Sayan Church. Hiking to the worship cross in the Sayan Mountains

Building material for the fortresses and temples of white-stone Moscow was mined here. In Soviet times, stone was transported from here to strengthen runways; during the war, a hospital was located here, and after that a seismic station. In 1974, the entrances to Syany were filled up (according to the official version, a child disappeared there). By this time, the system of underground passages exceeded 90 km.

The re-exploration of the caves began in 1988, when a group of Moscow students, at their own risk, excavated one of the entrances - the “Cat's Lair”. By this time, the abandoned cave had been reduced to 19 km, but still remained the largest underground system in the Moscow region. Now the Syans are well-trodden grottoes and manholes equipped for various purposes. It has its own Orthodox church with painted walls, a concert venue and something like a hostel - rooms with chairs and sleeping places.

Regular visitors to Syan call themselves “systemists,” following the example of the once powerful Soviet hippie movement. The cave has its own subculture with traditions, rules, myths and rituals. Every second Sunday in September, system specialists celebrate the opening of a new season. Newcomers are brought to an audience with the guardian of the caves - Aristarchus, who is an old overall with a human skull attached to it. It is customary to appease the Guardian with gifts in order to enlist his help in his underground wanderings. As a dedication, the “young Syanovites” are offered to squeeze through the narrowest holes (Pike and Pocket). So it’s better not to overeat before the descent, so as not to find yourself in the position of Winnie the Pooh, who went to visit and found himself in a hopeless situation.

The cave maintains a constant temperature of +10 degrees, so when going there, dress warmly and casually. Before you decide to visit Syany, be sure to find a good guide. Fortunately, finding it is not a problem now; there are many options for excursions on various websites and VKontakte. It is important that your guide not only navigates the dungeons, but also be a good storyteller, because the “system specialists” have many interesting legends. The most popular of them are about the White Speleologist and the mysterious Two-Face, who sometimes rescues good people from trouble, and sometimes lures them into traps.

Visiting Syany is an interesting adventure. It’s easy to breathe here, despite the high humidity, but be prepared for the fact that there may be many people of completely different groups in the caves. You should also follow safety precautions when visiting quarries: do not remove stones from the rubble and vault. Be sure to take two flashlights (main and spare) with you on your hike, as well as food and water just in case. And before you go, tell your loved ones where you are going.

You can get to the Syana caves from the Domodedovskaya metro station by taking any bus going to the village of Leninskie Gorki.

The volcano got its name from the famous revolutionary P.A. Kropotkin.

The hill has a height of almost 2000 meters. From the outside it looks like a small but wide crater consisting of various rocks. The most common rocks are basalt and andesite. In addition, the layers of the hill contain volcanic dust, ash and slag.

At the top of the volcano there is a huge crater. Its diameter is approximately 200 meters. The depression is filled with greenish-blue water. This shade is the result of a large accumulation of various chemical elements.

Once upon a time, the Kropotkin volcano erupted. The last explosion occurred more than 10 thousand years ago. Due to the fact that it has been “silent” for a long time, its slopes have been filled with vegetation. There are stone birch and dwarf alder trees.

Oka plateau

The Okinskoye Plateau is located at an altitude of approximately 1500 meters above sea level. The main role of this territory is the drainage basin of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Many mountain reservoirs originate from here. Such as Irkut, Oka, Dibi, Kitoy. The perimeter of the plateau is surrounded by mountain ranges, smoothly turning into chains. Because of them, it’s not so easy to get to Okinskoye.

Previously, the territory of the Sayan Mountains was occupied by the ancient Buryat tribes. They knew these lands like the back of their hand. And the Buryats paved a path to Okinskoye, winding among the mountains and hills. By the way, it still exists, but not many people know about it. Today, another entrance to Okinskoye has been opened, which appeared in the modern period. The road winds among the hills, passes along narrow, broken roads, and runs across huge wooden bridges. But the tourists passing along it do not regret the journey they have taken, because the spectacle at the finish line is worth it.

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Volcano Peretolchina

The hill is named after the researcher S.P. Peretolchin, who died near the volcano under mysterious circumstances. No one has yet been able to establish the cause of his death.

The hill is a huge cone-shaped mound consisting of various rocks. Mostly andesites and basalts are found. Mixed with the rock are slags, volcanic dust and ash.

At the top of the hill there is a huge crater 30 meters deep with a diameter of approximately 140 meters. The bottom of the depression is occupied by a small cold lake. Its parameters are very small, about 10 meters wide. But it is completely filled with various organisms from rare species of bacteria to fry and crustaceans.

As for the slopes, they are completely overgrown with vegetation. There is not only grass and bushes, but also quite tall trees. Pines, spruce and fir trees growing at an angle of 30 degrees look very original. Moreover, they have taken root well not only on the outer slopes of the volcano, but also on the inner ones.

Karlygan (Western Sayan) is a mountain range located in Russia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Western Sayan. Its absolute height is 2,000–2,900 meters above sea level, the highest point is 2,834 meters (Mount Anyytaiga), and its length is approximately 55 kilometers.

In the southern part the ridge is composed of granites, in the northern part - metamorphic schists. In the south, the relief of Karlygan has alpine shapes with rocky peaks. The slopes are covered with cedar and spruce-fir forests; if you rise above 1,800-2,000 meters, you can see mountain tundra and stone placers.

Karlygan is the watershed of the Maly and Bolshoi Abakan rivers.

The most popular attractions in the Sayan Mountains with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Sayan on our website.

The Sayans are one of the places of Power where age-old secrets and ancient knowledge are kept. Here the rocks are marked with sacred signs of the highest knowledge of the most ancient cultures of mankind and the ascent of the spirit. The greatness and silent power of the Sayan taiga carries the traveler into endless space. The Sayan Mountains are a natural and biosphere reserve of human civilization. They need to be protected, cherished and protected. The Sayans keep a lot of secrets and legends.

There are ancient monasteries here where Tibetan and Tuvan lamas meditated and lived! They prayed for peace and prosperity throughout the world! The Sayans are a majestic and divine temple of the Almighty, created by Mother Nature. Here earth and sky, yin and yang, feminine and masculine principles meet. Here the prayers of great adepts rush upward and unite with Shambhala! The bioenergy of the Sayans is 10 times stronger than in other places, so people who live here and lead a healthy lifestyle live long and do not get sick.

The Ergaki mountain range in Western Sayan is an amazing small country. In the local dialect, “Ergaki” are fingers sticking out of the ground. The area of ​​the array is more than 100 square meters. kilometers, and the shapes of the rocks are completely unusual for granite rocks. Everything here seems to breathe legend - according to legend, it was from here that the Aryan tribes of Hyperboreans came, who brought Vedic knowledge to India. Mountains seem to attract people: many say that in the mountains they reveal their true nature, their abilities, many see interesting dreams about the past and future of great civilizations. This place is like a door to another reality, like a journey into a fairy tale, where dreams come true and a person finds himself in harmony with nature. Such a journey is not for a sleeping mind. It is also for those who believe that nature has not yet fully revealed its secrets, and that there is a lot of mysterious and unexplored things.

Everything is unusual here: many bizarre rock formations are concentrated in a small area, while geologists claim that they are not related to geological processes. Legend says that above the Asian continent there used to be a huge sea - the “Inland Sea”; only the Himalayas, the famous Tibet and the Sayan ranges stretched over the ocean.

Over time, the sea left, the topography of the land changed, but this territory was considered sacred for a long time: shamans and monks came here. Today people come here for knowledge, for the energy of nature, in order to throw off the burden of civilization and touch the unknown. This land still holds the secrets of previous civilizations, traces of which are found in dams that have grown into the ground, huge dilapidated totem animals, regular truncated pyramids and parabolas, possibly used for astrological purposes.

Excerpts from legends about the Sayan civilization.(partially supplemented by information transmitted through contactees).

A long time ago, from 6 to 50 thousand years or more, a civilized world existed on our planet. Ships plied the oceans, vehicles flew through the air, people lived in cities, on the surface of the earth and underground. The Atlanteans lived in Atlantis, the Aryans lived in Hyperborea - where the Arctic Ocean is now, the Incas lived in South America, and the Sayans lived in the Sayan Mountains. That time was turbulent: our planet was shaking, the continents were changing shape, asteroids were often bombed, and the planet Nibiru flew past once every 3600 years. The earth's axis kept changing its position. The poles changed - from north to south, from south to east, from east to west and vice versa. In those days, the change of poles drove people from place to place, and since it, i.e. there was little space, those living on the spot fiercely fought off those who wanted to move to the same place. But since those who wanted to move to a new place were backed up by the water flooding their territory, pieces of lava and ash flew from the volcanoes at their backs, and fire fried those lagging behind, the settlers had nowhere to go except to go where they were not expected.

So, at some time, the prosperous existence of the ancient continent called Hyperborea began to come to an end. Around the same time, the same thing awaited the continent or archipelago called Atlantis. Hyperborea slowly went under water, the Aryans went to the European and Asian continents, and only the island of Poseidonis remained from Atlantis. Quite large, where the center of the Empire was located, and its colonies were located on most of the planet, including in the Sayan Mountains, in the center of the Asian continent.

And you also need to know that, unlike Atlantis and Hyperborea, which were plagued by cataclysms, the Sayan Mountains were the most stable block of the earth’s crust at that time, and they still are. In general, it was much safer to live here. The Sayan colony of Atlanteans controlled the entire Asian continent.

There was no love between peoples at that time. The entire population of the planet mainly belonged to the fourth race, and subraces were distinguished within it. So, the so-called the Atlanteans, and especially the Sayans, belonged to the sixth subrace, and the Aryans either to the seventh subrace of the fourth race, or to the first or second subrace of the fifth race. But this does not matter, the main thing is that they differed from each other in appearance, as well as for ideological reasons. The essence of their disagreement is as follows. Our Creator created a perfect man, in his own image and likeness, and endowed him with the abilities that he himself possessed, as well as the freedom to choose his own path in life. One lives according to the laws of Space and Love, the other lives according to the laws of... well, let’s say “anti-love”, for simplicity. I think you will understand, dear ones, what is good and what is bad in this case. The Aryans adhered to the first path, and the Atlanteans and Sayans deliberately chose the second. The Aryans possessed superhuman (for our time) abilities based on pure thoughts, and the sixth subrace - on the basis of magic and witchcraft. Imagine when people of the sixth race began to master the methods of black magic in the struggle for power and wealth, when these powerful methods were used by greed, hatred, and greed! And in another country, Hyperborea, they lived according to the laws of love, compassion, respect, equality, wishing each other happiness. These were the main ideological differences underlying the cold and hot wars between them.

While Hyperborea, with the Aryans living on it, lived its own life, separated from other continents by oceans, the balance of power and relationships between it and the Evil Empire (Atlantis) was more or less respected. But when the cataclysm forced the Aryans to move to enemy-controlled northern territories, now Europe and Asia, that’s where it began - with the use of all types of nuclear, radiation, psychic, tectonic, meteorological (climatic) weapons. But Mother Earth is alive, imagine yourself in her place. So she shakes them off periodically with cataclysms, not really understanding who is right and who is wrong.

In the end, in a stubborn struggle, having lost their continent, the Aryans occupied, pushing the Atlanto-Sayans slightly to the south, the territory from Baikal to the Rhine, making their main capital a city in the area of ​​the village. Okunevo, in the Omsk region (I’ll tell you about it later, as a place of the Power of Siberia). It was there that their powerful weapon was kept - a magic crystal made of pure quartz of enormous size, which could transmit energy of incredible power over vast distances - either across the planet or into space. This energy was possessed only by a select few, the so-called. dedicated priests. To maintain the balance of power, a crystal of exactly the same size, with the same abilities, was located on the island of Poseidonis in Atlantis, in the capital of the main enemy. Smaller magical “crystals” were also in service in the Atlantean colonies, the same Sayans, but you understand, the caliber is not the same and the strength is not the same.

Well, the Atlanteans, Aryans, and Sayans would have lived peacefully, but the representatives of the sixth subrace of the fourth race had no love for the Aryans. And they decided to have a monopoly on the world. So the idea of ​​a worldwide “socialist” revolution did not suddenly appear on its own; it had long lived in the consciousness and subconscious of some. And what’s interesting is that the methods remained the same - to scare each other with a superbomb, or even destroy each other.

So, one fine day or night, the priests of Atlantis (“dark-faced”, according to the chronicles) activated a magic crystal and directed a super-laser beam directly at the capital of the “light-faced” Aryans. But they, in turn, having learned in advance about the malice of the Atlanteans, managed not only to put a protective screen in the path of that beam, but also, precisely at the same moment, activated their magic crystal and directed the beam towards the enemy beam. And Mother Earth got so tired of it that she killed both of them. What Plato told us about in one story, and Mikhail Rechkin in another.

It must be said that not all was well in the Evil Empire, some of the Atlanteans categorically disagreed with the ideology of the majority, and since they professed Love and purity of thoughts, they were given a forecast from the Almighty for the development of events. Therefore, in advance they, the “light-faced” among the “dark-faced,” built the Egyptian pyramids (20 thousand years ago), an underground city of 12 floors (the entrance is under the left paw of the Sphinx), and before the very last cataclysm, which was followed by the disappearance of Fr. Poseidonis, they fled, taking with them every single aircraft. Thus, that part of the planet was cleared of darkness and ignorance.

At the same time, the Aryans from the territory of present-day Siberia moved south, because the north has once again become cold and wet due to the pole shift, as evidenced by mammoths, geological signs, archaeological finds and much more. The epic of the Aryans' advance to the south, through Central and Central Asia, is described in the epic "Mahabharata". Anyone who reads this work in the Soviet edition, translated from Sanskrit into English, and then into Russian, may not agree with me. There are no vimana aircraft, no lasers, no atomic bombs, no warhead carriers... There, half-naked people with bows and arrows and clubs fought almost hand-to-hand. And if suddenly one comrade rose in a chariot into the sky and with one blow destroyed many thousands of opponents with a “big arrow”, from a “big bow” and even with a “fiery arrow” (and on the ground with a “big club”), then this is an epic, this it’s a myth... Well, how can the orthodox Scientific Council in Soviet times agree with the translation of a work that features types of weapons that even we don’t have in service!

But let’s not get distracted, because we are talking about Ergaki!So, at that time, in an area of ​​​​approximately 2000x500 kilometers in the mountains of the Sayan-Altai region, people lived in underground cities, villages and farmsteads - representatives of the sixth subrace of the fourth race, the main ideological components of which were witchcraft and magic with the goal... yes, the same as here in Russia, for example. E.P. also called them “demons of the depths.” Blavatsky in her work "The Secret Doctrine". They were evil. That world was “civilized”, they owned technology that we only imagine, and even if we see it, we still can’t believe it. Society was differentiated, the poor lived in forests and steppes in the lowlands, while the highest caste lived in the mountains. They built cities with 5-10 or more floors; for their construction they chose granite massifs, as the most stable magmatic bodies in geological structures. Those in power used air transport and flew in vimanas. They were mostly disc-shaped, but they could also look like an airplane. They flew underground into huge holes in the mountains, hundreds of meters in diameter. Water was supplied from artificial reservoirs that were built at the top; food was provided by the valley subjects.

The Sayans worshiped totems in the idea of ​​animals made directly from rocks. The technique for this is described in one of the books by E. Muldashev, as well as by L. Rampa. The capital of the Sayan state was in the city of “Ergaki”: it was here that their highest clergy was located, from here, from the center of the Asian continent, their subordinate territories were governed. It was from here that military operations were controlled.

Almost immediately after the destruction of Poseidonis, the Aryans launched powerful air strikes on the cities of Ergak, Sabylkias, Tegir, Mun and other populated areas. Do you want to give these cities different names? Yes please…

At that time, the Saiyans did not have high-frequency generators capable of creating illusions, in other words, masking entrances (“entries”) into dungeons, so they were known to the enemy. This is where the controlled warheads flew in 6-12 thousand years ago, causing collapses and burying most of the evil magicians and sorcerers in the dungeons. Perhaps the explosions were nuclear, they were very powerful. So, the surviving Sayan people were given life below, in the steppes of Khakassia, Tuva, Mongolia, some went north and were divided into Evenks, Dolgans, Nenets, Chukchi, Yakuts, Hittites, and those who moved to America became the Eskimos. In the east these are the Buryats and Evens, in the south – the Mongols and Tuvans. (Note: the Chinese and Japanese appeared later.) They were deprived of their former glory and power, left to survive, as a result of which their traditional way of life was formed. Former surviving priests passed on their knowledge from generation to generation, and that former ideology of the Sayan state is called shamanism today. But where are the Aryans themselves? Those who went south? Those who won? The surprising thing is that none of the esotericists in the world have ever even suggested that they themselves became extinct or died. There is a point of view that all light-faced people - both Europeans and Slavs, as well as residents of Tibet and India - are descendants of Asians, but no one said that they are the result of the degeneration of those representatives of Hyperborea who won the world war. For some reason, none of the vimanas that participated in those wars have been found. Well, so, my dear readers: the Hyperborean-Aryans did not die and did not disappear along with their achievements of science and technology. On the contrary, over the past 6-12 thousand years they have gone even further, living here on Earth, creating their own parallel world, invisible to our eyes. They live mainly in underground city-countries, one of them is called Shambhala. The cities are connected by tunnels crossing vast spaces. They simply occupied a number of cities, but they also built quite a few new ones. From time to time they are forced to come out to us, to representatives of the fifth race, to teach reason, or rather, to try to reason. Often they have to directly interfere in our affairs, including political ones.

The peculiarity of this ridge is, first of all, the numerous lakes, intricately located on the slopes of the mountains: Raduzhnoe, Mountain Spirits, Fairy Tale, Ice, Svetloe, Lazurnoe, Khudozhnikov, Tsvetnoe lakes. Despite the close distance between them, all lakes differ in shape, color, and “emotional mood.”

Rock "Sleeping Sayan". Even on the approaches to the Ergaki mountain range, you can see a huge statue of a lying man - interestingly, the face of the Sleeping Sayan seems to be alive - it seems that this is not just a rock formation and a successful combination of blocks, reminiscent of a person. From all angles, from any point near and far, even from the other side of the pass, the face of the Sleeping Sayan remains a face - forehead, humped nose, like an Indian, chin, lips, straight hair. Why is Sayan sleeping? And what will happen when he wakes up? There are many legends about this. According to one of them, he protects the ancient city and the knowledge stored in it from the hands of the uninitiated; according to another legend, he is a fallen prince, a descendant of giants from the past. But why don’t we call the “Sleeping Sayan” a sphinx?! The huge head on the surface of Mars is called the “Martian Sphinx”, and its face is turned to the sky. The “Sleeping Sayan” has exactly the same position and even dimensions. Maybe they are looking at each other?

“Menagerie” An amazing phenomenon can be found on Ergaki - this is a huge stone zoo, just look at the variety of shapes and names: Dinosaur Mountain, Rhinoceros Peak, Bird Peak, Camel Peak, Horse Peak, Whale Rock, Turtle. The “menagerie” on Ergaki goes against traditional ideas about rocks and mountain peaks. As a rule, the principle of energy saving is implemented in nature - the shape of a piece of rock is formed as a result of weathering, shapes tend to be round as the most energy-saving. Here we see complete absurdity and a clear contradiction of natural principles - fantastic wings, tails, ears. It seems as if someone gave these rocks this shape. Indeed, ancient civilizations often worshiped animals, choosing them as totemic signs. Ergakov’s stone sculptures of animals make one think about such a relationship; such animals seem too bizarre and “characteristic.”

A special attraction in Ergaki is the “Whale” rock. The figure is located at the top of the array. A cone-shaped pedestal is clearly visible, like the lower part of a stone sculpture, on which the second part rests as a separate block. The body is curved like a cat's, ending with a tail. The forehead, brow ridge, cheekbones, nose, and chin are visible. Here is the second giant Sphinx. This rock is also surprising in that under a thin shell, a granite shell, only one to several meters thick, there are metamorphosed shales. That is, the inside of the figure does not consist of granite. This is a unique phenomenon in nature and how can it be explained? Scientists find it difficult to explain this natural phenomenon.

Much in the Sayan Mountains seems to have been made either by human hands or at the behest of the mind: in particular, among the mountains there are unusual smooth platforms made of slabs fitted to each other. The tops of some mountains turned out to be neatly cut off by unknown forces: the resulting areas were flat, as if intended for UFO landings.

Another “natural” wonder of the massif is a huge hanging stone. On a rock, a huge block weighing 500-600 tons stands on a thin edge on a sloping plane, and it seems that if you touch it with your finger, it will fall down and fall into the abyss. It is known that in the 70s the block swayed, driven by the force of the hand. They tried to throw off the stone, but it didn’t work, they just jammed its movement with small stones so that the block no longer sways, but still does not fall. There are a huge number of such swinging, hanging, and also standing monoliths on a thin leg. Who set them at such a point of balance that they seem to barely touch the ground? It is assumed that in ancient times such “moving stones” were used for fortune telling and magical rituals. It is curious that such blocks can be set in motion by the slightest touch of a finger, however, they would not yield to the efforts of twenty people if they tried to move them.

No less interesting structures were discovered by Krasnoyarsk scientists, one of them is the remains of an ancient dam 760 meters long, up to 40 meters high (according to calculations, the original height of the structure is about 50 meters), built according to all the laws of hydraulic engineering. The dam blocks the valley at its narrowest point; at the inflection point of the dam there is a stream bed. The dam is made of rocks uncharacteristic for the area. The layer of soil and vegetation on the dam indicates its age - approximately 10,000 years, which by the standards of modern civilization seems simply incredible. According to calculations, this reservoir could provide water to a city of 200,000 people per year at the current urban consumption rate.

The rock called “Parabola” is so unusual in shape that experts cannot explain its formation by ordinary rock weathering processes or tectonic ones. If you imagine, it resembles a dilapidated huge “donut hole” leading into the bowels of the earth. And the granites at the bend are so polished that associations arise with molten and subsequently solidified lava. But we know that this does not happen in nature; granites are not volcanic rocks.

(Based on materials from the White City website)

On August 25, a group of pilgrims of 40 people made the traditional ascent to the top of Mount Khulugaisha, where 12 years ago the children and adults of the Rodnichki Orthodox camp brought and installed a worship cross. The pilgrimage group was headed by Bishop Maximilian, the founder of Rodnichki, who now heads the Fraternal Diocese, and Hieromonk Konstantin (Manuilov), the head of the Rodnichkov camp. One of the participants in the climb shares her impressions of the hike.

If you are tired on this difficult journey,

If you realized that you lived wrong -

Don’t be sad, don’t worry, but say quietly:

Thank God for everything, thank God for everything -

For coolness and shade and for a sunny day

And for His mercy - glory to God for everything!

You know how usually every event has its own phrase, a couple of lines or a whole song? So these words, familiar to all Rodnichkovites, are the personification of the entire ascent to Mount Khulugaisha.

Every year, according to a favorite tradition, completely different people meet in one place with a precious plan - to test their strength and endurance, patience and desire, faith and love. No one can guess what awaits the coming day - the weather, the company, the atmosphere, the incidents - suddenly combine into something whole - which will never happen again.

Each completed stage of a difficult path pushes you to search for life analogies of situations in real life.

It is impossible to convey the inner state of the entire human “I” from the very first five-minute climb up the hill. He so sharply breaks something inside, sowing doubts in the heart and asking the question: “maybe this isn’t worth such effort?”

We need each other so much, passing on the bricks for the construction of the house of Eternity.

As if we hadn’t cooked such a simple stew at a rest stop, carrying everything we needed alone in a backpack ourselves. And so, little by little, we make our neighbor’s world a better place.

After all, without love nothing is needed.

Why do we need each other without warmth?

Why do we need nature without taking care of it?

Why do we need God if not for love?

And now you are already taking the next step, from under which the ground crumbles, continuing the difficult path. And then again the soaked boot is filled with water from a mountain stream. And after the tenth or twentieth turn of the trail, you inevitably stop, and your heart is pounding, as if it’s about to tear your ribs to pieces.

The chest is like a mechanism, the heart is like a bird in a vice, and you realize that small moment, lost among the rest of the trials of the last days of Christ’s life. The path to Golgotha.

It’s scary to imagine how His exhausted Body begged for instant death, how the wounded Soul asked to get away from here. But He walked, languishing from inner tears for humanity. And we, well-fed, shod and dressed for the weather, can only slightly touch the sacrifice that God showed us.

Winding among the monotonous thread of endless beige-sand-stone slopes, you humbly wait for the long-awaited valley and that lonely, crumbling hut that has already become home after so many years.

Here are the very last pushes to the cherished point of the Earth. You would know how the shaky surface of the stone makes you tremble to your fingertips, and somewhere in your stomach a tight knot is tied when you realize that you have reached it.

And when the forehead humbly touches the faded cross, a happy tear glistens in the corners of the eyes. Thank God for everything. Because, looking down, you feel dizzy with the thought that everything is possible if it’s meant to be. God gives everything within his power - both happiness and sorrow. With Him we can endure everything in our little temple.

This hike is not just a hike, not just a sports test of abilities and internal resources. It's something more. It gives a breath of fresh air for further achievement of virtues and spiritual growth. And that is why this annual event is so important for everyone involved.

Suddenly that moment came - you felt in your heart:

What a wonderful world the Lord has created for us.

Hold this bright moment in your heart,

Stand facing the east and say in delight:

Thank God for everything, thank God for everything -

For coolness and shade and for a sunny day,

And for crying and for laughter, and for everything and for everyone,

And for His mercy - glory to God for everything!

Maria Erukhina

The Syana caves are located approximately 40 kilometers from Moscow near the village of Starosyanovo and are considered one of the largest underground systems in Russia - the largest in the Moscow region and the 5th largest in the country. Most often, the appearance of caves dates back to the 18th century, around then the extraction of white stone began here for the construction of “White Stone Moscow” - fortresses, temples and chapels.

The development of caves continued until the twentieth century. and completely ceased by 1917. In the 1960s, the caves became a popular place among spelestologists, but in 1974, the authorities filled up all the entrances to the system. However, in 1988, one of the entrances was opened again.

As a tourist site the caves became accessible thanks to their “inhabitants” - spelestologists and diggers. It was they who repaired and cleared most of Syana's entrances and premises.

Over the years of cave exploration, it has developed its own internal life. Some enthusiasts spend many days and even weeks underground due to high humidity - mainly in winter. In the grottoes you can find tables and chairs, places for bedrooms, and various containers for collecting water. Sometimes discos and rock concerts are held in Syany.

There are detailed maps of moves and the sights of Syan, many tunnels and rooms are given very poetic names - “The Three Little Pigs”, “Pike Eye”, you can often find “indecent” names. Basically they correspond to signs and drawings, objects and inscriptions on the walls of caves.

Main attractions: Gromov's Grotto, "Aristarchus", "Smoking Room", "The Master and Margarita", "Venus's Eye", "Pike", "Phantom", Winter Palace.

Aristarchus is a local “deity”, which is not a completely complete skeleton. He acceptedbring "gifts".

“Temple” decorated with icons and candles. There are sheets of prayers and church books. This grotto was once evenblessed by the priest.