - the Church of All Saints. Once there, visitors are left with the feeling that they are not in a church, but in a lair of cannibals. The chapel is located on the territory of the cemetery and more than 40,000 human bones are stored inside the building. But the most amazing thing is that these are not just piles of bones, the interior of the chapel is decorated with human remains, from the altar to the chandelier with shades topped with skulls. The backstory of this mysterious place takes us back to 1278, when one of the monks of the monastery brought several handfuls of earth from Jerusalem and scattered it throughout the cemetery. Word of the holy land instantly spread, and many residents of central Europe sought to find their eternal peace here. The events of the next century - endless epidemics and wars - led to the fact that burials grew rapidly, so they had to be buried in two or three floors. At the beginning of the 15th century, a Gothic cathedral was built to free up space for fresh burials. The remains were removed from graves that had not been cared for for a long time and stored in the tomb of this church. This process continued throughout the next century, until one half-blind monk decided to restore order to the tomb. He bleached all the remains in a chlorine solution and carefully folded the human remains into 2 central and 4 corner pyramidal structures. In 1870, the church and monastery lands were bought by the noble Schwarzenberg family, who subsequently changed the decor of the cathedral, turning to the skilled woodcarver Frantisek Rint. He created the interior from bones, which has survived to this day.

This huge house has a bad reputation. After all, the residents of this strange house for a long time were Sarah Winchester, surrounded by a whole family of ghosts.

The history of this terrible place began many years ago, when the charming mistress of this estate lost her beloved husband, William Winchester. A few years before this sad event, a very young daughter died in this family. All these tragic events naturally left a heavy imprint on Sarah’s psyche. The grief-stricken widow turned to a medium from Boston for help. After “communicating” with the spirit of her husband, he told Sarah about the curse that lay on their family because of the rifle that had claimed the lives of thousands of people. On the advice of a medium, the inconsolable widow bought a house and began to rebuild it, the main condition was not to stop construction, otherwise she would die. Crazy construction continued for almost 38 years. The architecture of the house is so crazy that not every person can stand being in this building for a long time. And all because Sarah tried to “confuse” the ghosts so that they would not find her. The house has more than 160 rooms, about 50 fireplaces, almost 10,000 windows, 40 staircases (some of them end in the wall or rest on the ceiling), about 2,000 doors. Narrow, low corridors twist like snakes, doors on the upper floors open outwards, there are many secret windows and doors. Therefore, it is very important for visitors to this house to be attentive and keep up with the group, otherwise they can easily go outside directly from the third floor or find themselves in the kitchen, which is located one floor below through a window in the floor. Every year thousands of tourists visit this house, although many feel unwell there, and children begin to cry. After all, according to rumors, ghosts have not left this house to this day.

This is a scary and mysterious place near New Orleans. Legend says that at the beginning of the last century these places were cursed. And a terrible curse was cast by one of the fans of the Voodoo cult, who was held captive in this area. Soon, a powerful hurricane that hit these places destroyed several nearby villages. No one began to restore these villages; these places had acquired a very bad reputation. And people began to disappear more and more often in the swamp area. An attempt was even made to drain these swamps, but as work began, a terrible hurricane struck again and destroyed the workers’ settlement to the ground, and there were casualties. The swampy area is not very attractive for walking anyway; those who get there are immediately seized by an inexplicable fear, ringing in the ears, dizziness, legs become weak... And the Manchac swamps are an eerie sight - tall gloomy trees covered with moss, protruding snags and tree roots, dark, stinking water... Occasionally, the bodies of long-dead people float to the surface of the swamps. Even birds do not fly over this disastrous place. Only huge alligators dared to live in such a terrible place. But even knowing the scary stories associated with the “swamp of ghosts”, it attracts those who like to get a dose of adrenaline. These daredevils want to see ghosts, restless shadows of the dead who cannot find peace due to a terrible curse. You can only move here by boat, and if someone falls out of it, he has no chance of survival. Terrible swamps and huge alligators will leave the poor fellow forever in this ominous place.

What do we imagine when we hear the word “forest”? That's right, emerald meadows, tall lush trees with mighty branches. Certain living creatures that may come our way.

However, Aokigahara does not fit into this rosy picture. And the reason can be understood from the nickname given to this place - the forest of suicides. And if in other forests you come across birds, squirrels and foxes, then in Aokigahara you will be greeted only by corpses.

The blood of local residents and tourists invariably excites the huge number of legends associated with this forest, which grew on lava. Its sad fame overtook it back in the Middle Ages, when years of famine drove many people to madness. In desperation, they began to sacrifice their relatives, bringing the weak and old people into the forest, and leaving them there. Cries for help and groans did not make their way through the dense thickets, and no one could help the doomed. The Japanese will tell you in a whisper that the ghosts of the unfortunate people still take revenge on people for their suffering.

Today, Japan does not suffer from famine, but the ominous role of Aokigahara has survived and continues to be relevant. The attractive mysticism of the forest and its maddening silence now attract those people who have decided to commit suicide. Local police annually find up to a hundred bodies of unfortunate people.

And beautiful and romantic Venice is also ready to present a lot of mystical things that have been hidden from general curiosity for hundreds of years. And one of the secrets of the Italian city is the island of Poveglia, or otherwise “the symbol of horror.”

The history of such an ominous place begins during the dawn of the Roman Empire. During that period, the island became the last refuge of a huge number of plague victims who were taken to Poveglia and left there to die.

Since, due to the number of dead, there was no time to bury them, the bodies were simply set on fire. And it was for this reason that ominous rumors spread that the land on the island was overflowing with human ashes. According to some reports, about one hundred and sixty thousand infected people lost their lives on Poveglia.

After several centuries, in 1922 they decided to open a psychiatric hospital on the island. And this is precisely what strengthened the oppressive and gloomy atmosphere of Poveglia several times. Patients of the hospital constantly complained of unimaginable headaches and that every night the ghosts of the dead came to them, screams and moans were constantly heard...

Poveglia was abandoned in 1968. Today, no one lives on the island, and even for tourists it is closed. This is due to the fact that local residents are trying their best to refute ominous rumors about their island.

However, although access to Poveglia is limited, rumors continue to spread, which means that the mysticism of the terrible island is still alive...

This place consists of several atmospheric medieval streets that are hidden by the modern city of Edinburgh.

The peculiarity of this area is that it is completely cut off from the main part of the capital city of Scotland, and is connected to it only by a series of impregnable walls.

From historical sources we can learn that about three hundred and fifty years ago, in the seventeenth century, the Black Death epidemic threatened the complete destruction of all of Edinburgh. In an attempt to at least stop the spread of the terrible disease (there could be no thought of stopping the plague completely), local monks raked up the streets overflowing with dead bodies and burned them outside the city limits.

After some time, the infected began to be isolated in a special infirmary.

And already the chronicles of 1645 told us that the magistrate gave an order to surround the “plague” quarter with walls in order to try to extinguish the main source of the epidemic.

And the owner of most of the fenced-off houses was Mary King, and it was in her honor that the block was named.

Literally a hundred years after the raging plague sank into oblivion, a city grew up on the site of Mary King’s quarter, which was not interested in the secrets of the past years.
Today, the streets of the plague city are just gloomy tunnels, the walls and ceilings of which are crowned with cords and dusty light bulbs. Gloomy lighting pulls out from the veil of darkness the remains of once huge stairs, which now will no longer lead anyone anywhere.

Over the years, this dead end has grown into many rumors and legends. It is said that those unfortunates who were doomed to a long and painful death in their “stone trap” are brave souls who visited the quarter where the plague once reigned. With their ghostly hands they desperately grab onto people and beg them for help, asking them to stay. And the most important thing for you at this moment is not to stop, not to succumb to the icy call of Death.