The safest mode of transport: people’s opinions and statistical results. The safest mode of transport - rating

If you are planning a trip and want to know which one is the best safe look transport, the statistics will tell for themselves. Many people are afraid to fly by plane and try to choose a car when traveling. But still, let's look back at the world statistics:

What is the safest mode of transport in the world?

10th place. Motorcycle (moped scooter)
125 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

9th place. Bike
35 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

8th place. Metro
25 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

7th place. Water passenger transport (ship, yacht, steamship, etc.)
20 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

6th place. Spaceship. (don't ask how he got into this statistic)
At 1.5 billion km. accounts for 7 deaths.

5th place. Minibuses.
5 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

4th place. Automobile
4 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

3rd place. Bus
One human life per 1.5 billion km.

2nd place. Train
0.2 deaths per 1500000000 km. ways.

1 place. Airplane
The probability of dying is 1:8000000.

The safest mode of transport statistics in Russia

In Russia the rating is somewhat different. Rail transport is considered the first place in terms of safety in Russia, and airplanes are in second. Third place goes to passenger cars.

Why is an airplane the safest form of transport?

Every day we read in the newspapers about accidents on the roads. Most often, the drivers themselves are to blame for this. It's sad, but we don't think about the total number of victims. After all, in a plane crash, 200, 300, 400 people die immediately, and in a car accident, 2-3 people die.

But if you find out that about 100 people die on the roads in Russia every day? Daily! How often do plane crashes happen?

It seems to us that passengers have no chance of survival in a plane crash. But this is not entirely true. Not all aircraft breakdowns and pilot errors result in the death of passengers. History is full of miraculous rescues in plane crashes, as well as stupid deaths on the road.

Given the large number of different vehicles, many specialists and experts, of course, want to know which ones are the safest. Statistics show that the safest mode of transport is an airplane.

Experts divide transport into 2 groups:

  • By service sector:
  1. Public options
  2. Special forces
  3. Private
  • By environment of use:
  1. Ground - this includes wheeled and rail versions
  2. Underground - metro
  3. Air
  4. Space
  5. Water and underwater
  6. Pipeline

Passengers boarding an airplane often shudder at the thought of taking off and landing. However, official statistics are clear - airliners are quite safe from the point of view of movement.

The calculations are based on the number of victims per 100 million miles. According to the results of such calculations, the mortality rate in plane crashes is 0.6 people. You can die in a plane crash in 1 case in 8 million. If compared with other options traditionally considered safer, then this figure will turn out to be completely ridiculous. Thus, in accidents with mopeds and motorcycles, the statistics is 125 deaths per 1.5 billion km. Cyclists die on the roads in considerable numbers - 35 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. Even in the metro, more people die than in air transport - 25 cases per 1.5 billion km.

What ensures the safety of the airliner?

The reliability of aircraft, as experts note, is ensured by a certain number of factors. First of all, each aircraft undergoes a whole range of serious tests before flying. Moreover, it is inspected by both technicians and the captain of the ship, who must be personally confident in the excellent condition of the airliner he is accepting for flight.

Secondly, this is the work of security systems. Today, advanced systems are installed on airplanes, and even in quantities of several, which can duplicate each other. Accordingly, if something happens to one of them, the other will be able to duplicate it. The plane can fly and land even with one faulty engine.

Thirdly, landing tactics change regularly. Previously, pilots practiced landing the plane softly, but now they advise doing it roughly, which improves the grip of the landing gear on the runway.

Is it possible to survive a plane crash?

Many people are afraid of the inability to survive a plane crash. But this is also a myth. Yes, in many cases the plane is destroyed. But the cases when passengers remained alive are quite numerous. This is due to the fact that everything aircraft designed by those people who are well versed in aerodynamics and gravity. And it’s not so easy for an airplane to fall from a height of 10,000 km.

In the USA, for example, 500 aviation incidents occurred in 20 years. The number of deaths in these is about 5% of the total number of passengers on board the liner. Even in situations like these, when planes crash and break in half, passengers have a chance of surviving.

Choosing a safe place on the plane

Against the background of determining the safety of a particular vehicle, many are, of course, interested in whether it is possible to find safe places on board the aircraft. Back in 2007, statistics were published that clearly identified the most quiet places in airplane.

To compile statistics, the researchers took data published by the National Security Council of America over 30 years. They took as a basis the dependence of the number of victims on the place where the passengers were located. It turned out that 70% of the crash survivors were located in the section behind the edge of the aircraft's wing. Also, those sitting above the wing have a chance to survive in half the cases.

The part of the plane closer to the tail is in a more advantageous position due to the fact that when it falls, the plane mainly falls with its nose. This means that those sitting behind have a greater chance of salvation.

Statistics of the safest planes

  • Airbus A340 - a total of 340 of these models were produced, which totaled 13.5 million flight hours, 5 accidents were recorded in which there were no casualties
  • Airbus A330 - about 600 copies produced. The planes flew 14 million flight hours, and during this time only 1 accident occurred. A total of 8 examples were lost, killing 346 people.
  • Boeing 747 - in aircraft of this brand there was 1 accident per 17.5 million flights. There are 941 vessels in operation. Over the years of use of such liners, 941 ships were lost, 51 were lost due to accidents in which 3,732 people died
  • Boeing 737 – 3 tragedies have occurred since 1997

The safest plane on this moment considered a Boeing 777. There are 748 copies in the world. Over the years, this model has flown 20 million hours. During this time, 3 people died in two incidents. Only one ship was lost during this time.

So you shouldn’t be afraid of airplanes because of the high accident rate. Moreover, the crew also undergoes special training, has the necessary skills and is not very eager to die. In addition, an airplane is an opportunity to get to your destination quickly and completely safely.

The safest form of transport has not yet been found, so you should not naively assume that you are completely safe when traveling on it. When compiling statistics, the human factor and a series of absurd accidents are often not taken into account.

Of course, it is impossible to name the safest modes of transport unambiguously, but statistics indicate that the safest mode of transport is a train, and the most dangerous is a motorcycle or moped. Only one percent of the world's population rides motorcycles, but more than twenty percent of deaths occur on this type of transport. Motorcyclists are killed twenty-eight times more often than car drivers.

In second place among dangerous modes of transport is a regular bicycle. This means of transportation is also dangerous because children and teenagers die on it.

Next come the subways and ferries, which kill many people at once. The next two places are occupied by minibuses and cars, which a couple of years ago were considered the most dangerous species transport. The fact is that the design of the machines has changed a lot, and the level of safety has increased.

In third place is the bus, which accounts for 0.5% of deaths per billion kilometers. Of course, these data are aggregated, since in Egypt bus accidents occur more often than in Russia.

Can the statement that an airplane is the safest form of transport be considered true? Probably far from fully due to a number of factors.

Flying by plane is much safer, since only 0.5% of deaths occur per one and a half billion kilometers. This takes into account not only disasters civil aviation, but also small aircraft helicopters.

It is worth clarifying that almost always all passengers and crew members die. When purchasing tickets for a flight and boarding a plane, passengers do not often think about where it is best and safest to sit down.

Experts, of course, are trying to determine the safest seats on the plane. These do not include comfortable places, located at the front, although they are located quite far from the engines.

The most dangerous places are considered to be in the middle of the aircraft cabin, since they are located above the wing of the aircraft. This leads to dire consequences when the fuel ignites, and there will be quite a lot of casualties.

Is it safe to fly on an airplane? Yes, if you find those very safe places in it. To minimize the risk of injury in a plane crash, you should choose seats near the emergency exit or at the rear of the plane. This is due to the fact that as a result of the panic that occurs in emergency situations, passengers run to the emergency exit. Those sitting next to him will not have to run across the entire cabin.

It is safe to sit at the back of the cabin, because the impact of the nose on the ground during a fall will cause vibrations that will not reach the tail of the aircraft. By the way, most often in the event of a disaster, it is the tail part of the airliner that falls off, allowing people to survive.

Thus, to the question of whether it is safe to fly on airplanes, we can answer that if all safety standards are observed, it is quite safe. However, if the airliner explodes at an altitude of several tens of kilometers, there will be no need to talk about the safety of passengers.

The most interesting thing is that all people in the world are terrified of flying, however, they easily get behind the wheel of a dangerous motorcycle.

Statistics for the safest mode of transport indicate that the bus ranks third dangerous place. It is worth noting that there are some differences between long-distance and intercity buses.

Buses that go far have soft and extremely comfortable seats. Bulk and heavy bags should not be kept with you; they are put in luggage compartment, so they do not injure the passenger if they fall on their head when emergency situation.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences as a result of an accident, you should follow some simple rules. Even the safest seats on a bus will not be able to save a person during an emergency if they are not wearing seat belts.

It is worth looking around in advance, choosing places closer to hatches or emergency exits. You should always keep documents, money and the most primitive first aid kit with you.

You don't need to occupy the front and back seats to feel safe. It is worth noting that in a head-on collision, the passengers who occupy the first four rows will suffer the most.

The safest place on the bus is in the middle. However, you need to understand where exactly it is located. If the place is located on the left near the window, then a blow from the side of the roadway is possible. It is worth sitting closer to the aisle, which will save you from a fatal blow that the person sitting next to you will take.

The safest seats on the bus long distance located in the very center. They are next to emergency exit or the middle door, provided the vehicle is large. Of course, these places are unlikely to save you if a bus is rammed by another vehicle, but in any other circumstances they will help you save your own life.

By the way, in case of a frontal impact the safest places will be from 13 to 18, and in case of a left impact – from third to seventh. In the event of an emergency with a blow from the right, those who occupy 10th and 22nd seats will definitely not die, and in a collision into the rear of the bus - 1st, 2nd, 21st, 22nd seats.

The question of which seats on the bus are the safest can be answered 100% by statistics. In this case, you need to clarify the type of bus and its range. In suburban settings, the safest place is where the person sits with their back to the driver or other passenger.

Many people in the world continue to worry about the question of which type of transport is the safest. It is worth clarifying that as a result of a huge number of surveys conducted around the world, it was found that the safest mode of transport is the train.

The most safe trains are considered vehicles that move on the rails of most American and European countries. Russian railways are not in last place in terms of safety and reliability, since the mortality rate on them is only 0.7% per one and a half billion kilometers.

What is the safest mode of transport Russians found out for themselves in the All-Russian survey; more than 70% of citizens of our country consider the train the most reliable transport. In this case, there is no separation between commuter trains and by trains that will take you to another city or even country.

The safety of this type of transport lies in the fact that it follows strictly on the rails. Dispatch services ensure that trains do not collide, which significantly reduces the possibility of an accident.

The safest seats in a train carriage are those located in the middle of the train. These cars, as a rule, are more stable and safe than their tail or head counterparts. In a head-on collision, passengers in the first carriages have very little chance of survival; they will be the first to derail.

If you are traveling on a long-distance train, you should choose the fifth or sixth compartment. It is necessary to clarify that when traveling on the top bunk, you need to choose it in the direction of the train. You should not leave any objects on the table in the compartment, because there is a possibility of injury.

According to statistics, the safest mode of transport in the world will be reliable if all conditions are met. This can only be done if it is possible to book a ticket with the right to choose a seat.

It would be best to choose a compartment close to the conductor, since it will be easier to get out of it. In the event of a fire or other problems in the carriages, you should not pull the stop valve on the bridge or in the tunnel, as this will complicate the evacuation of passengers.

The safest seats in a subway car

The safest form of transport in Russia is a train that travels on the ground, but the metro is only in seventh place in terms of injury rates.

Before boarding a subway car, you should write down or remember your phone number behind the glass in the cab. It is necessary in order to contact the station duty officers.

Most often, trains in the metro, according to transport safety statistics, are exposed to the threat of terrorist attacks. If an explosion has taken place, you should not leave the carriage, because there is a risk that the electrical wires in the tunnel are damaged.

You need to choose seats in the middle carriages, because it is quite dangerous to be in the head section during an accident. Some experts clarify that it is a good idea to be in the tail car because of the possibility of quick evacuation from it.

The safest seats in a subway car are standing ones, since explosive devices are most often placed under the seats. It’s not a bad idea to be in a crowd, and the people around you will become a kind of human shield during an explosion.

Speaking about the safety of passengers during terrorist attacks, it is necessary to clarify that explosives are most often left in medium-sized carriages that are filled to capacity. For example, during the terrorist attacks in the Moscow metro, carriages number three and two were the most damaged.

In the event of a terrorist attack, you need to lie on the floor and not touch metal parts in the carriage to avoid electric shock.

Statistics on the safety of modes of transport are compiled from surveys of the world's inhabitants in various surveys or questionnaires. It is worth remembering that these sad statistics are calculated as the number dead people on a certain section of the path.

Statistical data does not always coincide with people’s surveys, but you still need to believe stubborn statistics.

We studied many official statistics sites and found out that there is no clear answer to such a seemingly simple question, but still we compiled this rating, taking into account all the conclusions and all the principles of calculation.

Let's start with the fact that the complexity of risk calculation arises from the first minute of calculations, from the question of what indicator to calculate. If we take the total number of deaths from accidents for a specific type of transport, we get an obvious answer, because thousands of people in every country in the world, including pedestrians, die in car accidents every year. Unlike a train or an airplane, where no more than 1,000 people worldwide die per year, incidents with this type of transport lead to a large number of victims, but they occur relatively rarely, no more than 2-3 every year. But if most of us do not travel by plane and train every day, then by car or bus, almost every day.

In principle, there are three possible ways to calculate transport risks, in terms of distance (deaths per billion km), number of trips (deaths per billion trips) or travel time.

Stakeholders typically choose the form of calculation of statistics according to their own purposes.

For example, in the airline industry, they almost always choose a method based on calculations in kilometers, which is optimal for them, since most fatalities occur during landing and takeoff, and intermediate distances big. For ground transport, on the contrary, will tend to choose a method based on calculating sacrifices per number of trips or hours of travel, since the risks are evenly distributed. Thus, both modes of transport are able to demonstrate that they are the safest mode of transport.

Statistics based on data from the statistical office DETR (Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions - American Bureau 2000). They record the number of deaths per billion km, the number of trips and travel times.

Transport safety calculation by mileage:

1. Air travel 0.05

2. Buses 0.4

3. Railway 0,6

3. Minibuses (Van) 1,2

4. Water transport 2.6

5. Cars 3.1

6. Bicycles 44.6

7. Walking 54.2

8. Motorcycle 108.9

It is clear that you can’t walk very far, and there are a lot of accidents with pedestrians on the road.

Transport safety calculation based on the number of trips:

1. Buses 4.3

2. Railway transport 20

3. Minibuses (Van) 20

4-5. By car and on foot 40

6. Water transport 90

7. Air travel 117

8. Bicycle 170

9. Motorcycle 1640

Transport safety calculation based on travel time:

1. Buses 11.1

2. Railway 30

3. Air transport 30.8

4. Water transport 50

5. Minibuses (Van) 60

6. Car 130

7. Walking distance 220

8. Bicycle 550

9. Motorcycle 4840

And as we already wrote in the article, about . Over the past 10 years, the number of serious incidents in air transport has fallen by 36%. The mortality rate during air travel is 1 death per 1 million passengers. As a result, the chances of dying in a car are now 62 times higher than while flying on an airplane, say experts from the Ascend agency. Which raises accordingly air Transport in the rating, in any of the calculations, both on the number of trips and on the time of movement. And based on the time of movement, it bypasses railway transport.

Conclusions, there is no safe transport, due to big amount transport, crossing the streets is also quite dangerous, but no matter what, you should refrain from such a type of transport as a motorcycle. Since the statistics were taken from the American bureau, it is worth making adjustments for our countries; our minibuses are just as unsafe as regular cars. And the airlines are quite reliable, ().

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Reading time: 7 min.

Every day, from the news feed, millions of people learn about car accidents, derailed trains, crashed planes and other accidents that result in a large number of deaths. The question arises, how to protect yourself from troubles and what type of transport is the safest? In order not to indulge in fear, we present to your attention a list of the safest transport in the world, according to this year’s statistical reports.

This type of transport is rightfully considered the most dangerous in the world. Statistics confirm this - 125 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. Anyone who prefers this type of vehicle seriously exposes themselves to danger, and very consciously. Motorcyclists make up only 1% of the total traffic on the highway, but a fifth of all accidents involve this type of transport. Motorists gave motorcyclists the nickname “crunchies” for a reason. The reason for this was a very low percentage of passive safety, enormous acceleration, enormous speed and psychological aspects: love of extreme sports and adrenaline rushes in the body. Motorcyclists often find themselves in the blind spot of cars because they are so small.

According to statistical reports, for every 1.5 billion kilometers there are 35 deaths. This is the most environmentally friendly transport, but at the same time one of the most unsafe. But, in truth, car drivers are more to blame for road accidents than cyclists themselves. It often happens that the car has only a few scratches, but the cyclist and his vehicle are between life and death.

Statistics in this case give figures of 25 dead people by 1.5 billion kilometers. The most dangerous incidents that happen in the metro are fires, crushes, and train collisions. A large number of people in a small closed space - panic and a huge percentage of casualties. IN Russian Federation The leader in such incidents is the Moscow Metro.

Traveling by water has always been a very risky undertaking. Of course, over many centuries of technology development, now water transport has become much safer, but still there are 20 deaths for every 1.5 billion kilometers. Although the main cause of death remains not collisions with other ships, but passengers falling overboard.

Statistics here give the following figures: 7 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. The danger of flying in outer space is in no way comparable to that on earth - traveling in space is 17 times safer than riding a motorcycle. During all the time of travel in Space, only three devices did not return to Earth (the only thing that has a negative impact on statistical reports is explosions during take-offs of spacecraft).

Minibus travel involves 5 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. This is one of the most popular modes of transport among the population. To protect yourself in minibus It is best to take a place in the middle. The size of the car, stable grip and passive safety will all play a role here. Unfortunately, the main cause of accidents remains low level driver qualifications.

Here statisticians give the following figures: 4 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. The development of technology has also affected cars; now passive and active safety is at a completely different level. Unfortunately, motorists are the most dependent on other road users. You can be the most skillful and careful driver in the world, but this still won’t protect you from the fact that someone could crash into you and end up in the hospital, or worse.

Buses are in third place in the ranking; statistics show one fatality per 1.5 billion kilometers. If you want to travel safely, then this transport is for you. Sometimes it turns out that the bus route covers more than one thousand kilometers (for example, in Australia, a bus traveling on the Perth-Brisbane route travels 5,455 kilometers). But it is still quite safe to travel by bus.

The train is one of the safest modes of transport. Just think about it - only 0.2 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers of road. The railways in America and Europe are the safest in the world. In Russia, things are a little worse - 0.7 deaths on the same piece of road. If you calculate the probability of death on a train, it will be 1 in 431800 degrees (approximately 0.0002%). Investopedia reports that you are 1,000 times more likely to die in a car accident than in a train accident.

Paradoxical as it may be for many, airplanes are the most safe transport in the world. The probability that you will die while flying on an airplane is 1: 8,000,000. The problem is that although airplanes crash very rarely, they always entail a large number of victims. Therefore, the media always covers such incidents and psychologically people begin to fear airplane travel. There are 0.5 deaths per 1.5 billion kilometers. The Flight Safety Agency states that there is a 1 in 8 million chance of dying in a car accident. And self-destructive individuals need to take a ticket every day on a random flight for 21 thousand years in order to accomplish their plans.