Cat cafe in Prague. "At Two Cats" - a traditional pub with its own beer and cinematic past

The Czech restaurant and beer hall U Dvou kocek “At Two Cats” is located almost in the very center of Prague, a few minutes from Wenceslas Square. Open every day from 11:00 to 23:00.

The restaurant was opened in 1678 and is very proud of its ancient origins. The interiors and decoration in the traditional Czech medieval style are pleasant to the eye, the atmosphere is calm and cozy. A special pride of the establishment is live music - throughout the evening musicians entertain customers by playing the accordion or harmonica. Here you can hear old Czech melodies and modern hits in folklore arrangements. However, you should not be surprised when this service is included in the bill - this is the peculiarity of the establishment.

The restaurant has a capacity of 180 seats. This includes a bar, a beer hall, a restaurant itself and a “cat salon”. It must be said that the cat theme permeates the entire establishment - from the interior design to the names of dishes on the menu and even the types of local beer. So in their own brewery they brew three types of beer: Svetla kocka “White Cat” - light, Polotmava kocka “Striped Cat” - semi-dark and Tmava kocka “Black Cat” - dark. In addition to your own, in the beer hall you can try other types of Czech beer, for example, Plzensky prazdroj (Pilsner), Psenicne pivo (Wheat), Master Polotmavy (Master semi-dark). The average cost of a large mug 0.5 l is 80 CZK, a small mug 0.33 – 48 CZK.

The restaurant offers a wide selection of traditional Czech cuisine, and every day a “menu of the day” (Denni nabidka) is available to customers, when their favorite dishes and drinks can be ordered at a good discount. The restaurant menu is adequately translated in Czech, English, German and Russian. But prices for dishes may differ slightly, which is not uncommon in a tourist environment. You should be prepared for the fact that the bill often includes all additional services - water, bread, spices, butter, the aforementioned live music.

The waiters in the restaurant have absorbed all the pathos and pride of the establishment, so you can only get a clear answer in Czech. The range of dishes and prices vary from broths and light soups such as Staroceska bramboracka (Old Bohemian Potato Chowder) for 29 CZK to complex meat dishes and steaks such as Mix Grill “Hradcany” (assorted grilled meats “Hradcany” with a vegetable side dish) for 298 CZK. A large portion of spaghetti will cost only 98 CZK.

The establishment has access to wireless Internet, but whether this service is paid or free, it is better to check with the waiter. There are more likely to be no non-smoking places than there are – tobacco smoke still accumulates in the back part of the hall where these places are located.

In short, the U Dvou kocek beer hall is ideal for quenching your thirst and light hunger after a long tour of Prague Castle. But the establishment is hardly suitable for a measured and plentiful dinner - although there is wonderful beer and a cozy atmosphere, the price level and quality of service leave much to be desired.

The Czech Republic is famous for its numerous establishments with delicious beer and inexpensive food. We will tell you about restaurants, cafes and bars that stand out from the rest with their unique atmosphere and unusual history.

Medieval tavern "At the King of Brabant" (Krčma U krále Brabantského)

One of the oldest Prague taverns, opened in 1375, is shrouded in many secrets and legends.

Rumor has it that city alchemists, the executioner Mydlar, the brilliant Mozart, the great Jaroslav Hasek and countless charlatans of all stripes loved to come here. Such a diverse audience created an atmosphere of real freedom, which can still be felt today. Visitors can enjoy traditional Czech cuisine and delicious beer. Well, the main feature of the tavern is the medieval show.

From Tuesday to Saturday from 19:00 to 22:00, the establishment takes its guests hundreds of years back - before their eyes, a duel of pirates takes place under ancient musical tunes, charming dancers perform, and fakirs command fire.

The medieval surroundings complement the interior of the tavern: antique furniture, skulls on the ceiling, candlesticks on the tables - everything is done so that the visitor forgets what year it is.

It’s also worth noting the inn’s staff: during the show, they transform into typical medieval rabble. In response to any request from a guest, the waitress can shout: “Give me my money first!”, or even simpler, refuse to return the change. If the client still insists on returning the money, she will bring it in a skull and hit it on the table with all her might. Such morals, nothing can be done.

We recommend trying: honey-baked pork ribs with spicy sauce (pečená vepřová žebírka na medu s pikantní omáčkou)

Address: Thunovská 198/15, PRAHA 1 - Malá Strana

Cost of the show program: 195 CZK (8 EUR)


Primitive restaurantPravěk

To find yourself in the Stone Age you don’t have to invent a time machine, just visit a restaurant in the center of Prague. Cave paintings, stone chairs, rough wooden tables, skins of killed saber-toothed tigers and mammoth tusks on the walls - all this makes the interior of the establishment truly original. The actors of the show program together with the waiters will help you feel like a contemporary of the Flintstones. Together they portray real savages - they hoot, snarl, walk with an awkward gait, beat drums and do much more. Let it be a surprise for your guests.

Let's give just a small example: try to order from a waiter in a loincloth, who answers all questions with incoherent sounds “u”, “u”, “u-u-u”. You can safely forget about cutlery during the show - you will have to eat with your hands. Stone Age, whatever one may say.

We recommend trying: potato soup with mushrooms in bread (Bramboračka s houbami v rozpečeném chlebu).

Address: There are three restaurants in Prague under the name Pravěk, but the original show takes place exclusively in the oldest of them at Sokolská 60, Prague 2

Cost and time of the show program: from 18:00 to 23:00 on weekdays, from 11:30 to 23:30 on weekends.


Old Bohemian restaurant "Monastic Tavern" (Klášterní šenk)

Usually Czechs are not very fond of restaurants with national cuisine, especially if their prices are higher than average - they can cook all the same food themselves at home.

However, this place is always full of locals. Finding a free table without prior reservation is akin to real luck. The success of the establishment is due to a number of factors, but the main one is the atmosphere of warmth, kindness and tranquility. This is because the restaurant is located on the territory of the active Břevnov Monastery, the oldest in the Czech Republic. It was founded back in 993 and has experienced many upheavals since then. During various wars, the monastery was completely destroyed several times, but was again restored by the hardworking monks of the Benedictine order. The motto of the order is: “Pray and work.”

Benedictines of the Břevnov Monastery

It is interesting that immediately after the founding of the monastery they began to brew beer in it. Břevnov brewery is the oldest in the Czech Republic and is famous for its brewing traditions. In the restaurant you can see this for yourself by ordering one of the types of the monastery Benedict variety. Not only the beer, but also the cuisine here is very good: everything is very tasty, from the bread that the monks themselves bake to the pork knee, without exaggeration, the best in the city.

We recommend trying: baked pork knee (Obpečený koleno vepře s divokýma višněma)

Address: Markétská 1/28, Prague 6


Beer pubThePUB

A paradise for all fans of the foamy drink. The concept of the establishment is simple, like everything ingenious: each table in it is equipped with a beer dispensing system with four taps. No more waiting for the waiter - pour and drink. The liters drunk are counted electronically and display the data on a touchscreen, which allows you to order drinks and dishes remotely.

The bar became so popular that it opened its branches in many Czech cities and even other countries.

Another interesting thing is that information is collected via the Internet about the amount of beer consumed in a specific establishment at each specific table and broadcast on a large screen. If you come with a friendly group, you can compete in international “literball” with “athletes” from Germany, Austria and Romania.

Must Try: Baked Spicy Chicken Wings with Homemade BBQ Sauce (PUB Wings)

Address: Veleslavínova 3, Prague 1


Restaurant "Locomotive Depot" (Výtopna)

An original establishment that will delight children and adults. The duties of the waiters here do not include serving drinks; the trains do this instead. Each table has rails along which a locomotive pulls cars with mugs and glasses. After the train arrives, visitors need to pick up the ordered drinks and put empty containers in their place.

The restaurant simultaneously operates 15 realistic models of locomotives from different eras. Particularly impressive is their power (each baby is capable of carrying 12 mugs of beer) and speed (up to 20 km/h). The average cost of one model is about 800 euros.

Address: Václavské nám. 56 (palac Fenix), Prague 1


Bar "Coyotes" (Coyotes Prague)

An excellent place for lovers of nightlife, the main feature of which is the fiery dancing of beauties on the bar. Sexy barmaids not only dance dashingly to famous hits, but also demonstrate mastery of fire, water and all other elements.

Everything is like in the famous movie “Coyote Ugly Bar.” The atmosphere of truly unbridled fun here can be eaten with spoons.

Address: Malé náměstí 2, Prague 1

Show time: daily, every 30 minutes starting at 22:00


Vegetarian restaurant "Light Head" (Lehká hlava)

Prague is a meat city. On every street, on every corner you can hear the smell of boiled, fried, stewed or raw meat. Vegetarians have a hard time, but they also have an outlet. The Light Head cafe fully lives up to its name. Stunning interior, melodious music, delicious food, crackling wood in the fireplace - everything you need for an intimate meeting or a cozy time alone with your thoughts and your favorite book. There is truly a special energy here that is difficult to describe, but can be felt.

Address: Boršov 2/280, Prague 1 - Staré Město


Cafe, bar and restaurantOBLACA

The restaurant, located in a recently renovated complex inside the Žižkov TV Tower, will take its visitors away from earthly problems to a height of 66 meters. At any time of the day, there is a magnificent view of the beautiful Prague from here. The modern style of the restaurant goes well with the futuristic appearance of the tower itself, more reminiscent of an alien rocket.

What makes the structure fantastic is the sculptures of babies crawling on it, clearly not like earthly children (the author of the work is the famous Czech artist David Černý). Dinner here can be a great idea for a date or a friendly meeting. In any case, it will remain in the memory for a long time. Note that in the tower there is a hotel consisting of only one room, the cost of one night in which is 1000 euros.

Address: Tower Park Praha, Mahlerovy sady 1, Praha 3


This is our list of the most unusual restaurants in Prague. Which ones do you know?

A large number of restaurants, cafes and pubs in Prague can satisfy all tourists. At the same time, prices here are much lower than in other capital cities of Europe. Lunch for two people will cost on average from 15 to 50 euros, the differences in cost are due to the location of such a restaurant. The closer it is to the central square of the city (Old Town Square), the higher the price of the dishes will be.

Read in this article

  • You can have an inexpensive lunch on weekdays if the restaurant has a sign “denní nabídka”. A three-course business lunch will cost up to 150 CZK.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the volume of the dish served. Portions in the Czech Republic are quite large. Take, for example, “Boar’s Knee,” which weighs 1.5 kg!
  • By the cost of beer you can judge the price segment of the entire restaurant. If the price of one glass is 35-40 CZK, then such an establishment will not be a budget option.
  • The menu, compiled in Russian, also indicates considerable upcoming costs. This move is designed exclusively for tourists who are able to overpay for their lunch.

List of the best and yet inexpensive restaurants

There are a large number of establishments that serve delicious food. But if you single out restaurants that have an ideal ratio of price, quality and comfort, then you should pay attention to the following:

"U Dvou Koček"

This Czech restaurant is located at Uhelný trh, 10, not far from Wenceslas Square. Here for 250 CZK you can order traditional Czech cold cuts, consisting of smoked pork, roast duck, vegetables and tender veal. This dish is called “Česká bašta” and one serving is enough for 3-4 people. The famous "Boar's Knee", which weighs from 1 to 1.5 kg, has the same cost.

“At Two Cats” is famous for its beer, which has been brewed here since the end of the 17th century, as well as for its variety of cuisine and hospitality. The premises have several rooms: a bar, a beer hall, a restaurant and a “cat room”. Here, the entire interior contains elements of these animals, even some dishes and beer are reminiscent of cats.

  • White cat;
  • Tabby cat;
  • Black cat;
  • Pilsner;
  • Master of the semi-dark.

Moreover, the first three varieties are brewed at our own brewery. For a glass of this drink you will have to pay about 80 CZK (for 0.5 l).

"U Bansethů"

This inexpensive restaurant is located on Táborská street, 389/49. It is famous for its beer, which in 2010 was awarded the title “Best Beer in the Capital”. He was also mentioned by Jaroslav Hasek (writer and journalist) in his famous book “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk”, so one table is always reserved just for him.

The establishment consists of several halls, both for smoking and non-smoking visitors. Their furnishings are somewhat different in design, but the main thing is that they evoke warmth and comfort. Starting at lunchtime, “Reserved” signs appear on the tables, indicating the great popularity of this restaurant. The restaurant itself has a summer terrace that invites everyone to relax.

From the menu you can order delicious goulash, which will cost you only 90 CZK, or a traditional Czech dish: dumplings with cracklings. Its cost is slightly lower - 80 CZK. “Goulash from Doushi” will not leave anyone indifferent - a dish that is prepared exclusively according to the author’s recipe. The menu itself is printed daily to show waiters which items are currently available.

The establishment's opening hours start from 11 a.m. to midnight.

"V Cipu"

There are two such restaurants, one is located near the Mustek metro station on the street of the same name, and the second is located on Michalska Street. Here you can have a delicious and cheap lunch/dinner in Prague and at the same time enjoy all the delights of local cuisine. The menu itself cannot boast of a wide range, but traditional Czech dishes, as well as appetizers and salads, are prepared here very tasty and at an affordable price. For example, a 0.5 kg portion of pork ribs will cost up to 100 CZK.

Spacious rooms allow even large groups to relax here, celebrating birthdays and corporate events. As for the design, classics prevail here, which provides a comfortable and cozy environment for visitors of any age.


The restaurant is located at: st. Šafaříkova, 785/1. Few tourists come here, so it is an ideal location for those who want to experience the local atmosphere of Prague and its people. The outdoor summer terrace allows you to enjoy the excellent views of the city.

For 150-160 CZK you can order “Buffalo Wings” here, as well as other meat and fish dishes of local cuisine. The restaurant opens from 11:30 until midnight.


There are two such restaurants in Prague: one on the street. Karmelitska, 18, second – st. Opletalova. The establishment is not always calm and cozy, since there are often live broadcasts of football matches. Fans of this sport can have a pleasant time in the company of Czech fans, large TV screens, intoxicating beer and delicious food.

The prices here are quite reasonable. For a good portion of beef goulash and a side dish you need to pay no more than 130 CZK, a salad (300 g) costs 80 CZK. A “boar's knee” weighing 1.9 kg will cost 335 crowns. A glass of brewed beer will cost up to 35 CZK. Its most popular varieties are:

  • "Pomegranate". It is recommended to combine it with pickled hermelin.
  • "7 bullets";
  • "Ferdinand" and others.

In general, popular inexpensive restaurants in Prague can boast not only of their affordable pricing policy, but also of a cozy atmosphere, delicious cuisine, attentive staff and other advantages. They are happy to host tourists from anywhere in the world and give an unforgettable experience of local dishes and drinks!

In the center of Prague, in an old house, there is a restaurant “At Two Cats”, which has become a symbol of good cuisine and quality beer. There is “Dark Cat” and “Light Cat” - beer brewed in its own brewery.

Restaurant-brewery “At Two Cats”, photo

The restaurant-brewery “At Two Cats” (Restaurace a pivovar U Dvou koček) is located in the heart of Prague - on Uhelný trh Square (). The establishment operates in a historical building from the 13th century. Previously, this house was the famous tavern U Dvou kocek (popularly called “At the Handles”). The creepy Prague legend about the thief Istvan and his severed hands was associated with two ominous black cats that once lived on the Coal Market Square.

The restaurant opened in 1678. Two bright cats on the facade appeared only in the last century, after reconstruction. Cat figurines are often found in the interiors of the establishment.

Restaurant interior

The building was restored in 1941. The work was led by architect František Krasny. Old fragments of the façade have been carefully preserved, and medieval architectural details are incorporated into the interiors of an authentic Gothic “crypt.” Inside the restaurant there is a vaulted ceiling and wrought-iron chandeliers, wooden furniture, prints and frescoes on the walls, compact tables covered with green tablecloths.

The establishment has 180 seats; there is a main hall of the restaurant, a “Cat Salon”, a bar and a beer hall. Local residents most often do not enter the halls. Prague residents come here for a short while to drink a glass or two of beer at the bar.

Beer and cuisine

Own brewery, photo

They serve light, dark, and semi-dark beer of their own making: the drink ferments in copper 200-liter open tanks. All types of beer are called “cats”: light - White Cat (Světlá Kočka), dark - Black Cat (Tmavá Kočka), semi-dark - Striped Cat (Polotmavá Kočka). Guests are also offered other Czech brands: Plzeňský Prazdroj, Pshenichnoe, Master. In addition to beer, there is a signature cherry liqueur.

Local beer, photo

The menu in the restaurant is extensive: they mainly serve Czech cuisine, although there are also other dishes. Every day guests are offered a “daily menu” (Denni nabidka) at a special price. The portions are served large. The assortment includes rich soups, many meat dishes and snacks, poultry and fish, complex grilled platters, vegetable salads, and all kinds of side dishes from potatoes and vegetables. They prepare classic vepřové pečené koleno, wild boar goulash, Old Prague sausage, and fried cheese. Vegetarian dishes are also served; For dessert you can take honey cake or strudel. The U Dvou kocek menu is written in four languages, including Russian. The waiters understand Russian-speaking guests.

In the evenings the accordion plays: old Russian melodies and Czech folklore sound, the musicians create the atmosphere of a traditional Prague restaurant. Fees for live music are included in the bill.

Hello, dear readers!

Returned from the Czech Republic. One of the places to visit was the restaurant “U dvou kocek”, in Russian “at two cats”. I don't know which cats are meant.

This place was found in reviews on the Internet under the caption “the most delicious boar’s knee here.” Basically, that's why we came.

The interior decoration is reminiscent of a tavern from medieval films with knights. Wooden tables, benches. A middle-aged waitress immediately approached us. gave me a menu. In Russian or not, I don’t remember) but probably yes. We ordered beer and boar's knee. The waitress understood Russian, there were no problems with that. She tried to persuade us to take cabbage, but we refused because we didn’t know what size this knee was, aka pork knuckle. It's just that in Czech a pig is a boar.

actually, it looks like this

Like hot for two. plus horseradish and something incomprehensible)))

we also took two dark beers

and then more boiled potatoes.

But when they gave us the bill, we fell into a stupor. we took: a boar's knee, two beers and potatoes. This is 4 positions. A boar's knee cost 240 Czech crowns. We didn’t have time to see how much the beer was, the menu was quickly taken away. But two identical beers should cost the same, in my opinion it’s logical... there were 6 or 7 numbers on the bill, and all the numbers were written in the waitress’s hand, not a receipt)

the count included 240,70,76,10 and other numbers... we frankly didn’t understand. Later, when we arrived at the hotel and connected to Wi-Fi, we learned that if they put bread on you and you haven’t touched it, you still pay for it, you have to tell them right away to have it removed. And, if the establishment has live music, pay for it too. In this place there was a man about 50-60 years old with a button accordion and playing some painfully familiar melodies. One company of 4 people sitting nearby sang and sang...

But despite all these disadvantages, I really liked this place! This place actually has almost the best tasting beer. The dark wine is soft, easy to drink, and one of the two (and we tried about 10 varieties) that makes you tipsy) and doesn’t give you a headache afterwards. Boar kolevo is a tasty thing. Fatty, but this is the Prague diet. We ate a lot of places, went even more, so in a week in Prague I only gained 1 kilogram