Is it possible to tint the license plates yourself? The license plates have been erased

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Over time, the state registration plates (numbers) of any car lose their original appearance. Under the influence of rain, snow, sand, dust, reagents and other factors, the black paint on the numbers gradually wears out and the numbers become unreadable.

Different drivers' license plates wear out differently. The degree of wear depends primarily on the operating conditions of the car, on the mileage of the car, as well as on the quality of manufacture of the plates themselves. For example, in the case of a low-quality batch, the numbers may be erased after the first rain. Such numbers are quite rare in practice. More often than not, numbers wear out, so to speak, from time to time.

Today we will talk about what to do if the license plates on your car are erased. Let's get started.

Let's consider all possible options in turn.

Drive with worn out license plates

If a car owner is too lazy to deal with state registration plates, he can continue to drive with worn out license plates.

In this case, the maximum, according to Part 1 of Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code, will be 500 rubles. Minimum - warning.

Tint the numbers yourself

Do-it-yourself license plate tinting may also occur, but some features should be taken into account:

1. Since you are not involved in counterfeiting state registration plates, a fine cannot be imposed on you.

2. State registration plates must comply with the requirements of GOST R 50577-93. Those. When you independently tint the digits of the license plate, you must also take into account the requirements of GOST. If you wish, you can study the full text of this document. Here I will list only its important features.

Basically, GOST requirements concern the reflective (white) part of the license plate. It must be made using special paints. If it so happens that the white part of your license plate has been erased, then you should not touch up the plates yourself; it is better to use one of the methods below.

As for black numbers, there are no requirements for light reflection. Those. The numbers can be tinted, the main thing is not to spoil the white reflective part of the registration plate.

If you decide to paint the numbers yourself, I recommend that you first cover the white part of the number with masking tape and only then touch up the numbers. This will protect the numbers from damage.

Ideally, before painting, the plates should be removed, washed, dried, degreased, and only then applied with waterproof paint. In the simplest case, you can limit yourself to using a black waterproof marker without preliminary preparation. However, the durability will be appropriate.

The advantage of touching up car license plates yourself is that the procedure is quite cheap. The downside is that if you haven't done this kind of thing before, touch-up can take a long time.

Production of duplicates of state registration plates

Another way to eliminate the lack of numbers is making a duplicate of them. Currently, private organizations can legally produce license plates. The cost of producing one number is approximately 1,500 rubles, a set of two numbers - from 2,000 rubles.

You will need a registration certificate vehicle. Usually duplicates are made fairly quickly, often within half an hour.

In some cases, this method remains the only possible one. For example, if the car's license plate was stolen or it was significantly damaged.

Changing vehicle registration details

There is another way to update car license plates - change of registration data. The essence of the procedure is that you go to the traffic police and receive new numbers.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • high price. State duties in this case will amount to 2,850 rubles.;
  • you irretrievably lose your old car number (if for some reason you value it, it is better to use the production of duplicates).

Thus, depending on the degree of damage to the numbers, you can use one of the following methods:

  • let it be as it is;
  • tint the numbers;
  • make duplicates;
  • change registration data.

Good luck on the roads!

Is it possible to tint the state paint yourself? numbers on the car if their condition has become bad? Operating the machine causes the signs to lose their appearance. Exposure to rain, stones, sand and various reagents from the road causes the symbols on the license plate to be erased. It is prohibited to operate a vehicle with unreadable registration plates. How to paint a car license plate with your own hands? It's easy to do, but you need to follow certain rules.

The degree of wear depends on various factors. The more mileage the car has, the worse the condition of the license plate. Plates are also affected by the conditions under which the vehicle is used. Operating a car in the city has less impact on the condition of the paint than in more severe conditions.

Also, the license plate can quickly wear off if the workmanship is poor. For example, a person ordered a duplicate from private company, but low-quality materials were used for production. This caused it to wear off and become unreadable after just a few months.

It is prohibited to operate a vehicle with unreadable license plates. Ignoring this requirement will result in a fine of 500 rubles. But you can protect yourself from the fact that the signs are erased. For this purpose, special frames are used in which the numbers are placed.

Is it possible to paint numbers

Many car owners are familiar with the situation when a number or letter has been erased and the number has become unreadable. If the number is damaged, it can be repainted. However, the plates are issued by the state and cannot be altered. However, the vehicle cannot be driven with an unreadable license plate.

Restoring yourself has many benefits. Firstly, it’s cheap, because the materials for painting the license plate will cost several hundred rubles. Secondly, immediate recovery will take a little time. After painting, the license plate will look normal, so you can drive the car without any problems.

Important! Self-recovery should not violate the number requirements. White color is the background and has reflective characteristics.

How to paint correctly

It is allowed to tint the numbers: if they are erased, you can restore them with your own hands. However, there are certain nuances. Since the signs are made using special paint, it is necessary to purchase a similar material for touch-up. Thus, the symbols on the numbers are painted black, and the background is painted white, which has reflective properties. All letters and numbers are clearly visible against its background.

If you decide to tint the number yourself, you only need to do this for the symbols. Painting a white background will cause it to lose its characteristics and will not reflect light, as required by GOST. And this will lead to the fact that the police can stop you and issue you a fine. If you paint the signs, there will be no problems, but you need to choose the right materials.

There are no special requirements for paint, but its choice should be based on the following rules:

  • do not use watercolor or gouache, because such paint does not have waterproof qualities;
  • use a thin brush to apply paint;
  • You can use a black marker.

The problem is that not everyone will be able to paint perfectly, and therefore the letters and numbers themselves may turn out crooked and uneven. If you decide to perform a DIY recovery, do so in convenient location and without haste.

If the numbers on your car have been erased and you use a marker, it should be a waterproof black marker. You can buy it in any store, but it must have the inscription “permanent” on it. It is made on the basis of alcohol, so it will not wear off quickly. A thick marker that has a cut at the end is best.

Before you start painting, the sign must be washed well in warm water and degreased. Next, dry it and get to work. To ensure even painting, the outlines of the symbols can be covered with tape.

After this, the status will be updated, and a car with such a state number can be operated without hindrance. If you managed to restore it yourself, the result will not last long. After 2-3 months, the paint will come off again, and you will have to repeat the procedure or get new number.

Making new signs

If you do not want to paint the numbers yourself, you can contact a company that issues duplicates. They will not make a copy of the numbers for long - up to 1 day.

Some cities do not have such organizations. What should you do if your car's license plate is damaged in this case? The easiest option is to involve the traffic police and re-register the car. After completing the documents and paying the state fee, you will have new state license plates.

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It is a significant event for every motorist. But over time, symbols may lose their color and necessary clarity. Because of this, readability is significantly deteriorated, which is a direct violation.

Quite often, motorists are stopped by traffic police officers because their license plate number is poorly visible and difficult to read. To eliminate such situations, you need to somehow combat wear.

But not everyone knows how to do this without violating established norms and laws. Some take the easy route. Since inspectors' attention is most often drawn to poorly readable signs in front of the car, they swap the front and rear license plates. This gives a temporary effect. But the building signs that are in front can also wear out over time.

Causes of wear

Before we talk about what needs to be done if the license plate on the car is erased, it is worth touching on the reasons for this situation.

Wear is influenced by a number of factors, one of which is long-term use of the vehicle. It is also worth considering the conditions in which the machine is used. When the car is driven primarily in the city, the plates rarely wear out. But when a car is exposed to harsh conditions, the paint may not withstand such stress.

In order to somehow prevent rapid wear and tear, motorists came up with the idea of ​​​​using metal frames, inside which the number is placed.

A license plate can be erased for the simple reason that it was originally of low quality. This happens when production is not carried out by state enterprises, but by private organizations engaged in the creation of duplicates. Sometimes such signs cannot withstand even one trip in heavy rain or snow.

But it is important to note that these are very rare. Therefore, the most common cause of wear is time.

It is worth recalling the existence of a fine of 500 rubles, which is provided for driving a car with an unreadable license plate. This may be due to contamination or wear of the paint.

Is tinting allowed?

Car owners often do not risk doing anything with their own hands, because they are not sure whether they can tint the license plates on the car themselves. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. And there are objective reasons for this.

License plates act as a government document and therefore cannot be changed or adjusted by law. At the same time, when even one character is erased, the inspector has every right to issue a fine.

In such situations, whenever there is any defect, ordering duplicates or completely changing the number is extremely expensive and inconvenient. And we need to find a way out of this situation. After all, drivers are afraid of getting a fine for tinted license plates.

We can say that everything speaks more in favor of the car owner, who has the right to adjust the number as necessary. Here it is worth relying on two weighty arguments.

  1. Touch-up does not involve changes or corrections to the state license plate. It is necessary to restore previously stored information. That is, the owner’s goal is to improve the quality of readability.
  2. There is not a single legislative act that directly states that there are prohibitions regarding such manipulations with the license plate.

Therefore, touch-up can be done if you do not violate the established state standards. And they apply to the font, letter size, thickness, numbers and security elements. The latter include holograms evenly applied over the entire surface of the sign.

If you find any small defects on the license plate, you have the right to touch them up yourself. The traffic police inspector should not have any questions or complaints.

But what you can’t do is paint over and repaint the entire surface. Then you immediately violate production standards. By painting over the surface, the holograms are hidden and the property of a reflective surface is lost.

We draw the logical conclusion that there is nothing illegal in tinting letters or numbers black. The only question is how exactly you will do this so as not to receive a fine for incorrectly colored numbers.

When problems arise with the readability of the plate, motorists immediately have a question about how best to tint the license plate.

First, remember that you should only use paints with waterproof properties. Any other material will begin to flow upon slight contact with water or moisture. Choose quality paints so you don't have to touch up every week.

Typically, license plates on cars are repainted using:

  • oil paints;
  • alkyd enamels;
  • nitro paints;
  • markers with nitro enamel;
  • permanent markers.

In practice, several popular and effective methods are used to restore numbers and letters on a registration number. Each of them has its own nuances and recommendations for use. So that you do not have unnecessary questions, we will consider the main techniques separately.

Use of aerosols

Automotive chemical stores have a huge assortment of paint in cans, which is designed to restore the paintwork on the body. These aerosols are perfect for solving our problem. They are inexpensive and available literally everywhere.

At first it may seem that using an aerosol is the simplest method of restoration. But don't rush to conclusions. This has its own difficulties and subtleties that are important to observe during recovery.

We will tell you in detail what needs to be done if the license plate on the car is erased and the letters wear out faster than the driver expected. First, buy a can of high-quality black paint. Then follow in a certain sequence.

The main difficulty of the method is creating precise and even boundaries. Therefore, with such tinting, it often turns out that the symbols become different sizes and change their thickness. That is, this is how state standards are violated.

If you choose the spray painting method, be careful to cut out the outlines and do not let the paint get on the white background.


If problems arise with the state plate of the car, you can also tint the state number using the dipping method. Here, unlike the previous option, you get clear and even boundaries. But working with a sign is even more difficult. Maximum concentration is required. If you do something wrong, the license plate will be completely damaged.

To work, you will need to take nitro enamel or other paint with waterproof properties. Everything looks like this step by step:

  1. If you want to get a really high-quality result, take the time to first wash off all the dirt from the plate and walk through. This preparation for application allows for excellent paint adhesion.
  2. You will also need a flat board. Its dimensions must be at least slightly larger than the dimensions of the state registration plate itself.
  3. Wrap the board with some fairly thick fabric. The material should be stretched to obtain an even coating. For fixation, it is most convenient to use a stapler. If you don't have one, use regular nails.
  4. The fabric is wetted with the paint of your choice. And try to do it evenly, otherwise it may not work.
  5. Now the license plate itself is taken. It is applied face down to the surface of the board. The secret here is that the stamping method is used in production. That’s why all the symbols on license plates are convex.
  6. Hold the number over the fabric for a few seconds. Carefully, being careful not to mix the tablet, lift it.
  7. Turn over and hold the number horizontally. Or place it on a flat surface to prevent the paint from dripping.
  8. Wait for the first coat of paint to dry. After this, repeat the procedure 1-3 more times.

Be extremely careful. The board is actually chosen to be flat, and the fabric is stretched onto the surface of the board without any folds. If you apply too much pressure when dipping, you risk applying paint to the white surface. In such a situation, try to quickly remove the black paint with a solvent before it dries.

The result is of high quality, but for this you need to make some efforts, as well as show maximum concentration. Be careful.


Another option for what to do if the license plate on your car is suddenly erased. It wears off on everyone, so you shouldn’t be surprised. The only question is time. If the symbol is erased, there is no point in continuing to operate a car with poorly readable license plates. The problem with erasing characters cannot be ignored. You may be fined.

If you are looking for a simple, inexpensive and quick restoration method, then use a regular marker. But here a lot depends on the quality of the tool itself and the paint that is used in it.

A regular stationery marker won't last. for a long time on a surface. Therefore, it is better to take a car marker. It washes out worse. But many doubt whether it is possible to simply tint the license plate of your car with a marker. Yes. This option is allowed. And this is not the worst method, which has its own objective advantages.

The surface must be pre-prepared in the same way as in the case of previous methods of restoring the license plate number. Next, the paint marker restores the visibility of all the black symbols that have been erased and worn out. If, due to your carelessness, you missed it, touching the white background, just keep a rag soaked in solvent at hand.

To create perfectly even contours, take a plastic card or a small ruler. They will play the role of limiters. Simple and convenient. Although the effect is not the longest lasting, it does not require spending a lot of time and effort.


If you don’t want to do the restoration yourself by touching up the paint, then you can go a different route. There is a good option for making duplicates.

For residents big city It won’t be a problem to find several companies that provide similar services at once. By law, this is allowed to be done not only by government agencies. But at the same time, the company must have the appropriate permits to conduct such activities.

This is a convenient and fast method, which sometimes takes no more than 1-2 hours of the car owner’s time. As a counterargument, one can cite the fact of high cost. Yes, buying a regular marker is one thing, and paying for a duplicate is quite another. But here the driver benefits from the opportunity to do without repair and restoration work, and not waste his precious time on it.

Estimated cost of making a duplicate in currently is approximately 1500 rubles for 1 plate. If you need to make a complete set at once, then get ready to pay at least 2 thousand rubles.

In order for you to have a duplicate made according to all the rules and within the law, first find a company that provides such services. Next, you contact the office and give them a certificate of registration of your vehicle. Without it, no licensed company has the right to duplicate vehicle registration numbers.


In some situations, when the license plate has become very worn out and its readability is gradually approaching zero, motorists go directly to the traffic police department.

To restore license plates through the Traffic Inspectorate, you need to visit the branch, write an application and pay the mandatory state fee. After this, you will be given completely new plates. As you understand, the traffic police do not deal with restoration. They simply stamp a new number on specialized equipment.

The disadvantage of this method is its cost. Among all the methods that were discussed in this article, the restoration method through the traffic police is the most expensive. This is due to the impressive size of the current state duty.

But there is also a downside. This way you get completely legal registration license plates made to all quality standards. All procedures are official, since they are carried out through a government agency.

Cost of methods

For many car owners, the cost of carrying out certain work always plays a big role in car maintenance. Restoring a car registration plate is no exception.

Therefore, let’s try to compare how expensive or cheap it will be to use different variants achieving results.

  1. Aerosol. The method using paint in spray cans is quite common and in demand. It does not require particularly complex operations, although it implies maximum concentration when applying paint. Here the consumable part will be the spray paint itself, the price of which varies from 300 to 500 rubles.
  2. Dipping. Here you will need to find a board and thick fabric, and also buy a can of paint. If we assume that the board and fabric for covering can actually be found somewhere at home or in the garage, then you will only have to spend money on paint. Its cost will be from 200 to 500 rubles.
  3. Marker. The cheapest method, but inferior to other recovery options in terms of efficiency. But if you take a high-quality paint marker, then you will be able to quickly and easily restore erased symbols on the plate. A marker can cost from 60 to 200 rubles.
  4. Duplicate. When a car owner does not want to do the restoration himself, he pays money to other people and receives a ready-made duplicate. For one sign you will have to pay from 600 rubles. But it is better to turn to trusted and legal companies that use high-quality materials and equipment in their work. Then the price can rise to 2 thousand rubles for 2 duplicates.
  5. New number. The most expensive, but the safest method from a legal point of view will cost 2,850 rubles. This is the size of the state duty that is currently in effect when obtaining a new registration number at any traffic police department in the Russian Federation.

Which option to choose, everyone decides for himself. You can spend more time and effort, but save money. Or save yourself from unnecessary hassle by entrusting the solution to your issue to specialists.

If a car license plate is difficult to read, or some characters have been erased, this fact cannot be ignored. This threatens the driver with a fine for an administrative offense. Therefore, car owners will still have to restore the plate.

When using the proposed restoration methods, be extremely careful and careful. Although the law does not prohibit touching up black characters, touching the white background with its reflective effect and holograms is strongly discouraged. Also, you cannot change the size and shape of the symbol itself. Therefore, just tint them, and do not repaint them in a new color with a different thickness, height and other parameters that do not comply with current state standards.

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How to paint a license plate? Read our article. Click on photo to enlarge.

How to paint a car license plate with your own hands and should you do it? The answer to this question is of interest to many car owners, because during the operation of the car, gradual abrasion of the paint on license plates is inevitable.

Painting a license plate is a responsible matter, because this small detail is, in fact, a mini-passport of the car. Driving a car without license plates is against the law, but even if you have a license plate, it is attached in the wrong place or is difficult to read, you may also face a hefty fine.

For what reasons can a car license plate wear out?

For various reasons, the paint on the license plates sooner or later begins to wear off. Click on photo to enlarge.

Painting the license plates is necessary if this part of the car is damaged in an accident or during everyday use. The reason for the rapid abrasion of paint on the surface of license plates may also be a violation of the manufacturing technology of these parts. There are known cases where defective numbers were erased in just a week! Finally, the paint coating of car license plates can be damaged due to deliberate mechanical impact or, for example, due to careless parking.

Some car owners deliberately spoil the number. Painting with special sprays or covering with mesh can be a way to protect license plates from being read by video recorders.

Is it possible to restore a car license plate yourself?

Neither service center specialists nor traffic police officers will be able to give you a clear answer to the question: is it allowed to paint partially worn car license plates yourself? There are different ways to think about this. A license plate is the same vehicle document as a technical passport, therefore no unauthorized corrections are allowed in it. At the same time, if the number is damaged and not all of its data can be easily read, the car owner faces a substantial fine. Well, you must admit that each time going through the procedure of replacing license plates or issuing duplicates of existing plates is a significant time and financial investment.

So, we can conclude that painting a partially damaged license plate is more of a benefit than a detriment. Firstly, those who decided to paint the license plate themselves are not trying to hide or distort its data, but only want to restore the original appearance of this mini car passport. Secondly, even with a great desire it will not be possible to find a single normative act, which would prohibit carrying out this procedure with your own hands.

However, all this does not negate a responsible approach to the restoration of car license plates. After completion of all painting work, the number must meet all the requirements of GOST R 50577-93.

Technical aspects

When painting license plates at the factory, black and white paint + colored pigments are used for application national flag. The main function of black paint is to ensure easy reading of license plate data, and white paint contains special reflective particles that make it easier to identify signs in the dark.

Please note that you can only paint the part that is applied with black paint yourself, otherwise, if the reflective properties of the white background are changed, the license plate will not meet the requirements of GOST! This, in turn, is an excellent reason for the traffic police officers to issue you a receipt for paying the fine.

Restoring a license plate with a marker

If you use a black permanent marker that does not wash off with plain water, you can carefully restore the outline of letters and numbers painted in black paint. The white background will not be affected.

Before painting license plates with a marker, their surface must be thoroughly washed, degreased and wiped dry. Prefer a marker with a blunt tip. To be sure, place cardboard or thin plastic along the outline of the letters and numbers so that the marker does not get on the white paint.

If such a problem does occur, use a cloth lightly moistened with white spirit. If you don’t have a solvent on hand, you can remove unnecessary marks with baking soda applied to an old toothbrush. However, this product should be handled carefully so as not to erase the white paint of the car license plate along with the marker.

Touching up the number with paint

If you have free time and you are not afraid of painstaking work, you can cut out a stencil from paper or transparent film, and then use it to repaint the number with paint from a can or from a spray gun.

Of course, preparing the stencil will take much longer than painting itself. If you want to make it out of paper, apply some smudgeable substance around the letters and numbers on the number, and then stamp the number on a piece of paper or cardboard. With film, the situation is simpler: you can apply it to the license plate and immediately cut out the outlines of the letters or trace the license plate with a pen and then cut it out.

In this case, it is also necessary to prepare the license plate for painting: wash it, degrease it and wipe it dry. It would also be a good idea to lightly sand the letters and numbers with fine-grained sandpaper P1000 - P1200 so that the new paint adheres better. Do this carefully so as not to touch the white background!

When driving on city highways and roads with a dense number of road users, there is a high risk of damaging not only the car, but also the registration plates in an accident.

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But most often, in addition to dents, scratches or chips, motorists are faced with the erasure of license plates on the car due to long-term use or some other reason.

All drivers should be aware of what a fine may be for them if they drive a car with erased license plates.

Possible reasons

Worn license plates on a car are very difficult to read, and from the standard distance of 20 meters it is almost impossible to completely identify them.

This suggests that it will be very problematic for traffic police to record an offender in such a car. Therefore, at the first discovery of scuffs, it is best to correct the situation - make a duplicate or, for a short time, slightly touch up the scuffed areas with black.

Designations on state registration plates may be erased for the following reasons:

  • poor quality paint;
  • manufacturing technology is violated;
  • metal that does not meet production requirements;
  • as a result of a collision during an accident;
  • the influence of reagents that get on license plates when driving, which are usually sprinkled on roads in winter against ice.

In addition, precipitation can also play a role in damaging the coating on the license plate.

Hail, rain, sleet and other impacts on the paint of state license plates may well scratch and gradually wear off the layers each time. The sun's intense rays can even affect paint so that it fades.

Flying sand, dust, small stones can still have an impact - all this if it gets on the state. number may damage it. If the numbers were defective and made of poor quality, then they can be erased after the first rain.

But it is very good that such cases occur extremely rarely. On average, the service life of registration plates is defined in the range from 2 to 3 years.

Is it possible to drive with erased license plates?

All state registration numbers on vehicles must be perfect, numbers, inscriptions and letters must be easy to read. In a word, the numbers must correspond.

Otherwise, if the traffic police discovers even the slightest violation regarding license plates, it could cost the car owner a pretty penny.

Based on the Administrative and Legal Code of the Russian Federation, unreadable license plates are subject to a fine of 5,000 rubles or seizure of the driver’s license for a period of one to three months in order to deprive the driver of the right to drive.

This measure was taken due to the fact that with erased license plates it is impossible to identify the offender in the event of an accident or other crimes of car laws.

If at a distance of 20 m from the car the license plates cannot be read, and it is not even possible to see at least one digit, then such license plates will be considered invalid.

At the same time, the police have no complaints about good visibility of the front license plates at night, but the numbers on the rear bumper should be easy to read from a distance of 20 m.

Unreadable and erased government documents car plate numbers should be distinguished. Sometimes it's the same thing. But sometimes unreadable number maybe due to simple dirt that just needs to be wiped off.

In general, the criteria for viewing license plates in practice are different for everyone. Let’s say someone manages to see the numbers even from 25 m, but someone from 5 m cannot see the signs.

To summarize, we can say the following - since you do not falsify the number and do not change its numbers and letters in any way, then you will not be fined for fraud.

The ideal parameters of state registration plates are that all inscriptions are clear and even. And the white reflective background must not be damaged in any way.

Is it possible to tint

Most drivers take a number of measures to preserve images on license plates for as long as possible. These can be specialized sprays, small metal meshes or films.

But it’s rare for anyone to do it on their own. Typically, such work is entrusted to specialists at a service station or other auto repair shops. It is not forbidden to tint only black, and you cannot paint anything with white.

It is prohibited to touch the reflective background of the signs in any way. Therefore, if the color coating has come off from the white background of the license plates, then there is no need to restore or tint anything yourself.

Traffic cops will never have any complaints about signs tinted with black paint, but they are always very picky about a white field. You can even get a fine from them for counterfeiting government signs.

When choosing black paint, be sure to choose a high-quality, water-resistant option. The number should be touched up after first removing it from the car.

The overall algorithm of actions will look like this:

  1. First, the registration plates are carefully removed from the car.
  2. Then you need to wash the sign itself.
  3. Be sure to dry everything.
  4. White areas of the background are covered with paper or masking tape, which can be easily removed later, without negative consequences for the coating.
  5. Then, with a thin brush, black lines are applied in areas where the marks have been erased.
  6. Be sure to let everything dry completely.

To ensure smooth lines, it is best to paint on a chair or table. Numbers and letters are usually voluminous, so there should be no problems with painting.

If you don't really like the brush, and you doubt that you will get straight lines, then it is best to paint with a black permanent marker. Choose a marker with a normal expiration date so that you don’t have to then select a shade.

Tinted numbers can approximately last for about 2-3 months. It all depends on what weather you most often drive in.

Replacement with duplicates

It’s not always convenient to tint your license plates regularly, so the most the best option– this is the production of a duplicate of car number plates at a special company or at the traffic police.

Approximately for the price it may cost you about 2800-3000 rubles for a set of two plates. If you are puzzled by how to make a duplicate of the state. car registration number, you must prepare a registration certificate and a civil passport of the car owner in advance.

In terms of time, usually the production of a duplicate of state numbers does not last long. In a specialized organization, as well as in the traffic police, it will take approximately 30 minutes.

Therefore, it shouldn’t take all day. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the danger of counterfeiting. Therefore, duplicates should only be made in a trusted and reputable place.

In general, each driver has several options to correct the situation - tint the number plate, change it at the traffic police in the form of obtaining a duplicate, or reissue it with new state registration plates.

You can contact the traffic police for a duplicate at your place of residence; you don’t have to go to the exact territorial office where you previously registered the car.

If it is most convenient for you, contact not the registration department of the traffic police, but a specialized center that legally has the right to produce and issue registration numbers.

Typically, these companies work much faster than the government agency MREO.

You don't have to stand in line and wait for a duplicate to be made. But, if in your city or nearby locality, where you live, there are no such centers, then you still have to contact the traffic police.

Then you just decide whether you need the old registration plates or whether you want to re-issue a new number. In the first case, you receive a duplicate, and in the second - a state one. number with completely different numbers and letters.

Registration of a new state number through re-registration

New numbers must always be registered with an institution that has the right to do this, maintain a database, etc. Another way to make your license plates normal and comply with all standards and GOSTs is to simply contact the traffic police to re-register your own car.

This option may only differ in cost. If you pay the maximum for a duplicate 3000 rub. for a set, then when re-registering the car with new license plates you will pay more.

Features of re-registration are as follows:

To begin with, by contacting the traffic police at the place of residence (registration) of the owner of the car, you should submit an application for re-registration.

In the application form, you must indicate that you want to reissue license plates in order to receive new numbers to replace the old ones. At the same time, there is even a chance to choose a beautiful number for your car, although you will need to pay extra for this.

This option can be useful, especially when there is a need to make other changes to the technical passport or vehicle registration certificate.

Even if the price of such a service is more expensive, nevertheless, you will be sure that the number you will receive is genuine, all the necessary data will be entered into the database and in accordance with all the rules.

What fines can be imposed for

In no case should you ignore the problem; you need to immediately repair the license plates if you have already noticed that they have worn off.

If the license plates are repainted in such a way that their designations change, and also if you drive with dented license plates, then the State Traffic Inspectorate employee will have every right to fine 5000 rubles.

In the event that the numbers are simply worn out, a fine by a traffic inspector will cost 500 rubles(). For the first time, they will not issue a fine, but they will issue a reprimand and warning.

The most severe punishment is payment of a fine and seizure of the driver’s license for a period of 2 to 3 months. Therefore, you should not take risks and drive a car with license plates that do not comply with the requirements of legal norms and regulations.

Some traffic police officers who have completely erased the license plates on their car may be counted as absent altogether. And with incorrectly corrected numbers, where the numbers and letters of the signs are difficult to read, it may happen that the police officer perceives this as forgery or fraud.